Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX6336 .J47 A catechisme for babes or little ones suitable to their capacity more than others have been formerly / by H. Jessey. 2
BX6337 .D67 1987 Giving glory to God in Appalachia : worship practices of six Baptist subdenominations / 1
BX6342 .C35 1674 Envy's bitterness corrected with the rod of shame: Or, An answer to a book lately published by Richard Haines (a person withdrawn from) entituled, New lords, new laws; wherein is shewed such an image of envy, as in late ages have not appeared, by his heaping up false accusations, and abusive expressions to a great number, with malicious insinuations, thereby to provoke (if possible) the civil magistrate to have suspitious thoughts of the innocent, with a great out-cry of usurpation and tyranny, proved to have no other foundation but his own evil imaginations, and so, neither lords, nor new laws. : Wherein also the several persons therein accused, are in righteousness quitted, to the shame of the accuser. / 1
BX6342 .C35 1675 A raging wave foming out his own shame. Or, An answer to a book lately published by Richard Hains (a person withdrawn from) entituled, A protestation against usurpation. Wherein appears such a measure of envies bitterness heaped up, pressed down, and running over, as the like in some ages hath not appeared, by his many false accusations, and malicious insinuations, thereby to provoke (if possible) both the chief magistrate, and all men of what degree soever, to have suspicious thoughts of the innocent, easily proved to have no other fouudation [sic] but his own evil imaginations. : Wherein also the church of Southwater by him contemptuously rendered papistical in their act of withdrawment from him, is vindicated and cleared, first, by apostolical authority, secondly, by Rich. Haynes his own pen. / 1
BX6345 .B72 The cause of the innocent pleaded, his accusers pretended charge confvted, their unparallel'd actings, ungospel-like dealings, and unrighteous proceedings against their pastor, declared, or, Truth breaking forth, through the mist of clouds and slanders 2
BX6345 .M466 2017 Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel Pearce / 2
BX6374.M2 M43 1998 The seeds and the soil : the planting of the Freewill Baptist church in Hollis, Buxton, and Gorham, Maine, 1780-1820 / 1
BX6378 .M47 1861i Decision of the council in the trial of Rev. W.P. Merrill pastor of the F.W. Baptist Church, in Portland : with a statement of facts, and the reasons for such a decision : in answer to a call from members of said church, and others.
Decision of the council in the trial of Rev. W.P. Merrill, pastor of the F.W. Baptist Church, in Portland with a statement of facts, and the reasons for such a decision : in answer to a call from members of said church, and others.
BX6379.D3 B6 Memoir of George T. Day, D.D., minister and editor: 1846-1875. 1
BX6383 .D67 1997 In the hands of a happy god : the "no-hellers" of central Appalachia / 1
BX6383 .G88 2015 Strangers below : Primitive Baptists and American culture / 1
BX6383 .G88 2015eb Strangers below : Primitive Baptists and American culture / 1
BX6383.M38 2004 Making of the Primitive Baptists. 1
BX6383 .M38 2004eb The making of the Primitive Baptists : a cultural and intellectual history of the Antimission Movement, 1800-1840 / 1
BX6384.B57 P43 1989 Pilgrims of paradox : Calvinism and experience among the Primitive Baptists of the Blue Ridge / 2
BX6385.G4 C76 1998 Primitive Baptists of the wiregrass south : 1815 to the present / 1
BX6393 .S48 1910 Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America : a series of historical papers written in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference, celebrated at Ashaway, Rhode Island, August 20-25, 1902. 1
BX6398 .C3 Ukraïnsʹka katoly︠t︡ska mitropoli︠i︡a v zluchenykh der︠z︡havakh Ameryky. 1
BX6443 .C76 2020 A history of the Black Baptist Church : I don't feel no ways tired / 1
BX6443 .M45 Is the Baptist Church relevant to the Black community / 1