Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5146 .A1 1620 The vvhole book of Psalmes: 2
BX5146.A1 1621 The whole boo[ke] of Psalmes collected into English [meet]er, by T. Sternhold, I. Hop[kins, and o]thers, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt notes to sing them withall. ; Newly set forth and allowed [to] be sung in all churches of all [the] people together, before and after [mor]ning and euening prayer: as also [be]fore and after sermons, and in p[riua]te houses, for their godly solace and comfort: laying apart all vngodly so[ngs] and ballads, which tend onely to the nourishment of vice, and corrupting of youth.
The whole booke of Psalmes with the hymnes euangelicall, and songs spirituall. Composed into 4. parts by sundry authors, with such seuerall tunes as haue beene, and are vsually sung in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, France, and the Nether-lands: neuer as yet before in one volumne published. Also: a briefe abstract of the prayse, efficacie, and vertue of the Psalmes ..
BX5146.A1 1622 The whole booke of Psalmes: 4
BX5146.A1 1623 The whole booke of Psalmes;
The whole booke of psalmes: collected into English metre, with apt notes to sing them withall.
BX5146.A1 1625 The whole booke of Psalmes.
The whole booke of psalmes;
The whole booke of psalmes:
BX5146 .A1 1626 The whole booke of psalmes; 1
BX5146.A1 1627 The whole booke of Psalmes: 1
BX5146 .A1 1628 The whole booke of psalmes: 1
BX5146.A1 1628 The whole booke of Psalmes 1
BX5146.A1 1629 The whole booke of Psalmes.
The whole booke of psalmes;
The whole booke of Psalmes, with the prose on the margin.
The whole booke of Psalmes:
BX5146 .A1 1630 The whole booke of psalmes 1
BX5146.A1 1631 The whole booke of Psalmes:
The whole booke of Psalmes.
The whole booke of Davids psalmes,
The whole booke of Dauids Psalmes, both in prose and meetre. With apt nots to sing them withall.
BX5146 .A1 1632 The whole book of Psalmes:
The whole booke of psalmes
The whole booke of Psalmes;
BX5146.A1 1632 The whole booke of Psalmes.
The whole booke of Psalmes
The whole booke of psalmes.
BX5146 .A1 1633 The whole book of Psalmes: 2
BX5146.A1 1633 The booke of Psalmes:
The whole booke of Psalmes.
BX5146 .A1 1634 The whole booke of psalmes 1
BX5146.A1 1634 The whole booke of psalmes. 1
BX5146.A1 1635 The whole booke of Psalmes:
The whole book of Psalmes.
BX5146 .A1 1636 The whole book of Psalmes. 2