Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5201.A1 C65 1698 | A Collection of cases and other discourses lately written to recover dissenters to the communion of the Church of England | 2 |
BX5201.A1 H66 | The non-conformists champion, his challenge accepted, or, An answer to Mr. Baxter's Petition for peace written long since, but now first published upon his repeated provocations and importune clamors, that it was never answered : whereunto is prefixed an epistle to Mr. Baxter with some remarks upon his Holy Common-wealth, upon his Sermon to the House of Commons, upon his Non-conformists plea for peace and upon his Answer to Dr. Stillingfleet. / | 2 |
BX5201.A1 S42 | The Second and last collection of the late London ministers farewel sermons | 2 |
BX5201 .A35 1661 | A fannaticks alarm given to the mayor in his quarters by one of the sons of Zion, become boanerges to thunder out the judgements of God against oppression and oppressors; together with some flashings of pure Gospel-lightnings, really intended for the enlightning the eyes of the understanding, even to the beholding of him who is invisible / | 1 |
BX5201 .A37 1693 | The Agreement in doctrine among the dissenting ministers in London subscribed Decemb. 16, 1692 | 2 |
BX5201 .A38 | Advice to Protestant dissenters shewing 'tis their interest to repeal the Test, upon the offer the King makes by a firm settlement of liberty. | 2 |
BX5201 .A44 1660 | A fannaticks mite cast into the Kings treasury being a sermon printed to the King because not preach'd before the King / | 2 |
BX5201 .A47 1680 | The mischief of impositions, or, An antidote against a late discourse, partly preached at Guild-hall Chappel, May 2, 1680, called The mischief of separation | 2 |
BX5201.A55 G62 | The godly mans portion and sanctuary opened, in two sermons, preached August 17. 1662 / | 3 |
BX5201 .B3 | To my loving and dearly beloved Christian friends, in and about Lymerick. | 1 |
BX5201 .B33 | A review and conclusion of The antidote agianst [sic] Mr. Baxter's palliated cure of church-divisions wherein Mr. Baxter's late repentance is examined, all his immodest calumnies confuted, and the grounds of separation further cleared / | 2 |
BX5201 .B35 |
A continuation of a former Just appeal from lower courts on earth to the highest court in heaven in the case of F.B. about his not taking the oath of allegiance under his circumstances A just appeal from lower courts on earth to the highest court in heaven, or, The case of F.B. the Lord's free prisoner truly in the main reported as to the matter of fact at his examination and tryal in the open Quarter-Sessions at the Old-Bayly vulgarly the 12th and 13th days of the 8th month in the year 1683. |
4 |
BX5201 .B36 1675 | The open confessor and the free prisoner / | 1 |
BX5201 .B37 |
A reply to the Reverend Dean of St. Pauls's reflections on the Rector of Sutton &c wherein the principles and practices of the non-conformists are not only vindicated by Scripture, but by Dr. Stillingfleet's Rational account, as well as his Irenicum, as also by the writings of the Lord Faulkland, Mr. Hales, Mr. Chillingworth &c. / The Dutch way of toleration, most proper for our English dissenters A reply to the Reverend Dean of St. Pauls's reflections on the Rector of Sutton &c. wherein the principles and practices of the non-conformists are not only vindicated by Scripture, but by Dr. Stillingfleet's Rational account, as well as his Irenicum, as also by the writings of the Lord Faulkland, Mr. Hales, Mr. Chillingworth &c. / |
4 |
BX5201 .B39 | The judgment of Mr. Baxter concerning ceremonies and conformity in the points of difference betwixt the Church of England and the dissenters novv published in vindication of the moderate and learned part of the Presbyterians, to let the vvorld see that they are not so irreconcilable to the discipline of the Church of England, as some people vvould have us believe. | 1 |
BX5201 .B47 |
Esoptron tes antimachias, or, A looking-glasse for rebellion being a sermon preached upon Sunday the 16 of Iune 1644, in Saint Maries Oxford, before the members of the two Houses of Parliament / Certaine positions seriously to bee considered of shewing the danger of doing any thing in and about the worship of God that hath not warrant from his written word ... / |
4 |
BX5201 .B54 | A sermon preach'd to the Society for the reformation of manners in Kingston upon Hull on Wednesday, January the 10th, 1699/700. | 2 |
BX5201 .B73 |
A cordial-mediator for accordance of brethren that are of different judgments and wayes of administration in things that concerne the Kingdome of God for repairing of the breach and restoring of the paths for many generations : wherein is proposed the way and means (not to inforce or compell to an outward dissembling, hypocriticall uniformity, which is all that can be inforced unto by humane authority, but) to induce and ingage to a cordiall-uniformity even of soule and spirit amongst all that are truly and really Christians, and to bring them likewise into the same wayes and ministrations in the things of God / A cordial-mediator for accordance of brethren that are of different judgments and wayes of administration in things that concerne the Kingdome of God for repairing of the breach and restoring of the paths for many generations : wherein is proposed the way and means (not to inforce or compell to an outward dissembling, hypocriticall uniformity, which is all that can be inforced unto by humane authority, but) to induce and ingage to a cordiall-uniformity even of soule and spirit amongst all that are truly and really Christians, and to bring them likewise into the same wayes and ministrations in the things of God / |
2 |
BX5201 .B74 | Seasonable truths in evil-times in several sermons / | 2 |
BX5201 .B87 | Appellatio ad fratres exteros in qâ contraversiæ status inter hierarchicos & nonconformes Anglicanos, verissime & absq offuciis qibuslibet proponitur / | 1 |