Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5203.5 .V56 The Vindication of the cobler, being a briefe publication of his doctrine, or, Certaine tenents [sic] collected out of the sermon of Samuel How, a cobler in Long Ally in Morefields which sermon he preacht in the Nags-head Tavern neare Coleman-street, in the presence of aboue a hundred people ... : this sermon lately printed and intituled, The sufficiency of the Spirits teaching, without humane learning, for the light and information of the ignorant .. 1
BX5203.5 .V57 The Visitation, or, Long look'd-for comes at last in the submission of Mr. Baxter, Mr. Jenkins, and others, to the several parts of the Act of Uniformity. 1
BX5203.5 .W37 1679 The examinations of Faithful Commin Dominican Fryar, as Sir James Ware had them from the late Lord Primate Usher, being one of the memorials of the Lord Cecil. 1
BX5203.5 .W65 Conformity re-asserted in an echo to R.S., or, A return of his VVord to Doctor Womock's asserting 1. That modification of publick worship by personal abilities is not the formal act of the ministerial office, 2. That the ministers of the Church of England ought to submit to the use of an imposed liturgy : and dissolving the objections of Mr. Crofton and R.S. to the contrary / 2
BX5203.7 D6 1695 The case of the dissenters of Ireland consider'd, in reference to the sacramental test. 1
BX5203.7 .P76 1998 Propagating the word of Irish dissent, 1650-1800 / 1
BX5204.E53 J64 The Surey demoniack, or, An account of Satans strange and dreadful actings, in and about the body of Richard Dugdale of Surey, near Whalley in Lancashire and how he was dispossest by Gods blessing on the fastings and prayers of divers ministers and people.
The Surey demoniack, or, An account of Satans strange and dreadful actings, in and about the body of Richard Dugdale of Surey, near Whalley in Lancashire and how he was dispossest by Gods blessing on the fastings and prayers of divers ministers and people ..
BX5204.G7 (INTERNET) Five lookes over the professors of the English Bible wherein is shewed the infinite indiscreet invention, of inconsiderate, inveterate dissention about the exaltation of the propagation of that gospel which we all say, wee doe professe to beleeve : whereunto is added the English Protestants resolution / 1
BX5204 .K46 A letner [sic] of religion to the Protestant-dissenters from the Church of England, of what denomination soever in the county of Kent wherein is reported the ground of their dissent, their worship, way of instruction, and behaviour toward laws and government ; to which is added a perswasive to conformity, at least an acquiescence in the religion established / 1
BX5204.S97 T39 Popery, superstition, ignorance and knavery very unjustly by a letter in the general pretended, but as far as was charg'd, very fully proved upon the dissenters that were concerned in the Surey imposture 2
BX5204 .T39 Popery, superstition, ignorance, and knavery, very unjustly by a letter in the general pretended but as far as was charg'd, very fully proved upon the dissenters that were concerned in the Surey imposture / 2
BX5205.C57 H37 The Minster of Cirencester's address to the dissenters of his parish occasion'd by the death of their preacher : together with the answer that was made thereto and his reply to that answer : to which is prefixed a letter relating thereto from the Right Reverend Father in God Edward Lord Bishop of Gloucester. 2
BX5205.H35 T46 2012 Creating communities in Restoration England : parish and congregation in Oliver Heywood's Halifax / 1
BX5205.L6 N67 A declaration or testimony given by Captain Robert Norwood under his hand (the which was by him publickly read at a meeting in Ab-church before Mr. Sidrack Simpson together with many others) April 21, 1651 wherein is laid down his beliefe concerning God, what he is, what Christ is, and what the spirit is ... now brought to publick view for clearing of truth, discovering of error and his own vindication in reference to many unjust and untrue aspersions cast upon him. 1
BX5205.L66 J87 A Just vindication fo the honour of King James of blessed memory against the vile aspersions cast upon it and him by a late pamphlet printed by B. Took : and pretended to be presented by the grand jury for the town and borough of Southwark, &c.
A Just vindication of the honour of King James of blessed memory against the vile aspersions cast upon it and him by a late pamphlet printed by B. Took : and pretended to be presented by the grand jury for the town and borough of Southwark, &c.
BX5205.L7 T64 The triumph of the saints : the separate churches of London, 1616-1649 / 2
BX5205.N35 Birth, death, and religious faith in an English dissenting community : a microhistory of Nailsworth and Hinterland, 1695-1837 / 1
BX5205.N35 U74 2015 Birth, death, and religious faith in an English dissenting community : a microhistory of Nailsworth and hinterland, 1695-1837 / 1
BX5206 .G74 1985 Saints and rebels : seven nonconformists in Stuart England / 2
BX5207.B3 The Richard Baxter treatises : a catalogue and guide / 1