Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX6480.D4 T87 1980 Centennial history of Calvary Baptist Church, 1881-1981 : a congregation with a mission / 1
BX6480.E37 L37 1987 The last outpost of Texas : a history of First Baptist Church, El Paso, Texas : the first fifty years / 1
BX6480.M44 B37 2022  
BX6480.M6 R63 2005 Fighting the good fight : the story of the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, 1865-1977 / 1
BX6480.M6 R63 2005eb Fighting the good fight : the story of the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, 1865-1977 / 2
BX6480.M6.V65 2001eb  
BX6480.N5 H57 2004 The history of the Riverside Church in the city of New York / 1
BX6480.N577 C45 Making all things human : a church in East Harlem / 2
BX6480.P6 F5 The First Baptist church of Pittsburgh. 1
BX6480.P9 F57 2013  
BX6480.P9 L46 2001 First : the First Baptist Church in America / 1
BX6480.R386 J66 2012 Nurturing the vision : First Baptist Church, Raleigh, 1812-2012 / 1
BX6480.S8434 T57 1988 Powerhouse for God : speech, chant, and song in an Appalachian Baptist church / 1
BX6480.T67 B37 2016 God hates : Westboro Baptist Church, American nationalism, and the religious right / 1
BX6493 .B38 2009 Baptist autographs in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1741-1845 / 1
BX6493 .B73 Mission for life : the story of the family of Adoniram Judson, the dramatic events of the first American foreign mission, and the course of evangelical religion in the nineteenth century / 2
BX6493 .G65 2010eb Into deep waters : evangelical spirituality and maritime Calvinistic Baptist ministers, 1790-1855 / 2
BX6493 .M4 1854 Memorials of Baptist martyrs. : With a preliminary historical essay / 1
BX6493 .S69 Southwestern men and their messages / 1
BX6495.A44 R297 1984eb Ravished by the spirit : religious revivals, Baptists, and Henry Alline / 1