Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX6495.P5 A3 Autobiography of a pioneer or, the nativity, experience, travels, and ministerial labors/ 1
BX6495.P573 B33 The life and death of Mr. Vavasor Powell, that faithful minister and confessor of Jesus Christ wherein his eminient conversion, laborious successful ministry, excellent conversation, confession of faith, worthy sayings, choice experiences, various sufferings, and other remarkable passages in his life and at his death are faithfully recorded for publick benefit : with some elogies and epitaphs by his friends. 2
BX6495.R27 B79 2011 The awakening of the Freewill Baptists : Benjamin Randall and the founding of an American religious tradition / 1
BX6495.R28 F65 Preacher and teacher : a sketch of the life of Thomas Rambaut ... / 1
BX6495.R3 F57 The fatherhood of God and the Victorian family : the social gospel in America /
The fatherhood of God and the Victorian family : the Social Gospel in America /
BX6495.R3 M56 1988 Walter Rauschenbusch, American reformer / 2
BX6495.R3 S48 Walter Rauschenbusch. 1
BX6495.R3 S57 1994eb The origins of Walter Rauschenbusch's social ethics / 2
BX6495.R3 S67 1994 The origins of Walter Rauschenbusch's social ethics / 1
BX6495.R585 T76 1990 God's empire : William Bell Riley and midwestern fundamentalism / 1
BX6495.S5 M3 A foundation builder : sketches in the life of Rev. James B. Simmons, D. D. / 1
BX6495.S7 Charles Haddon Spurgeon : a preacher's progress / 1
BX6495.S7 C6 Life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon : the world's great preacher / 1
BX6495.S7 K78 1982 Charles Haddon Spurgeon : a preacher's progress / 1
BX6495.S7 N6 1892 Life and works of Charles H. Spurgeon : being a graphic account of the greatest preacher of modern times / 1
BX6495.S7 S4 1897 From the usher's desk to the Tabernacle pulpit : The life and labors of Charles Haddon Spurgeon / 1
BX6495.S7 S8 1858 Sketch of the life and ministry of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. From original documents : including anecdotes and incidents of travel; biographical notices of former pastors; historical sketch of Park-street chapel; and an outline of Mr. Spurgeon's articles of faith. 1
BX6495.S7 W5 Personal reminiscences of Charles Haddon Spurgeon / 1
BX6495.S77 S63 2001 The roots of Appalachian Christianity : the life and legacy of elder Shubal Stearns / 1
BX6495.S7985 Augustus Hopkins Strong and the struggle to reconcile Christian theology with modern thought / 3