Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5201 .O42 | The old non-conformist, touching the Book of Common-prayer, and ceremonies | 1 |
BX5201 .P4 1686 | A perswasive to moderation to church dissenters, in prudence and conscience humbly submitted to the King and his great councel. / | 1 |
BX5201 .P42 | The conformist's fourth plea for the nonconformists wherein several considerations are offered for Christian forbearance : with some relations of some of their sufferings ..., together with some account of the infamous lives and lamentable deaths of some informers / | 2 |
BX5201 .P46 | Good advice to the Church of England, Roman Catholick and Protestant dissenter in which it is endeavoured to be made appear that it is their duty, principles and interest to abolish the penal laws and tests. | 2 |
BX5201 .P47 | The white minister's declaration, or, The meaning of the white scarf and girdle explained | 1 |
BX5201 .P54 | Indulgence not to be refused, comprehension humbly desired, the churche's peace earnestly endeavoured | 2 |
BX5201 .P951g 1812 | A general view of the arguments for the unity of God and against the divinity and pre-existence of Christ; from reason, from the Scriptures, and from history / | 1 |
BX5201 .R84 | Rules and directions how all dissenters may unite in religion as is establish'd in the Church of England | 2 |
BX5201 .S22 | A Sad warning to all prophane, malignant spirits who reproach true Protestants with the name of roundheads wherein is declared five sad examples of Gods fearfull and just judgements upon them, two in Oxford and three in and about London. | 2 |
BX5201 .S25 | The Saints liberty of conscience in the new kingdom of Poland proposed for the consolation of the distressed brethren. | 2 |
BX5201 .S4 |
A letter to a friend concerning the late answers to a letter to the dissenter Seasonable advice to nonconforming-ministers, about the Oxford oath, the reading and hearing of common-prayer, and preaching in private assemblies, &c. |
3 |
BX5201 .S42 | A Second dialogue between Simeon and Levi concerning the difference of professors from the metropolitan sort, to all others of the lesser form with respect to their carriage and behaviour in time of persecution. | 2 |
BX5201 .S46 | Separation yet no schisme, or, Non-conformists no schismaticks being a full and sober vindication of the non-conformists from the charge and imputation of schisme, in answer to a sermon lately preached before the Lord Mayor by J.S. | 2 |
BX5201 .S47 | A Serious and humble representation of the thoughts and sence of a true desirer of love and union amongst all the sons of truth and peace unto the much honoured and greatly loved the ministers of the province of London, subscribers of a representation to his excellency, and councel of war, and to all the truely religious of their judge ment and principles, and a word to all that fear God of the two grand divisions of the parliamenteers, or of any other principle in the kingdom. | 1 |
BX5201 .S52 |
Shall I, shall I? no, no The saints cordialls wherein we have particularly handled the saints safety and hiding place ... with other material things delivered in sundry sermons at Graies-Inne, in the City of London, and at Cambridge / |
4 |
BX5201.S52 E56 | Enoch's translation a funeral sermon preach'd upon the death of the reverend Mr. George Day, late pastor of the church of Christ in Radcliff, who died Decemb. 3. 1697 / | 1 |
BX5201 .S53 | A discourse of superstition wherein the Church of England is vindicated from the imputation : to which is added A peaceable plea for union and peace, in an expostulatory address both to the conformist and non-conformist / | 2 |
BX5201 .S55 | Going naked a signe | 2 |
BX5201 .S69 1645 | The arraignement and condemnation of the chiefe heresies and errours of these times. Which may serve as an answer to a late scandalous and blasphemous libell: intituled, The arraignment of Mr. Persecution. Containing a cleer and full confutation of these sects following: viz. 1. Papists. 2. Arminians. 3. Antinomians. 4. Anabaptists. 5. Millenaries. 6. Brownists. 7. Familists. 8. Seekers. With a plaine discovery of atheists and hypocrites: and divers speciall cases of conscience resolved. / | 1 |
BX5201 .S72 | A caveat against seducers | 2 |