Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5202 .B37 The nonconformists vindicated from the abuses put upon them by Mr. [brace] Durel and Scrivener being some short animadversions on their books soon after they came forth : in two letters to a friend (who could not hitherto get them published) : containing some remarques upon the celebrated conference at Hampton-Court / 2
BX5202 .B39 1667 The judgment of Mr. Baxter concerning ceremonies and conformity with a short reflection upon a scandalous pamphlet intituled, A proposition for the safety and happiness of the king and kingdom : in a letter to a gentleman of the House of Commons. 1
BX5202 .B54 A Bill for uniting the Protestants. 1
BX5202.B65 1683 A plea for moderation towards dissenters occasioned by the grand-juries presenting the Sermon against persecution at the last assizes holden at Sherburn in Dorset-shire : to which is added An answer to the objections commonly made against that sermon / 1
BX5202 .B68 A testimony for truth against all hireling priests and deceivers with a cry to the inhabitants of this nation to turn to the Lord before His dreadful judgments overtake them : also a testimony against all observers of times and dayes. 2
BX5202 .C37 1688 The Lancashire Levite rebuk'd, or, A farther vindication of the dissenters from popery, superstition, ignorance and knavery unjustly charged on them by Mr. Zachary Taylor in his two books about the Surey demoniak in a letter to himself. 2
BX5202 .C42 The Character of an old English Protestant formerly called a Puritan, now a Non-conformist. 2
BX5202 .C48 1642 The Cheshire petition for establishing of the common-prayer-booke, and suppression of schismatiques, presented to the Kings Majestie, and from him recommended to the House of Peers by the Lord Keeper. To the Kings most Excellent Majestie, and to the right honourable the Lords, and the honourable the House of Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of divers of the nobility, iustices, gentry, ministers, freeholders, and other inhabitants of the county palatine of Chester, whose names are nominated in the schedule annexed. 1
BX5202 .C53 1682 Persecutio undecima The Churches eleventh persecution, or, A briefe of the Puritan persecution of the Protestant clergy of the Church of England : more particularly within the city of London, begun in Parliament, Ann. Dom. 1641. 2
BX5202 .C6 1678 Coppie of the interogators upon the lybell[?] of delinquents within the shyre of Aire 1
BX5202 .C63 Englands sad estate lamented and her abominations discovered which are the curse of the present visitation of Gods judgments upon her inhabitants : in which also is declared the true, only, and alone way by which the future judgments threatned may be escaped : wherein also the rulers of the nation may see their state and perceive the danger they are in / 2
BX5202 .C64 The history of conformity, or, A proof of the mischief of impositions from the experience of more than 100 years
The history of conformity, or, A proof of the mischief of impositions from the experience of more than one hundred years shewing the only means to reconcile all Protestants : humbly tendered to the consideration of this present Parliament.
BX5202 .C66 Conventicula fanaticorum dissipata 2
BX5202.C66 1645 A confession of faith, of the holy separated church of God 1
BX5202 .D45 1684 A plea for the non-conformists, giving the true state of the dissenters case. And how far the conformists separation from the church of Rome, for their popish superstitions and traditions introduced into the service of God, justifies the non-conformists separation from them for the same. : In a letter to Dr. Benjamin Calamy, upon his sermon, called Scrupulous conscience, inviting hereto. / 1
BX5202 .E54 The English Jeroboam, or, The Protestant reforming magistrate and what the Church of England may expect from such a one precisely characterized by a transformed church-warden at a vestry-consultation held upon the putting in execution the laws against seditious conventicles : being London's caveat in electing magistrates. 2
BX5202 .E54 1684 The opinion of the Parliament about religion being the votes of the Honourable House of Commons, concerning toleration. 1
BX5202 .E92 1662 An Exact collection of farewel sermons preached by the late London-ministers viz. Mr. Calamy, Mr. Watson, Mr. Jacomb, Mr. Case, Mr. Sclater, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Jenkin, Dr. Manton, Mr. Lye, Mr. Collins : to which is added their prayers before and after sermon as also Mr. Calamy's sermon for which he was imprisoned in Newgate : his sermon at Mr. Ashe's funeral and Dr. Horton's and Mr. Nalton's funeral. 2
BX5202 .F32 Epistola irenica ad venerandos verbi divini ministros regnorum Angliæ Scotiæq indigenas semetipsos ab ecclesia nationali segregantes : cui junctæ meditationes sacræ de unitate Ecclesiæ Britannicæ / 2
BX5202 .F53 The Fifth of November, or, The [brace] Popish and schismaticall [brace] rebells with their horrid plots, faire pretences, and bloudy practices, weighed one against another : and in opposition unto both two things asserted 1. that the supreame authority of establishing, reforming, and vindicating religion is placed in the King, 2. that religion is not to be established or reform'd in bloud. 2