Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5150 .C72 1643 | Concerning the nevv chvrch discipline, an excellent letter / | 1 |
BX5150 .D08 | A defence of church gouernment. Dedicated to the high court of Parliament. Wherein, the church gouernment established in England, is directly proued to be consonant to the word of God and that subiects ought of dutie to conforme themselues to the state ecclesiasticall. Together with, A defence of the crosse in baptisme; as it is vsed in our church, being not repugnant to the word: and by a consequent, the brethren which are silenced, ought to subscribe vnto it, rather then to burie their talents in the ground. / | 1 |
BX5150 .D42 | The Declaration & agreement of ye ministers of ye county of Sussex concerning ye associating & right regulating of ye Churches of Christ ... | 1 |
BX5150.D67 1696 | Tractatus de visitationibus Episcopalibus. | 1 |
BX5150 .E35 | Presbytery popish, not episcopacy by way of epistolary discourse to a person of a misperswasion leading presbytery to the school of repentance rather than to continue in the seat of the scornful / | 2 |
BX5150.E53 1642 | Sixteene propositions in Parliament. touching the manner and forme for church government, by bishops and the clergie of this kingdome. Whereunto is added the opinion of the English doctors and divines at the synod in Dort, concerning episcopacy and lay-elders. Also the names of 14. divines more which are added to the synod by the House of Parliament. With an order by the Lords and Commons in Parliament touching the government of the church. | 1 |
BX5150 .E54 1642 | His Maiesties gracious message to both Houses of Parliament, on Monday, the 14 of Febr. 1641, wherein he assenteth to the bill against bishops their votes in Parliament, and that no man in holy orders shall meddle with any temporall iurisdiction : also his gracious answer to the clothiers petition, and concurrance with both Houses in passing the act for pressing of men, for a speedy supply of the distressed estate of Ireland : declaring also his royall intentions concerning church government and the Book of Common Prayer : whereunto is added the Lords and Commons humble thanks to His Maiesty for the said message. | 1 |
BX5150 .E54 1643 | An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the calling of an assembly of learned, and Godly divines to be consulted with by the Parliament, for the setling of the government and liturgy, of the Church of England, and for vindicating and clearing the doctrine of the said church, from false aspersions and interpretations; as shall be most agreeable to the word of God. With the names of all the ministers appointed for the same. | 1 |
BX5150 .E54 1646 | Die Martis, 9. Iunii. 1646. It is this day ordered by the Commons assembed in Parliament, that all the ministers of the severall and respective parishes within the province of London, be and are hereby required and injoyned forthwith to put in execution the ordinances concerning church government, and that the citizens and burgesses that serve for the said city of London, and for the city of Westminster and parts within the said province, do send copies of the said ordinances concerning church government to the several parishes within the limits aforesaid .. | 1 |
BX5150 .E54 1647 | An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy dividing and setling [sic] the severall counties of this kingdome into distinct classicall presbyteries and congregationall elderships. | 1 |
BX5150 .E54 1648 | The Kings Majesties answer to the paper delivered in by the reverend divines attending the honourable commissioners concerning church-government. Published by Authority. | 1 |
BX5150 .F73 | The apologie for the conformable ministers of England, for their subscription to the present church gouernement wherein is handled two things, the first is, that the setting vp of the primitiue church gouernement, vnder a Christian king is not a matter of necessitie, and this is prooued by twentie substantiall reasons : the second is, that the gouernement of the church as now it standeth, differeth not from the primitiue gouernement, but onely in one materiall and necessarie circumstance / | 1 |
BX5150 .G72 | Grace and peace in Chryst Ryght Reverend in the Lord ... | 1 |
BX5150.H34 1641 | A defence of the humble remonstrance, against the frivolous and false exceptions of Smectymnvvs wherein the right of leiturgie and episcopacie is clearly vindicated from the vaine cavils, and challenges of the answerers / | 3 |
BX5150 .H35 | Considerations of present use concerning the danger resulting from the change of our church-government | 2 |
BX5150 .H52 | The naked truth. in several inquiries concerning the canons and ecclesiastical jurisdiction, canonical obedience, convocations, procurations, synodals and visitations : also of the Church of England and church-wardens and the oath of church-wardens and of sacriledge. | 3 |
A briefe and plaine declaration, concerning the desires of all those faithfull ministers, that haue and do seeke for the discipline and reformation of the Church of Englande which may serue for a iust apologie, against the false accusations and slaunders of their aduersaries. The reduction of episcopacie unto the form of synodical government received in the ancient church proposed in the year 1641 as an expedient for the prevention of those troubles which afterwards did arise about the matter of church-government / The Bishop of Armaghes direction, concerning the lyturgy, and episcopall government Being thereunto requested by the Honourable, the House of Commons, and then presented in the year 1642. A vindication of the rights of ecclesiastical authority being an answer to the first part of the Protestant reconciler / A defense of the ecclesiasticall regiment in Englande defaced by T. C. in his replie agaynst D. VVhitgifte : seene and allowed according to the order appoynted in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. CXI propositions concerning the ministerie and government of the Church The regiment of the Church as it is agreable with Scriptures, all antiquities of the Fathers, and moderne writers, from the Apostles themselues, vnto this present age. Religion and loyalty, the second part, or, The history of the concurrence of the imperial and ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the government of the church from the beginning of the reign of Jovian to the end of the reign of Justinian / A ioynt attestation, avowing that the discipline of the Church of England was not impeached by the Synode of Dort A discovrse opening the natvre of that episcopacie, which is exercised in England wherein with all humility, are represented some considerations tending to the much desired peace, and long expected reformation, of this our mother church / A letter from the Bishop of Rochester, to the right honourable the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, Lord-Chamberlain of His Majesties houshold concerning his sitting in the late ecclesiastical commission. Short and plaine animadversions on some passages in Mr. Dels sermon first preached before the Honourable House of Commons on Novemb. 25. 1646. But since printed without their order. Setting forth the many dangerous and destructive assertions therein both to church and state, the covenant, and the reformation so much desired. Together, with an answer to an unlicensed pamphlet annext to the sermon, entituled, A reply to Master Loves contradictions / A copie of a letter wyth articles sente from the Queenes Maiestie vnto the Bysshoppe of London, and by him and his officers at her graces commaundemente to be putte in spedye execution wyth effecte in the whole diocese, as wel in places exempt, as not exempte, whatsoeuer, accordinge to the tenour and forme of the same. Sent by the Queenes Maiesties commaundement, in the moneth of Marche, anno Domini. 1. 5. 5. 3. A vindication of Their Majesties authority to fill the sees of the deprived bishops in a letter out of the country occasioned by Dr. B---'s refusal of the bishoprick of Bath and Wells. Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall treated upon by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, presidents of the convocations for the respective provinces of Canterbury and York, and the rest of the bishops and clergie of those provinces; and agreed upon with the Kings Majesties licence in their severall synods begun at London and York. 1640. An answer to Mr. William Prynn's twelve questions concerning church government at the end whereof, are mentioned severall grosse absurdities, and dangerous consequences of highest nature, which do necessarily follow the tenets of Presbyteriall, or any other besides a perfect independent government : together with certaine qveries. |
16 |
BX5150 .K36 | Lacrymæ ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, or, A serious and passionate address of the Church of England, to her sons especially those of the clergy. | 1 |
BX5150 .M3213 1895i | The constitutional history and constitution of the Church of England | 1 |
BX5150 .M3513 1895a | The constitutional history and constitution of the Church of England / | 1 |