Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX6333.G74 S42 The searchers for schism search'd, or, Their pretended questions for conscience sake answered wherein is proved that those baptized congregations under laying on of hands are not guilty of schism in separating from them : shewing, in opposition to their threeforld hypothesis, that their church constitution is not true, separation from them proved lawful, the truth and authority of the doctrine about which they separate, vindicated / 1
BX6333 .K42 A golden mine opened, or, The glory of God's rich grace displayed in the mediator to believers and his direful wrath against impenitent sinners containing the substance of near forty sermons upon several subjects / 2
BX6333.L3953 L6 "Lord, I believe" / 1
BX6333.M365 S4 1882 The secret of power and other sermons / 1
BX6333 .M61 Chancel sermons. 1
BX6333 .N45 Peace and freedom : through the Christ of God and Calvary who is this Christ / 1
BX6333 .P37 To all ye who be called Baptists who call yourselves saints and church-members 2
BX6333.S6 S4 1856 "The modern Whitfield." : Sermons of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, of London / 1
BX6333.S6 S4 1858 Sermons of the Rev. C.H. Spurgeon, of London / 1
BX6334 .B768 Jerubbaal, or, A vindication of The sober testimony against sinful complyance from the exceptions of Mr. Tombs in answer to his Theodulia : wherein the unlawfulness of hearing the present ministers is more largely discussed and proved : the arguments produced in the sober testimony reinforced, the vanity of Mr. Tombs in his reply thereunto evinced, his sorry arguments for hearing fully answered : the inconsistency of Mr. T., his present principles and practices with passages in his former writings remarked, and manifested in an appendix hereunto annexed.
Jerubbaal, or, A vindication of The sober testimony against sinful complyance from the exceptions of Mr. Tombs in answer to his Theodulia : wherein the unlawfulness of hearing the present ministers is more largely discussed and proved : the arguments produced in the sober testimony reinforced, the vanity of Mr. Tombs in his reply thereunto evinced, his sorry arguments for hearing fully answered : the inconsistency of Mr. T., his present principles and practices with passages in his former writings remarked, and manifested in an appendix hereunto annexed.
BX6334 .C7 Unrighteousness no plea for truth, nor ignorance a lover of it. Being an answer to a book called A plea for truth, in love to truth, subscribed by James Pope, wherein is contained his answer to several queries (sent to him by Thomas White) which are tried and found unsatisfactory, and James Popes Ten queries to the people (called) Quakers fully answered. : Also the doctrine and practise of the people (called Baptists) ... With a full discussion of their principles ... / 1
BX6334 .C73 The arraignment and conviction of Anabaptism, or, A reply to Master Tombes, his plea for anti-pædobaptists by refutation of his examen of the dispute at Abergaveny and sermon on Mark 16:16 ... / 2
BX6334 .C73 1830 Good reasons for not being a Baptist, or, The answer to the question, why am I not a Baptist 1
BX6334 .E48 Forgery no Christianity, or, A brief examen of a late book published by one T. Plant, a Baptist teacher, under the title of A contest for Christianity, or, A faithful relation of two late meetings &c as also some animadversions on J. Ives's postscript and an expostulatory postscript to the Baptists /
Forgery no Christianity, or, A brief examen of a late book published by one T. Plant, a Baptist teacher, under the title of A contest for Christianity, or, A faithful relation of two late meetings &c. as also some animadversions on J. Ives's postscript and an expostulatory postscript to the Baptists /
BX6334 .F34 Kātabaptistai kataptüstoi The dippers dipt, or, The anabaptists duck'd and plung'd over head and eares, at a disputation in Southwark : together with a large and full discourse of their [brace] 1. Originall. 2. Severall sorts. 3. Peculiar errours. 4. High attempts against the state. 5. Capitall punishments, with an application to these times / 1
BX6334 (INTERNET) The Baptists sophistry discovered in a brief answer to a late pamphlet entituled The Quakers subterfuge or evasion overturned : wherein all people may plainly see ... / 1
BX6334 .P52 A contest for Christianity, or, A faithful relation of two late meetings between the Baptists and the Quakers the one, on the 9th of October 1674. in Barbican. The other, on the 16th of the same month in Wheeler. Street 1674. Together with several letters ... as also some reflections upon several passages that are published in the account which the Quakers have given of the said meetings. / 2
BX6334 .R34 A dialogue between a Protestant and an [Ana] baptist 2
BX6334 .S54 The Baptists sophistry discovered in a brief answer to a late pamphlet entituled The Quakers subterfuge or evasion overturned : wherein all people may plainly see ... / 2
BX6334 .W54 Ne sutor ultra crepidam, or, Brief animadversions upon the New-England Anabaptists late fallacious narrative wherein the notorious mistakes and falshoods [sic] by them published are detected / 2