Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5201 .T78 An answer to a pamphlet called The true Protestants appeal to the city and country being a vindication of the dissenting Protestants in general, and Mr. Sheriff Bethell in particular /
An Answer to a pamphlet called The true Protestants appeal to the city and country being a vindication of the dissenting Protestants in general, and Mr. Sheriff Bethell in particular /
BX5201 .V64 The Voice of a cry at midnight, or, An alarme to churches & professors speedily to revive their temple-worke or open-worship before the present prohibition be reversed. 1
BX5201 .W3 1668 An ingenious contention, by way of letter, 1
BX5201 .W37 Light in darkness, or, Deliverance proclaimed unto the church in the midst of all her despondencies and discouragements
Light in darkness, or, Deliverance proclaimed unto the church in the midst of all her despondencies and discouragements in a sermon /
BX5201.W54 I36 The ignoramus justices being an answer to the order of sessions at Hick's-Hall, bearing the date the 13th of January, 1681, wherein it plainly appears the said order is against law : also a short account of all the acts that relate to Protestant dissenters at this day in force against them ... : and also an account of such acts as are in force against popish recusants ... : and hereunto is also added a brief account of the penalties and forfeitures of those acts ... /
The ignoramus justices being an answer to the order of sessions at Hick's-Hall, bearing the date the 13th of January, 1681, wherein it plainly appears the said order is against law : also a short account of all the acts that relate to Protestant dissenters at this day in force against them ... : and also an account of such acts as are in force against popish recusants ... : and hereunto is also added a brief account of the penalties and forfeitures of those acts ... /
BX5201 .W55 The loyal nonconformist; or, An account what he dare swear, and vvhat not. 1
BX5201 .W56 A Winding sheet for Mr. Baxter's dead or [tho]se whom he hath kill'd and slain in his Catholick [co]mmunion, sweetly embalmed, and decently buried again : being an apology for several ministers, viz. [Mr. E]rbury, Mr. Cradock, Mr. Vavasor Powel, & Mr. Morgan [Ll]oyd, misrepresented by Mr. Baxter to the world : with twleve queries concerning separation wherein [th]e reverend and learned Dr. Owen, is further vindicated. 1
BX5201 .W65 Anti-boreale an answer to that seditious and lewd piece of poetry upon Master Calamy's late confinement, supposed his who wrote Iter boreale. 2
BX5201 .Y6 1698 A dialogue between R---- and F----, concerning a discourse entitul'd, The view of an ecclesiastick in his socks and buskins: or, a just reprimand given to Mr. Alsop. Wherein is discover'd, an unheard-of discord between the author and himself. / 1
BX5202 The trewe markes of Christes churche, &c. the order of the priuye churche in London [...] by the mailce of Satan is falsclie slaundred, and euell spoken of.
[The covenant of Richard Fitz's separatist congregation]
Negotiating toleration : dissent and the Hanoverian succession, 1714-1760 /
BX5202 .A55 1688i Animadversions upon Mijn Heer Fagels letter concerning our penal laws and tests with remarks upon that subject, occasioned by the publishing of that letter. 1
BX5202 .B37 The nonconformists vindicated from the abuses put upon them by Mr. [brace] Durel and Scrivener being some short animadversions on their books soon after they came forth : in two letters to a friend (who could not hitherto get them published) : containing some remarques upon the celebrated conference at Hampton-Court / 2
BX5202 .B39 1667 The judgment of Mr. Baxter concerning ceremonies and conformity with a short reflection upon a scandalous pamphlet intituled, A proposition for the safety and happiness of the king and kingdom : in a letter to a gentleman of the House of Commons. 1
BX5202 .B54 A Bill for uniting the Protestants. 1
BX5202.B65 1683 A plea for moderation towards dissenters occasioned by the grand-juries presenting the Sermon against persecution at the last assizes holden at Sherburn in Dorset-shire : to which is added An answer to the objections commonly made against that sermon / 1
BX5202 .B68 A testimony for truth against all hireling priests and deceivers with a cry to the inhabitants of this nation to turn to the Lord before His dreadful judgments overtake them : also a testimony against all observers of times and dayes. 2
BX5202 .C37 1688 The Lancashire Levite rebuk'd, or, A farther vindication of the dissenters from popery, superstition, ignorance and knavery unjustly charged on them by Mr. Zachary Taylor in his two books about the Surey demoniak in a letter to himself. 2
BX5202 .C42 The Character of an old English Protestant formerly called a Puritan, now a Non-conformist. 2
BX5202 .C48 1642 The Cheshire petition for establishing of the common-prayer-booke, and suppression of schismatiques, presented to the Kings Majestie, and from him recommended to the House of Peers by the Lord Keeper. To the Kings most Excellent Majestie, and to the right honourable the Lords, and the honourable the House of Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of divers of the nobility, iustices, gentry, ministers, freeholders, and other inhabitants of the county palatine of Chester, whose names are nominated in the schedule annexed. 1
BX5202 .C53 1682 Persecutio undecima The Churches eleventh persecution, or, A briefe of the Puritan persecution of the Protestant clergy of the Church of England : more particularly within the city of London, begun in Parliament, Ann. Dom. 1641. 2