Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5201 .C37 A true and exact copy of a treasonable and bloody-paper called the Fanaticks new-covenant 2
BX5201 .C46 A Censure of three scandalous pamphlets I. A defense of Dr. Crisp against the charge of Mr. Edwards of Cambridg, by Esquire Edwards in Wales, II. Reflections on the authors of the late Congregational declaration against antinomianism, and trepidantium malleus, by the A. Club, III. A sermon preached Jan. 30. last, by Canon Gilbert in Plimouth with a tedious preface of Mr. J.Y. 2
BX5201 .C54 An epistle to Charles the Second, King of England and to every individual member of his council / 2
BX5201 .C62 To the bishops and their ministers or any of them to whom this shall come ; Something by way of query which they are desired to answer in plainness and according to the Scriptures of truth 2
BX5201 .C65 A cordiall for a fainting soule, or, Some essayes for the satisfaction of wounded spirits labouring under severall burthens in which severall cases of conscience most ordinary to Christians, especially in the beginning of their conversion, are resolved : being the summe of fourteen sermons, delivered in so many lectures in a private chappell belonging to Chappell-Field-House in Norwich : with a table annexed, conteining the severall cases of conscience which in the following treatise are spoken to directly or collaterally /
A cordiall for a fainting soule, or, Some essayes for the satisfaction of wounded spirits labouring under severall burthens in which severall cases of conscience most ordinary to Christians, especially in the beginning of their conversion, are resolved : being the summe of fourteen sermons, delivered in so many lectures in a private chappell belonging to Chappell-Field-House in Norwich : with a table annexed, conteining the severall cases of conscience which in the following treatise are spoken to directly or collaterally /
BX5201 .C652 A cordial for a fainting soule. being the sum of two and twenty lecture-sermons more, preacht in the chappel belonging to Chappel-Field-House in the city of Norwich : wherein is discovered the power of faith in order to the conquest of carnal and slavish fears and disquietments and dejections of spirit, whether for causes external, internal, private, or publike : wherein several cases of conscience are resolved, relating to such fears and disquietments of spirit /
A cordial for a fainting soule. being the sum of two and twenty lecture-sermons more, preacht in the chappel belonging to Chappel-Field-House in the city of Norwich : wherein is discovered the power of faith in order to the conquest of carnal and slavish fears and disquietments and dejections of spirit, whether for causes external, internal, private, or publike : wherein several cases of conscience are resolved, relating to such fears and disquietments of spirit /
BX5201.C653 S3 1676 The old apostolical way of preaching, or, Peters last legacy to all his true successors in the ministry and faith of the Gospel being an awakening word from a dying-preacher to his dying-hearers in a sermon preached on the death of Mr. Edward West, late minister of the gospel in London / 1
BX5201 .C66 The Conformists reasons for hearing and joining with the Nonconformists
Some additional remarks on the late book of the Reverend Dean of St. Pauls
BX5201 .C663 The conformists charity to dissenters and concurrence with the favour granted them in the Act for Toleration proved from the works of the most eminent divines of the Church of England. 2
BX5201 .C76 Right re-entred and the reasons thereof rendered in the plain, yet modest, apology of Zach. Crofton, minister of the Gospel at Buttolphs Aldgate, London for his return to the exercise of his own ministry in his own church at the usual hours of publick worship on the Lords daies afternoon, in which hee hath been for a season obstructed by Mr. John Sympson. 1
BX5201 .D38 1978 A gathered church : the literature of the English dissenting interest, 1700-1930 / 1
BX5201 .D43 An enquiry into the occasional conformity of dissenters in cases of preferment with a preface to the lord mayor, occasioned by his carrying the sword to a conventicle.
A Dialogue between Mr. Canterbury, a Church of England-man, and Mr. Scott a dissenter to which is added a letter by way of a postscript, clearing the objections against the cross in baptism and episcopal government.
BX5201 .D44 Two letters to Dr. Benjamin Calamy one in English, the other in Latine / 1
BX5201 .D48 The Devouring informers of Bristol &c. being an additional account of some late proceedings of those ravenous beasts of prey against dissenting-Protestants.
The Devouring informers of Bristol &c being an additional account of some late proceedings of those ravenous beasts of prey against dissenting-Protestants.
BX5201 .D57 The Dissenters case about the five hundred pounds forfeiture upon such as accepted employments under the late King without being qualified, modestly enquired into. 2
BX5201 .D62 Dr. Pierce, his preaching confuted by his practice
A looking-glass for the recorder and justices of the peace and grand juries for the town and county of Cambridge
BX5201 .D85 Ludovici Molinaei Petri filii apologia pro epistola qvae nupere prodiit sub nomine Irenaei Philadelphi adversus argutias Theophili Iscani
Amplissimo senatui academi[c]o nec non reverendis inspectoribus & delegatis ab illustrissimo cancellario universitatis Oxoniensis humillimè [s]upplicat Ludovicus Molinæus
BX5201 .D94 Christ's voice to London ; and, The great day of Gods wrath being the substance of II sermons preached (in the city) in the time of the sad visitation : together with the necessity of watching and praying : with a small treatise of death /
Christ's famous titles ; and, A believers golden chain handled in divers sermons : together with A cabinet of jewels, or, A glimpse of Sions glory : as also, Christ's voice to London, the great day of God's wrath, the necessity of watching and praying : with a small treatise of death /
BX5201 .D94 1690 Christ's famous titles, and, A believer's golden chain. Handled in divers sermons; together with His cabinet of jewels, or, A glimpse of Sion's glory; as also, Christ's voice to London. The great day of God's w[rath] The necessity of watching and praying. With a small treatise of death. / 1
BX5201 .E96 An Expedient for peace perswading an agreement amongst Christians from the impossibility of their agreement in the matters of religion : also shewing the nature and causes of the present differences, the unreasonableness of persecution, the equity of toleration, and the great benefits of a pacifick charter.
An Expedient for peace amongst Christians. grounded on the impossibility of their agreement in matters of religion : and further enlarged in a discourse of church and state : wherein a new ecclesiastical administration is exhibited.
An Expedient for peace perswading an agreement amongst Christians &c.