Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5595.R6 M2 2003 Primate Robinson 1709-94 : 'a very tough incumbent, in fine preservation' / 1
BX5595.T7 B7 The man of ten talents : a portrait of Richard Chenevix Trench, 1807-86, philologist, poet, theologian, archbishop / 1
BX5595 .U8 1688 The prophecy of Bishop Usher unto which is added two letters touching the designs of the papists against King Charles the First. 2
BX5595.U8 C86 2007eb James Ussher and John Bramhall : the theology and politics of two Irish ecclesiastics of the seventeenth century / 1
BX5595.U8 C866 2017 James Ussher and John Bramhall : the Theology and Politics of Two Irish Ecclesiastics of the Seventeenth Century. 1
BX5595.U8 F57 Armanchanus redevivus, vel, In Aprilis 17mum diem nuperi funeris domini virique verè reverendi, pientissimi nec non eruditissimi Jacobi Usserii, totius Hiberniae primatis &c., oratio anniversaria habita nuper ad Acadam. celeberriman Oxoniae ... / 2
BX5595.U8 F67 2007 James Ussher : theology, history, and politics in early-modern Ireland and England / 1
BX5595.U8 (INTERNET) The life of the Most Reverend Father in God, James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland with a Collection of three hundred letters between the said Lord Primate and most of the eminentest persons for piety and learning in his time ... / 1
BX5595.U8 P37 The life of the Most Reverend Father in God, James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland with a Collection of three hundred letters between the said Lord Primate and most of the eminentest persons for piety and learning in his time ... / 1
BX5595.U8 P46 2020 Catholicity and the covenant of works : James Ussher and the Reformed tradition / 2
BX5595.W5 A68 A Protestant in purgatory : Richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin / 1
BX5596 .H37 1999 The church in Wales : the sociology of a traditional institution / 1
BX5596 .N49 2020 A new history of the Church in Wales : governance and ministry, theology and society / 1
BX5600 .K286 2001eb Modernity and the dilemma of North American Anglican identities, 1880-1950 / 2
BX5603.5 .W65 The verdict upon the dissenters plea, occasioned by their Melius inquirendum to which is added A letter from Geneva, to the Assembly of Divines, printed by His late Majesties special command, with some notes upon the margent under his own royal and sacred hand : also a postscript touching the union of Protestants. 2
BX5610 Anglicans in Canada : controversies and identity in historical perspective / 2
BX5610 .C28 2001 Canadian Anglicanism at the dawn of a new century / 1
BX5610 .F25 1991eb In his name : the Anglican experience in Upper Canada, 1791-1854 / 1
BX5610 .F34 1991 In His name : the Anglican experience in Upper Canada, 1791-1854 / 1
BX5610 .H39 2004 Anglicans in Canada : controversies and identity in historical perspective / 1