Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX659.K6 T7 V. Drumev-Kliment, branitski i tŭrnovski : zhivot, dĕinost' i kharakter / 1
BX659.R66 R54 2022 La vita di Romylos da Vidin asceta nei Balcani (1310 ca - 1376/1380) / 1
BX659.S5 S4 Sbornik v chest na Varnenskiĭ i Preslavskiĭ Mitropolit Simeon : po sluchaĭ petdeset-godishnoto mu arkhiereĭsko sluzhenie. 1
BX659.S6 A3 Izbrani sŭchineni︠i︡a / 1
BX659.S6 A3212 1981 Vie et tribulations du pécheur Sofroni / 1
BX659.S6 A3214 Vie et tribulations du pécheur Sofroni / 1
BX659.S6 A7 1947 Sofroniĭ Vrachanski, 1739-1813 / 1
BX659.S6 K5 Sofroniĭ Vrachanski : zhivot i tvorchestvo. 1
BX659.T44 K5 Sv. Teodosiĭ Tŭrnovski / 1
BX663 Architecture and asceticism : cultural interaction between Syria and Georgia in late antiquity / 2
BX664.G37 S26 2001 Samonastero cʻxovreba udabnoši : Gareja da kʻristianuli aġmosavletʻi ; saertʻašoriso simpoziumis masalebi Tʻbilisis universiteti, 2000 clis Sekʻtemberi / 1
BX664 .L36 2016eb Languages and cultures of Eastern Christianity : Georgian / 1
BX665.A24 G467 2014eb Georgian Christian thought and its cultural context : memorial volume for the 125th Anniversary of Shalva Nutsubidze (1888-1969) / 1
BX666 .I64 2015 Homélies : des dimanches de carême suivant la tradition de Jérusalem et autres homélies (I-XIV) / 1
BX669.A1 L3 Lives and legends of the Georgian saints / 1
BX669.G33 A3 2001 Pilgrimage : to Mount Athos, Constantinople and Jerusalem, 1755-1759 / 1
BX690 .B5 Biserica Ortodoxă Română 1
BX693 The late medieval cult of the saints : universal developments within local contexts /
The Romanian Orthodox diaspora in Italy Eastern Orthodoxy in a Western European country /
BX693 .H355 2008 "Pancosmic" church - specific românesc : ecclesiological themes in Nichifor Crainic's writings between 1922 and 1944 / 1
BX693 .P677 2017eb The Romanian Orthodox Church and the Holocaust / 1