Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5150 .M36 2000 Managing the church? : order and organization in a secular age / 1
BX5150 .M37 The Church of England : its members and its business. 1
BX5150 .M37 1641 Reformation no enemie, or, A true discourse betweene the bishops and the desirers of reformation wherein is plainely laid open the present corrupt government of our church, and the desired forme of government plainely proved by the word of God. 2
BX5150 .N945 1683 The lavvfulnes of hearing the publick ministers of the Church of England proved, 1
BX5150 .P36 1649 The paper called the Agreement of the people taken into consideration, and the lawfulness of subscription to it examined, and resolved in the negative, by the ministers of Christ in the province of Lancaster. Published by them especially for the satisfaction of the conscience, and guiding of the practise of our entirely honored and beloved, the people of our several churches, committed to our charge; and for the general good of this church & nation. 1
BX5150 .R42 The Rector of Dr---r's case concerning the power of suspension from the sacrament stated in a letter from his friend : wherein the three following queries are briefly examined, and modestly resolved, viz. I. Whether a rector hath power to suspend any of the parishioners committed to his charge, from a temporary reception of the sacrament?, and in what cases he may exercise that power?, II. What is the bishops office in such a case?, and whether he may restore such persons so suspended, without a judicial cognizance of the crime objected?, III. Whether in such a case the bishop may regularly command the rector, and whether such commands are obliging?
The Rector of Dr---r's case concerning the power of suspension from the sacrament stated in a letter from his friend : wherein the three following queries are briefly examined, and modestly resolved, viz. I. Whether a rector hath power to suspend any of the parishioners committed to his charge, from a temporary reception of the sacrament?, and in what cases he may exercise that power?, II. What is the bishops office in such a case?, and whether he may restore such persons so suspended, without a judicial cognizance of the crime objected?, III. Whether in such a case the bishop may regularly command the rector, and whether such commands are obliging?
BX5150 .S39 The necessity of adhering to the Church of England as by law established, or, The duty of a good Christian, and particularly parents and masters of families under the present toleration 2
BX5150 .T47 Bureaucracy and Church reform : the organizational response of the Church of England to social change 1800-1965 /
Bureaucracy and Church reform: the organizational response of the Church of England to social change 1800-1965,
BX5150 .T62 Palæmon, or, The grand reconciler composing the great difference and disputes about church-government and discovering the primitive government of churches, built upon the Word of God, and the practice of the apostles / 2
BX5150 .T72 A ful and plaine declaration of ecclesiastical discipline out of the vvord of God, and of the declining of the Church of England from the same. 1
BX5150 .U54 The answere of the vicechancelour, the doctors, both the proctors, and other heads of houses in the Vniversitie of Oxford (agreeable, vndoubtedly, to the ioint and vniforme opinion, of all the deanes and chapters, and all other the learned and obedient cleargy, in the Church of England) : to the humble petition of the ministers of the Church of England, desiring reformation of certaine ceremonies and abuses of the church. 1
BX5150 .U552 [Unidentified work discussing governance of the Church of England] 1
BX5150 .U88 The reduction of episcopacie unto the form of synodical government received in the ancient church proposed in the year 1641 as an expedient for the prevention of those troubles which afterwards did arise about the matter of church-government / 2
BX5150 .W45 [His Majesties letter to the Lord Bishop of London, to be communicated to the two provinces of Canterbury and York.] 1
BX5150 .W55 1647 Plain truth vvithout feare or flattery; or A true discovery of the uulawfulnes [sic] of the Presbyterian government it being inconsistent with monarchy, and the peoples liberties and contrary both to the protestation and covenant. The end of establishing the militia of London in such hands as it is now put into by the new ordinance. The betraying votes, and destructive practises, of a trayterous party in the House of Commons, concerning certain pettions [sic] for liberty and justice. Also a vindication of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax concernin[g] certain scurrulous words uttered by some of the s[a]id faction. VVith the meanes and wayes that must be used to obtain reliefe against the said tyrannous usurpers; and for reducing the Parliament to its due rights, power and priviledges, in the preservation of the kingdomes lawes and liberties / 1
BX5151 .A3 1536 Iniunctions gyue[n by the auc]toritie of the kynges highnes to the clergie 1
BX5151 .A3 1547 Iniunccions geue[n] by the moste excellent prince, Edward the Sixte, by the grace of God, Kyng of England, Frau[n]ce and Irelande, defendor of the faythe, and in earthe vnder Christ, of the Churche of Englande and of Ireland, the supreme hedde to all and singuler his louyng subiectes, aswell of the clergie, as of the laietie. 1
BX5151 .A3 1548 Iniunccions geuen by the most excellent prince, Edwarde the Sixt, by the grace of God, Kyng of England, Fraunce & Ireland, defendor of the fayth, and in yearth vnder Christ, of the Churche of Englande and of Irelande, the supreme head to al and singuler his louyng subiectes, as well of the clergie, as of the laietie. 1
BX5151 .A3 1559 Iniunctions geven by the Quenes Maiestie anno Domini MD.LIX., the fyrst yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth.
Jniunctions giuen by the Queenes Maiestie. Anno domini. 1559. The first yere of the raigne ofour [sic] soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth.
BX5151 .A3 1561 Iniunctions geuen by the Quenes Maiestie, anno Domini 1559, the fyrst yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady Quene Elizabeth 1