Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5157 .J35 To the Kings most excellent majesty, the humble petition of Elinor James 1
BX5157 .J69 1881 The sword and the keys. Civil and spiritual jurisdictions: their union and difference. A treatise giving some account of ecclesiastical appeals in foreign countries, with a history of the origin and constitution of the Judicial Committee of Privy Council in England. With an appendix containing the judgments of the Lords Justices of Appeal and the Court of Queen's Bench, touching the Public Worship Regulation Act. The judgments in ecclesiastical cases delivered by the Judicial Committee of Privy Council since those published under the sanction of Archbishop Tait of Canterbury, when Bishop of London, in 1865. The judgment of the Rolls Court in the Colenso case; and all the statutes on which is founded the jurisdiction of the Judicial Committee in spiritual causes. 1
BX5157 .J82 The Judgment or resolution of all the lords, the judges, and other the lords assembled in Star-Chamber, anno regni Regis Jacobi Secundo mentioned in the lord chancellors speech to the lord mayor and aldermen of London, attending His Majesty in council the 10th of December, in the 31th year of His said Majesties reign, annoque Domini, 1679, touching procuring hands to petitions relating to state affairs. 1
BX5157 .K39 A tripartite remonstrance also An united profession of faithfulness concerning religion and the conscionable subjection to the supreme of the nations / 2
BX5157 .K46 The King's power in ecclesiastical matters truly stated 2
BX5157 .L47 A Letter from a gentleman in the country to his representative in Parliament shewing the expedience of taking away 25 Ca. 2 ca. 2 as to making the receiving the sacrament a qualification for an office.
A Letter from a gentleman to some divines of the Church of England touching their scruples about taking the oath of allegiance to King William and Queen Mary : he being a member of the same church.
A letter to a member of Parliament for liberty of conscience
A Letter from Colchester to the disperst bretheren of the late intended Whig feast proving that Presbytery is inconsistent with monarchy.
BX5157 .L47 1688 A Letter from a dissenter to the petitioning bishops 1
BX5157 .L66 The character of a separatist, or, Sensuality the ground of separation to which is added The pharisees lesson, on Matth. IX, XIII, and an examination of Mr. Hales Treatise of schisme /
A continuation and vindication oe [sic] the Defence of Dr. Stillingfleet's Unreasonableness of separation in answer to Mr. Baxter, Mr. Lob, &c. containing a further explication and defence of the doctrine of Catholick communion : a confutation of the groundless charge of Cassandrianism : the terms of Catholick communion, and the doctrine of fundamentals explained : together with a brief examination of Mr. Humphrey's materials for union /
BX5157 .L69 1666 The loyal Presbyterian, and the new conformist; with a list of the names of the several ministers, that have taken the oath; and a true copy thereof. Also, the farewell-advice of Mr. Chester, and divers others; and four meditations, for all true believers. 1
BX5157 .M39 Certain sermons and letters of defence and resolution to some of the late controversies of our times 2
BX5157 .M56 A vindication of their Majesties Wisdom in the nomination of some reverend persons to the vacant arch-bishopricks and bishopricks occasioned by the scandalous reflections of unreasonable men / 2
BX5157 .M62 Tractatus de politia Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ cui accesserunt Richardi Zouch, LL.D., description juris & judicij ecclesiastici secundum canones & constitutiones Anglicanas : necnon descriptio juris & judicij temporalis secundum confuetudines feudales & Normannicas. 2
BX5157 .N48 A New test of the Church of England's loyalty 2
BX5157 .N93 A discourse of ecclesiastical lawes and supremacy of the kings of England, in dispensing with the penalties thereof 1
BX5157 .O27 Observations for the justices of the peace to be made use of in execution of the commission for taking the oaths of allegiance and supremacy. 2
BX5157 .O42 Old popery in a new dress of presbyterie, or, A parallel between popery and presbytery in the means used to gain an undue and exorbitant power, as likewise in the exercise of it when attained : cleerly discovering a national presbytery, as well as popery, to be inconsistent with the due exercise of the civill power, in the hands of those who are invested with it : which may also serve to evince the prudentiality of a non-toleration of a general kirk-assembly in Scotland. 1
BX5157 .O7 1610 The order of a Christian common wealth
The ordre of a Christian common wealth
BX5157 .P37 1671 A discourse of ecclesiastical politie wherein the authority of the civil magistrate over the consciences of subjects in matters of external religion is asserted : the mischiefs and incoveniences of toleration are represented, and all pretenses pleaded in behalf of liberty of conscience are fully answered. 2
BX5157 .P47 Honest Hodge & Ralph holding a sober discourse in answer to a late scandalous and pernicious pamphlet called A dialogue between the Pope and the phanatick concerning affairs in England / 2
BX5157 .P53 The speech of Master Plydell, esquire, concerning the church, Febr. 8, 1641 1