Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5336.A4 1575 |
The CL psalmes of Dauid in English metre. With the forme of prayers, and ministration of the sacraments &c. vsed in the Churche of Scotland. ; Whereunto besydes that was in the former bookes, are added also sundrie other prayers, with a newe & exact kalender for xvi. yeres next to come. The contentes of this booke are specified in the page following after the declaration of the almanak. [The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments &c. used in the English Church at Geneua, approved and received by the Church of Scotland.] [Whereunto besides that was in the former books, are also added sondry other prayers, with the whole Psalmes of David in English meter : The contents of this book are contained in the pages following] |
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BX5336 .A4 1594 | The CL psalmes of Dauid in meter efter the forme that they ar used to be sung in the Kirk of Scotland. Quhairunto ar addit all the commoun prayeris, with the catechisme of M. Iohn Caluine. | 1 |
BX5336.A4 1594 | The CL. psalmes of David in meter. For the vse of the kirk of Scotland. The contentes of this buke followe in the next page after the kalender. | 1 |
BX5336 .A4 1596 | The CL. Psalmes of David in meter. With prayers and catechisme, according to the forme used in the Kirk of Scotland. With sundrie other things qubilk [sic] fall be declared in the table next following the kalender. | 1 |
BX5336.A4 1601 | The CL. psalmes of David in prose and meter. For the vse of the Kirk of Scotland. ; The contents of this buke followeth in the next page after kalender. | 1 |
BX5336.A4 1607 | The CL. Psalmes of David in prose and meter. Where unto is newlie added an [sic] notable treatise of Athanasius, for the right use of the whole Psalmes. | 1 |
BX5336.A4 1622 |
The CL, psalmes of David in prose and meeter. Heereunto is adioyned an exact kalendar, with the forme of baptisme, the Lord's Supper, and marriage: & also morning and euening prayer, with many other godly prayers. After the Psalmes follow the X. Commandments, the beliefe, the Lord's Prayer, &c. in meeter. The CL. psalmes of David in prose and meeter. With their whole vsuall tunes newly corrected and amended. |
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BX5336.A4 1635 | The Psalmes of David in meeter. With baptisme, the Lords supper, and marriage: and certaine psalmes and prayers. | 1 |
BX5336.A4 1644 | The Psalmes of David in meeter and prose: with the prose in the margin of the last translation of the English Bible: ; also an exact kalender, the confession of faith, the order of baptisme, and the Lords Supper, and marriage. | 1 |
BX5336 .C45 |
The lesson ended, the priest shall saie. The kalendar. Wednesday before Easter. The Epistle. Matins. Evensong The order wher morning and eueninge prayer shal be used and said |
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BX5336 (INTERNET) | Reasons for which the service booke, urged upon Scotland ought to bee refused | 1 |
BX5337 .O72 | The forme and maner of ordaining ministers. And consecrating of arch-bishops and bishops, used in the Church of Scotland. | 1 |
BX5337 .P72 1632 | The psalmes of David in metre. According to the churche of Scotland. : With a table, and kalendar, for XIX. yeares. Newly calculated, and made perfect, from the former errours. Also, morning and evening prayers, with manie others, for all persons, and purposes. | 1 |
BX5337 .T3 | A table of the Epistles and Gospels contain'd in the Book of Common-Prayer | 1 |
BX5340.E53 1642 | Die Sabbati 9. April. 1642 The Lords and Commons do declare, that they intend a due and necessary reformation of the government and litergy of the church and to take away nothing in the one or the other, but what shall be evil and justly offensive or at least unnecessary and burthensome. | 1 |
BX5340.L47 1667 | Articles to be inquired of by the church wardens and questmen of every parish in the next visitation to be made by the Right Reverend Father in God, John Lord Bishop of Clogher | 1 |
BX5350 .D52 | A Dialogue between a monkey in the Old Bayly and an ape in High Holbourn | 2 |
BX5355 .I54 1695 | Information for the ministers in the Diocess of Aberdene cited before the Parliament | 1 |
An apology for the clergy of Scotland chiefly oppos'd to the censures, calumnies, and accusations of a late Presbyterian vindicator, in a letter to a friend : wherein his vanity, partiality and sophistry are modestly reproved, and the legal establishment of episcopacy in that kingdom, from the beginning of the Reformation, is made evident from history and the records of Parliament : together with a postscript, relating to a scandalous pamphlet intituled, An answer to The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence. The case of the present afflicted clergy in Scotland truly represented to which is added for probation the attestation of many unexceptionable witnesses to every particular, and all the publick acts and proclamations of the convention and Parliament relating to the clergy / |
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BX5355 .S35 | The case of the present afflicted clergy in Scotland truly represented to which is added for probation the attestation of many unexceptionable witnesses to every particular, and all the publick acts and proclamations of the convention and Parliament relating to the clergy / | 2 |