Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5175.L6 J4 1710 | May it please your hon[o]rs. My answers to the objections made against me by Mr. Dean of St. Paul's, are as follows | 1 |
BX5175.L6 J4 1711 | To the hono[ra]ble the Comm[issione]rs for rebuilding St. Pauls Cathedral. May it please yo[u]r honors. My answers to the petition, and articles some under-carpenters against me are as follows ... | 1 |
BX5175 .M37 | A sermon of simony & sacriledge | 2 |
BX5175 .M43 1640 | The vickers challenge claiming a maintainance as due by proofes out of the gospell : wherein is manifested, that there is a competencie due unto them / | 1 |
BX5175 .M54 | An apology for Smectymnuus with the reason of church-government | 2 |
BX5175 .M62 | A Modest defence of the clergy of the Church of England against the false suggestions and injust prejudices of the present age. | 2 |
BX5175 .N35 |
The Names of the orthodox divines presented by the knights and burgesses of severall counties, cities, and burroughs, as fit persons to be consulted with by the Parliament, touching the reformation of church government and liturgie, April 25, 1642. The Names of the orthodox divines presented by the knights and burgesses of severall counties, cities, and burroughs, as fit persons to be consulted with by the Parliament touching the reformation of church government and liturgie, Aprill 25, 1642. |
4 |
BX5175 .O32 | The English clergy : the emergence and consolidation of a profession, 1558-1642 / | 2 |
BX5175 .P3 1653 | The case considered & resolved: whether Mr. Brooks his pills to purge malignants were prescribed from ignorance, malice, or both, or, (Mr Tho. Brooks his inside turn'd outward). Wherein all godly, humble, and ingenious Christians, whether in a congregational way or other, are concerned, to inquire into the truth ... presented in generall to the inhabitants of Margarets New Fish-street, but more particularly for the consideration of himself, and those of his congregation ... also friendly advice to an unfriendly neighbour, desiring him for the time to come to abstain from reviling such persons as he never spake word to, nor they to him. / | 1 |
BX5175 .P37 | A discourse in vindication of Bp Bramhall and the clergy of the Church of England from the fanatick charge of popery together with some reflections upon the present state of affairs shewing that there are no grounds for any present fears or jealousies of it, but only from the non-conformists. | 2 |
BX5175 .P95 1551 | A myroure or glasse for all spiritual ministers to beholde them selues in, wherein they may learne theyr office and duitie towardis the flocke co[m]mitted to their charge gathered out of holy scripture and Catholyke doctours, / | 1 |
BX5175 .R363 2017 | Evangelicals Etcetera : Conflict and Conviction in the Church of England's Parties. | 1 |
BX5175 .R43 1641 | A reasonable motion in the behalfe of such of the clergie, as are now questioned in Parliament for their places | 1 |
BX5175 .R5 | English preachers and preaching, 1640-1670 / | 1 |
BX5175 .R82 | A remembraunce for the maintenaunce of the liuynge of ministers and preachers nowe notablye decayed exhibited vnto the right reuerend father in God Thomas Bishop of Elye .. | 1 |
BX5175 .R82 1628 | Sir Beniamin Ruddierd's speach in behalfe of the cleargy | 1 |
BX5175 .R82 1641 |
Sir Beniamin Rudyerds speech. Concerning bishops, deanes and chapters. At a committee of the whole House. The speech of that vvorthy knight, Sir Beniamin Rudierd, spoken in Parliament; concerning the placing of good and able divines in parishes miserably destitute of instruction, through want of maintenance. And confirmed by the testimonies of three judicious, and learned men. |
2 |
BX5175 .S3 1700 | The poor English clergyman's complaint, or, An invective against the admitting the Popish clergy to be immediate preachers in the Church of England | 1 |
BX5175 .S32 1995 | The speculum of Archbishop Thomas Secker / | 1 |
BX5175 .S42 1995 | The speculum of Archbishop Thomas Secker / | 1 |