Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5197 .T9 1902 Typical English churchmen : a series of lectures / 1
BX5197 .W47 Lives of the Elizabethan bishops of the Anglican Church / 1
BX5197 .W54 2003 Anglican identities / 1
BX5197 .Y36 2014 Daughters of the Anglican clergy : religion, gender and identity in Victorian England / 1
BX5198 .C436 2019 Queen Victoria's archbishops of Canterbury / 1
BX5198 .R8 1916a The primates of the four Georges / 1
BX5198 T21 Catharine and Craufurd Tait : wife and son of Archibald Campbell, archbishop of Canterbury / 1
BX5198 .T78 2012 Archbishops Ralph d'Escures, William of Corbeil, and Theobald of Bec : heirs of Anselm and ancestors of Becket / 1
BX5198 .T78 2012eb Archbishops Ralph d'Escures, William of Corbeil and Theobald of Bec : heirs of Anselm and ancestors of Becket / 2
BX5198 .T78 2016  
BX5199 Between scholarship and church politics : the lives of John Prideaux, 1578-1650 / 1
BX5199.A4 B28 1693 The life & death of that excellent minister of Christ, Mr. Joseph Alleine late teacher of the church of Taunton in Somerset-shire, assistant to Mr. Newton. 1
BX5199.A545 A44 1995 Roland Allen : pioneer, priest, and prophet / 1
BX5199.A6 A1 1995 Selected writings / 1
BX5199.A6 A53 2005 Lancelot Andrewes : selected sermons and lectures / 1
BX5199.A6 H5 Lancelot Andrewes. 1
BX5199.A6 L6713 1991 Lancelot Andrewes the preacher (1555-1626) : the origins of the mystical theology of the Church of England / 1
BX5199.A6 W4 Lancelot Andrewes, 1555-1626. 1
BX5199.A86 S7 Historical collections of the life and acts of the Right Reverend Father in God, John Aylmer, Lord Bp. of London in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : wherein are explained many transactions of the Church of England, and what methods were then taken to preserve it, with respect to the Papist and Puritan / 1
BX5199.bP57 D3 Henry Phillpotts, Bishop of Exeter, 1778-1869 / 1