Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5536 (INTERNET) Here begynneth the pystles and gospels, of euery Sonday, and holy daye in the yere 1
BX5537.P7 C48 1679 A form of prayer. To be used on Wednesday the 28th of May; being the fast-day appointed by proclamation of the Lord Lieutenant and Council. To seek reconciliation with Almighty God, and to implore him, that he would infatuate, and defeat the counsels of the papists our enemies; continue his mercies and the light of his Gospel to us, and our posterity; and bestow his abundant blessings upon His Sacred Majesty, and this present Parliament. 1
BX5537.T5 F67 1693 A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God. To be used in the city of Dublin and suburbs thereof, upon Sunday the third of this instant December, and upon Sunday the tenth throughout the rest of the kingdom, for the preservation of His Majesties sacred person from all the dangers of war, and for his safe return to his people. 1
BX5537.W43 F67 1692 A form of prayer to be used on Wednesday the twentieth of this instant July and every third Wednesday in every month to be observed in a most solemn and devout manner, for supplicating almighty God for the pardon of our sins, and for imploring His blessing and protection in the preservation of Their Majesties sacred persons, and the prosperity of their arms both at land and sea. 1
BX5540 .C48 1679 Articles to be inquired of by the church-wardens and questmen of every parish in the next metropolitical visitation to be made by His Grace Michael now Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, Lord Primate and Metropolitan of all Ireland and Lord High Chancellor of the same 1
BX5540 .C58 1623 Anno Domini M.DC.XXXIII [i.e. M.DC.XXIII] articles given in charge to be inquired upon and presented too, by the churchwardens, side-men, quest-men, and inquisitors in every parish within the province of Ardmagh [sic], in the course of the metropoliticall visitation of the same, in this present yeare begun, by the most reverend father in God, Christopher, by the mercie of God, Lo. Archbishop of Ardmagh, primate and metropolitane of all Ireland : the said presentments to be made upon their and every their corporall oathes, whereunto the parson, vicar, curate, and parish-clarke in every of the said parishes are to be assisting, so farre as they and every of them can, respectively in their knowledge or understanding. 1
BX5540 .C58 1626 Anno Domini M.DC.XXVI articles given in charge to be inquired upon and presented too, by the churchwardens, side- men, quest-men, and inquisitors in every parish within the province of Ardmagh [sic], in the course of the metropoliticall visitation of the same, in this present yeare begun, by the most reverend father in God, Iames, by the mercie of God, Lord Archbishop of Ardmagh, primate and metropolitane of all Ireland : the said presentments to be made upon their and every their corporall oathes, whereunto the parson, vicar, curate, and parish-clarke in every of the said parishes are to be assisting, so farre as they and every of them can, respectively in their knowledge or understanding. 1
BX5545 .T63 1842i A report of the case of Wilson v. Daly argued and determined in the Consistorial Court of Dublin, in the year 1842 / 1
BX5550 .D8 Church disestablishment, 1870-1970 : centenary exhibition commemorating the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland in 1870, 5th May-7th June 1970. 1
BX5551 .R42 Reasons for valuing Youghil according to act of Parliament for provision of ministers in cities and towns corporate, &c. 17, 18 Car. 2d. 1
BX5555.C47 1650 Certain acts and declarations made by the ecclesiasticall congregation of the Arch-bishops, bishops, and other prelates. Met at Clonmacnoise the fourth day of December 1649. and since concluded. 1
BX5555 .C58 Anno Domini 1629 articles to be inquired of by the churchwardens and inquisitors of euery parish in the lord primates visitation metropoliticall. 1
BX5555 .U77 The reduction of episcopacy unto the form of synodical government received in the ancient church, proposed in the year 1641 as an expedient for the prevention of those troubles, which afterwards did arise about the matter of church government episcopal and presbyterial government conjoyned. 2
BX5569 .C57 2006 The clergy of the Church of Ireland, 1000-2000 : messengers, watchmen and stewards / 1
BX5570.C37 S7 1694 The charge given by Narcissus Lord Arch-Bishop of Dublin, to his clergy at his primary visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, in Dublin, June the 27th, 1694 : together with his articles of visitation : whereunto are annext three acts of Parliament, which are to be read in every parish-church yearly.
The charge given by Narcissus Lord Arch-Bishop of Dublin, to the clergy, of the province of Leinster, at his primary triennial visitation, anno dom. 1694 together with his articles of visitation ; whereunto are annext three acts of Parliament, which are to be read in every parish-church yearly.
The charge given by Narcissus Lord Arch-Bishop of Casshell to his clergy at his primary visitation helf in the parish church of St. John's in Cashell, July 27, 1692, together with his articles of visitation whereunto are annext three acts of Parliament, which are to be read in every parish church yearly.
BX5570.D45 F57 1990 Christ Church, Delgany, 1789-1990 : between the mountains and the sea : a parish history / 1
BX5570.D8 C48 2000 Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin : a history / 1
BX5570.D8 C483 2001 Christ Church deeds / 1
BX5570.D8 H634 1998 The registers of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin / 1
BX5570.D8 H644 1996 The proctor's accounts of Peter Lewis, 1564-1565 / 1