Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5165 .D424 1683 Decimarum & oblationum tabula, a tithing-table, or, Table of tithes and oblations according to the ecclesiastical laws and ordinances established in the Church of England, now newly reduced into a book : containing as well the very letter of the law under which these rights be severally comprised ... : as also a brief and summary declaration of composition, transaction, ... : annexed hereunto, summarily, such statute-laws of the land concerning these rights, as have been herein authorised ... /
Decimarum & oblationum tabula, a tithing-table, or, Table of tithes and oblations according to the ecclesiastical laws and ordinances established in the Church of England, now newly reduced into a book : containing as well the very letter of the law under which these rights be severally comprised ... : as also a brief and summary declaration of composition, transaction, ... : annexed hereunto, summarily, such statute-laws of the land concerning these rights, as have been herein authorised ... /
BX5165 .D46 Denus petition to the Lord General Cromwell with his Protestation and engagement : also, his description of the house of God and original priesthood : whereunto is annexed The ministerial duty and The personal reign of the saints. 2
BX5165 .D62 Judge Doderidges reading of advowsons, or church-livings wherein is set forth, the interests of the parson, patron, and ordinary, &c. : with many other things concerning the matter, as they were delivered at several readings at New -Inne : and now published for a common good. 2
BX5165 .E3 1786i Liber regis vel Thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum / 1
BX5165 .E42 The civil right of tythes wherein, setting aside the higher plea of jus divinum ... the labourers of the Lords vineyard of the Church of England are estated in their quota pars of the tenth or tythe per legem terræ, by civil sanction or the law of the land ... humbly represented to the judicious and pious consideration of all sober and advised Christians ... / 2
BX5165 .E53 An additionall ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the explanation and better execution of former ordinances for the sale of the lands and possessions of the late archbishops and bishops within the realm of England and dominion of Wales.
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for removing obstructions in the sale of bishops-lands
An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament for removing obstructions in the sale of bishops-lands
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the better security and incouragement of all and every such person and persons, bodies politique and corporate, as already have or hereafter shall become purchaser from trustees of any mannors, lands &c. late belonging to any arch-bishop or bishop within the realme of England or dominion of Wales : and the manner of ensuring the same to the purchaser : with the time limited for the perfecting of their conveyances.
Charyte hath caused our Souereygne Lorde the Kynge to consyder howe gracious howe merytorious & howe plesande a dede ... and what greate rewarde they shall haue of God for it that prayth for ye soules of them that weyr sleyne at bosworth feelde ... Therfor euery man or woman syngell or weded that ones in theyr lyf receyues a letter of this Chapell of Seynt James & geueth or sendeth summe thinge to it ... shall be partenar & partaker of all ye indulgence & pardon yt is graũte to ye benefactors of it ... : and be it knowen that [blank] hath send a deuoute and a competent almes to the forseyde chapell ..
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the better security and incouragement of all and every such person and persons, bodies politique and corporate, as already have or hereafter shall become purchaser from trustees of any mannors, lands &c. late belonging to any arch-bishop or bishop within the realm of England or dominion of Wales : and the manner of ensuring the same to the purchaser : with the time limited for the perfecting of their conveyances.
By the Queene the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, finding the great misusage in the execution of sundry of her Highnesse grants made to diuer persons, touching certaine penall statutes ... touching the obtaining and recovery of lands and tenements concealed ..
By the Queene the Queenes Maiestie, hearing credibly by report, that in some partes of her realme, her people and subiectes are, and of late have ben vexed and molested, by certayne lewde persons vnder pretence of executing commissions for inquiries to be made for lands concealed ..
Charyte hath caused our Souereygne Lorde the Kynge to consyd[er] howe gracious howe meritorious & howe plesande a dede ... and what greate rewarde they shall haue of God for it that prayth for ye soules of them that weyr sleyne at bosworth feel[de] ... Therfore euery man or woman syngell or weded that ones in theyr lyf receyues a letter of this Chapell of Seynt James & geueth or sendeth summe thinge to it ... shall be partenar & partaker of all ye indulgence & pardon yt is graũte to ye benefactors of it ... : and be it knowen that [blank] hath send a deuoute and a competent almes to the forseyde chapell ..
BX5165 .F57 First fruits Rec'd from the last of June to 29 Sept. 1692 ... pencons charg'd on first fruits. 1
BX5165 .F67 1659 These several papers was sent to the Parliament the twentieth day of the fifth moneth, 1659 : being above seven thousand of the names of the hand-maids and daughters of the Lord, and such as feels the oppression of tithes, in the names of many more of the said handmaids and daughters of the Lord, who witness against the oppression of tithes and other things as followeth. 1
BX5165 .G46 2013eb The nobility and ecclesiastical patronage in thirteenth-century England / 1
BX5165 .H42 Tythes no maintenance for gospel-ministers, or, A seasonable discourse concerning tythes wherein it is fully proved that those that urge the payment thereof for their maintenance are no true gospel ministers, but antichristian, and do concur with priests of the Leviticall order and institution ... / 2
BX5165 .H52 A true table of all such fees as are due, or can be claimed in any Bishops-Courts, in all cases; as they were given in to the commissioners of his Majesty King Charles the First, Nov. 1630. By the commissaries, registers, proctors, &c, under their own hands in the Star-Chamber. Necessary to be known by all persons liable to be concerned in the said Bishops-Courts. 1
BX5165 (INTERNET) The record of sufferings for tythes in England the sufferers are, The seed of God, or, The assembly of his first-born, or, The first fruits unto God in England, in this age, who are called to be faithful, and have been found faithful, therefore have we suffered willingly the spoiling of our goods, for to us the truth is more precious then our estates, lives, or outward liberties, and thererfore hath the Lord accounted us first worthy to suffer for his name sake, and to be as lights in this deceitful generation : those which our suffering is a testimony against, is that priesthood which is light and treacherous, which in all ages the Lord raised up faithful witnesses against : ... : and in these dayes we may say, that they are worse then any troop of robbers, or any that preached for hire that ever went before them, as will appear in this book following, by their devouring vvidovvs houses spoiling mens goods, and destroying mens persons /
Darknesse and ignorance expelled by the light shining forth, and the appearance of the day : in answer to a book called, Innocents no saints : published by one Edward Dodd, wherein he hath laboured to prove tythes lawfull, and tithing priests and hirelings to be the ministers of the word, and the masse-house the church; and calls idolatry civility, and heathenish complements courtesie, and hath perverted many Scriptures ; his deceit laid open, his vindication made void, and his arguments confounded, and Truth laid open in all these particulars, for the sake of the upright in heart, who rejoyces in Truths prosperity /
An apology of the treatise De non temerandis ecclesiis against a treatie by an unknowne authour, written against it in some particulars /
Of the right of tithes a divinity determination in the publike divinity schools of the University of Cambridg /
BX5165 .J63 The way to glory, or, The preaching of the Gospell is the ordinary meanes of our saluation wherein is shewed what difference there is betweene the text of the Gospell, and the preaching, exposition, and glosse thereof : with a confutation of our aduersaries opinion, that the Popes defining and expounding Scriptures ex Cathedra, is to bee beleeued as vndoubted truth ... : herein also is shewed the dignity and necessity of the office of preaching the Gospell ... : preached in the Cathedrall Church of S. Paules, for the Crosse sermon, the tenth of December, 1620 /
The Gospell and his maintenance wherein is shewed, that it is Gods ordinance, that the Gospell should be preached, so also it is his ordinance, that the ministers and preachers of the Gospell, shall have and receaue tithes, jure divino, by divine right : herein also is that question concerning the right of personall tithes resolved, and added to this sermon ... : preached at a synod of the R. Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishop of Chichester, holden in the Cathedrall Church of Chichester, the 3. of October, 1632 /
BX5165 .K56 The true tything of the gospel-ministers, or, An answer to an national teacher that sueth an elder of a church for tythes proving that tythes are not to be enforst upon members of true churches ... / 2
BX5165 .L37 A discourse of paying of tithes 2
BX5165 .L66 1596 The decree for tythes to be paid in London 2
BX5165 .M32 Tables for renewing & purchasing of the leases of cathedral-churches and colleges according to several rates of interest with their construction and use explained : also tables for renewing and purchasing of lives, with tables for purchasing the leases of land or houses according to several rates of interest .. 1
BX5165 .M67 To the most honorable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament a briefe of the petitioners cause. 1
BX5165 .O46 Omnia comesta à Bello, or, An Answer out of the West to a question out of the North wherein the earth is opened, and the napkin found in which the trading-talent of the nation hath been typed up, and lain hid for some years last past : for want of which, all persons in England, from the tenant to the landlord, from weave to merchant, have languished of a deep consumption. 2
BX5165 .P35 2003 Serving two masters : parish patronage in the Church of England since 1714 / 1