Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5147 .P92 1573 Preces priuatæ in studiosorum gratiam collectæ, & regia authoritate approbatæ 1
BX5147 .S3 1686 A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester College and all other devout Christians. 1
BX5147.S3 (INTERNET) A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester College 1
BX5147.S3 K46 A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester Colledge 2
BX5147.S3 K46 1684 A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester College, and all other devout Christians
A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester Colledge and all other devout Christians
BX5147.S3 K46 1695 A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester College, and all other devout Christians to which is added three hymns for morning, evening, and midnight, not in the former editions / 2
BX5147.S3 K64 1674 A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester Colledge 2
BX5147.S3 S25 1600 Preces in vsum scholae Paulinae, ideo impressæ, vt accurate a singulis eiusdem scholæ pueris ediscantur, ne lingua no intellecta precentur : puerorum vnus præcinit, cui cæteri succinunt. 1
BX5147.S5 B3 Short instructions for the sick: Especially who by contagion, or otherwise, are deprived of the presence of a faithfull pastor. / 1
BX5147.S52 I83 A daily office for the sick compil'd out of the Holy Scripture and the liturgy of our church : with occasional prayers, meditations, and directions. 1
BX5147.T42 C48 1685 A form of prayer with thanksgiving to be used yearly upon the fifth day of November for the happy deliverance of the King, and the three estates of the realm, from the most traiterous and bloudy intended massacre by gun-powder. 2
BX5147.T42 C58 A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for having made His Highness the Prince of Orange the glorious instrument of the great deliverance of this kingdom from popery and arbitary power to be used in the city of London and ten miles distant thereof ..
A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God to be used throughout the cities of London ... for the preservation of His Majesty from the great ... dangers ... during his late expedition.
A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for His Majesties late victories over the rebels to be observed in all churches and chapels throughout the kingdom.
A form of prayer and thanksgiving for the safe delivery of the Queen and happy birth of the young Prince to be used ... in all churches and chappels.
A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for having made His Highness the Prince of Orange the glorious instrument of the great deliverance of this kingdom from popery and arbitary power to be used in the city of London and ten miles distant thereof.
A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for the prosperity of the Christian arms against the Turks and especialy for taking the city of Buda.
A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for His Majesties late victories over the rebels to be observed in all churches and chapels throughout the kingdom ..
A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God to be used throughout the cities of London ... for the preservation of His Majesty from the great ... dangers ... during his late expedition ..
A form of prayer and thanksgiving for the safe delivery of the Queen and happy birth of the young Prince to be used ... in all churches and chappels ..
A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for the prosperity of the Christian arms against the Turks and especialy for taking the city of Buda ..
BX5147 .T48 1689 A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for having made his Highness the Prince of Orange the glorious instrument of the great deliverance of this kingdom from popery and arbitary power. To be used in the city of London and ten miles distant thereof, on the 31 of January instant, and throughout the whole kingdom on the 14 of February next. 1
BX5147 .T52 1660 A form of prayer with thanksgiving, to be used of all the Kings Majesties loving subjects. The 28th of June, 1660. For His Majesties happy return to his kingdoms. ; Set forth by authority. 1
BX5147 .T52 1662 A form of prayer with thanksgiving to be used, of all the Kings Majesties loving subjects, the 29th of May yearly for His Majesties happy return to his kingdoms : it also being the day of his birth. 2
BX5147 .W3 A form of prayer to be used next after the prayer in the time of war and tumults throughout the kingdom of England, dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed, in all churches and chapels at morning and evening prayer, as often as there is divine service during the time of Their Majesties fleets being at sea.
A form of common prayer, vvith thanksgiving, for the late victory by His Majesties naval forces: appointed to be used in and about London, on Tuesday the 14th of August; and through all England, on Thursday the 23d of August. ; Set forth by His Majesties authority.
BX5147 .W3 1589 A forme of prayer, thought fitte to be dayly vsed in the English Armie in France. 1
BX5147.W3 C47 Certaine praiers to be vsed at this present time for the good successe of the French king against the enemies of Gods true religion and his state 1
BX5147.W3 C497 1700x A prayer to be used every day next after the Prayer in time of war and tumults. 1
BX5147.W3 C58 A prayer to bee publiquely vsed at the going foorth of the fleete this present yeere, 1628
Certaine prayers set foorth by authoritie to be vsed for the prosperous successe of Her Maiesties forces and nauy
Prayers to be used in all cathedral, collegiate and parochial churches, and chapels within this kingdom during this time of publick apprehensions from the danger of invasion and to be added to the daily office both morning and evening immediately after the prayers for the King and for the royal family.
Prayers to be used in all cathedral, collegiate and parochial churches, and chapels within this kingdom during this time of publick apprehensions from the danger of invasion and to be added to the daily office both morning and evening immediately after the prayers for the king and for the royal family.