Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5201.F8 F84 | Toleration not to be abused by the Independents | 2 |
BX5201 .F84 | The necessity of keeping our parish-churches argued from the sin and danger of the schisms in the Church of Corinth and of the present separations : in a sermon before the honourable judges, at the last assizes, held at Exeter / | 2 |
BX5201 .G66 1644 | Innocencies triumph, or, An answer to the back-part a discourse lately published by William Prynne, esquire, intituled, A full reply &c. ... / | 2 |
BX5201 .G66 1646 |
Cretensis, or, A briefe answer to an ulcerous treatise lately published by Mr. Thomas Edwards, intituled Gangræna calculated for the meridian of such passages in the said treatise which relate to Mr. John Goodwin, but may without any sensible error indifferently serve for the whole tract : wherein some of the best means for the cure of the said dangerous ulcer called gangræna, and to prevent the spreading of it to the danger of the precious soules of men, are clearly opened, and effectually applied / Cretensis, or, A briefe answer to an ulcerous treatise lately published by Mr. Thomas Edwards, intituled Gangræna calculated for the meridian of such passages in the said treatise which relate to Mr. John Goodwin, but may without any sensible error indifferently serve for the whole tract : wherein some of the best means for the cure of the said dangerous ulcer called gangræna, and to prevent the spreading of it to the danger of the precious soules of men, are clearly opened, and effectually applied / |
2 |
BX5201 .G73 | The sound-hearted Christian, or, A treatise of soundness of heart with several other sermons ... / | 2 |
BX5201 .G746 1684 | The compleat conformist, or Seasonable advice concerning strict conformity and frequent celebration of the Holy Communion. In a sermon preached (on the seventh of January, being the first Sunday after the Epiphany, in the year 1682) at the cathedral; and in a letter written to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Durham / | 1 |
BX5201 .H35 | Sermons preached | 2 |
BX5201 .H52 | Bonasus vapulans, or, Some castigations given to Mr. John Durell for fouling himself and others in his English and Latin book | 2 |
BX5201 .H62 | A short examination of A Discourse concerning edification, by Dr. Hascard where it is inquired, how well the author of the said discourse hath proved that it is not lawful for a man to go from his parish church to meetings, that he might be better edifie [sic] / | 2 |
BX5201 .H85 |
The third step of a nonconformist, for the recovery of the use of his ministry with some occasional notice taken of the judgment and decree of the University of Oxford, past in their convocation, July 21, 1683 / The two steps of a nonconformist minister made by him, in order to the obtaining his liberty of preaching in publick : together with an appendix about coming to church in respect to the people / Vindiciae veritatis a narrative vindicating the truth against the invective, malicious, and slanderous back-biting aspersions of certain non-conformists in and about London passing under the notions of Presbyterians, and others their pupils and confederates concerning the truths published in my Little book of the covenants and The personal reign of Christ ... / |
6 |
BX5201 .H86 | The peaceable design being a modest account of the non-conformist's meetings : with some of their reasons for nonconformity, and the way of accomodation in the matter of religion, humbly proposed to publick consideration by some ministers of London against the sitting of Parliament in the year 1675. | 2 |
A fannaticks mite cast into the Kings treasury being a sermon printed to the King because not preach'd before the King / Light in darkness, or, Deliverance proclaimed unto the church in the midst of all her despondencies and discouragements in a sermon / A short examination of A discourse concerning edification, by Dr. Hascard where it is inquired, how well the author of the said discourse hath proved that it is not lawful for a man to go from his parish church to meetings, that he might be better edifie [sic] / An enquiry into the occasional conformity of dissenters in cases of preferment with a preface to the lord mayor, occasioned by his carrying the sword to a conventicle. A moral prognostication I. what shall befall the churches on Earth, till their concord, by the restitution of their primitive purity, simplicity, and charity, II. how that restitution is like to be made, (if ever) and what shall befall them thence-forth unto the end, in that golden-age of love / The judgment of Mr. Baxter concerning ceremonies and conformity with a short reflection upon a scandalous pamphlet intituled, A proposition for the safety and happiness of the king and kingdom : in a letter to a gentleman of the House of Commons. The old apostolical way of preaching, or, Peters last legacy to all his true successors in the ministry and faith of the Gospel being an awakening word from a dying-preacher to his dying-hearers in a sermon preached on the death of Mr. Edward West, late minister of the gospel in London / The true and perfect speech of Mr. James Guthrey, late minister of Sterling |
8 |
BX5201 .J46 | Beaufrons, or, A new-discovery of treason under the fair-face and mask of religion, and of liberty and conscience : in an answer to the Protestant reconciler ... / | 2 |
BX5201 .J6 | A caveat to conventiclers being a letter from an English gentleman in Stockholme, to a person of quality in London relating, the manner of the devils appearance in the dutchy of Finland. | 2 |
BX5201 .J64 | A vindication of the Surey demoniack as no imposter, or, A reply to a certain pamphlet publish'd by Mr. Zach. Taylor, called The Surey imposter with a further clearing and confirming of the truth as to Richard Dugdale's case and cure : to which is annexed a brief narrative of the Surey demoniack ... / | 2 |
BX5201 .J66 | The grand case of subjection to the higher powers in matters of religion resolved to which is added an appendix to a late book intituled A plea for liberty of conscience, wherein the kings supream power in ecclesiastical matters is asserted ... / | 2 |
BX5201 .L3 | A stop to the course of separation, or, The separation of the new Separatists from the parish churches condemned, by a sober answer to the chief pleas for this disorderly practice. : Wherein is discovered how contrary it is, I. To the Holy Scriptures. II. To the reason of the thing. III. To the judgement of the old nonconformists. IV. To themselves heretofore. | 1 |
BX5201 .L47 |
A Letter to a reverend minister of the Gospel of the Presbyterian perswasion Edinburgh, 4th March, 1689. A Letter to a friend in answer to A letter to a dissenter upon occasion of His Majesties late gracious declaration of indulgence. A Letter to a friend in the country touching the present fears and jealousies of the nation and how they arise |
6 |
BX5201 .L47 1688 | A Letter from a minister of the Church of England to the pretended Baptist, author of the Three considerations, directed to Mr. Penn | 1 |
BX5201 .L622 1687 | A second letter to a dissenter, upon occasion of His Majesty's late gracious Declaration of indulgence. | 1 |