Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7 .B87 Irenicum, to the lovers of truth and peace heart-divisions opened in the causes and evils of them : with cautions that we may not be hurt by them, and endeavours to heal them / 2
BX7 .D45 The way of true peace and unity in the true church of Christ in all humility and bowels of love presented to them / 2
BX7 .D78 Consultatio theologica super negotio pacis ecclesiasticæ promovendo, exhibita submissaq, judicio reverendæ facultatis theologicæ in Academia Regia Upsaliensi : cui addita est propositio de quærendæ concordiæ principiis, conventui Holmensi ab eodem oblata, nec non ejusdem ad Synodos Belgicas epistola /
The effect of Master Dury's negotiation for the uniting of Protestants in a Gospell interest in brief is this
Syllabus documentorium quae ab ecclesiis & magistratibus per Helvetiam & Germaniam euanglicis, ad concordiae ecclesiasticæ studium inter sese & apud exteros suis suffragiis excitandum & promovendum tradita sunt /
John Dury, his petition to the Honourable House of Commons in England, now assembled in Parliament
Irenicum in quo casus conscientiæ præcipui, de viis quærendæ & constituendæ inter ecclesias evanglicas religiosæ pacis, breviter proponuntur & deciduntur, ad exploranda super iis piè doctorum judica, vel ad obtinendum super eorum decisione eorundem consensum.
A demonstration of the necessity of settling some Gospel-government amongst the churches of Christ in this nation held forth in an answer to a querie whereby Mr. Saltmarch did once endeavour to hinder the settlement of all church-government in the nation : written in the year 1646, and now published for the present use of these times, wherein it may be seasonable to be taken into consideration for the preventing of further confusion and disorder amongst the professors of the Gospell /
Irenicum in quo casus conscientiæ præcipui, de viis quærendæ & constituendæ inter ecclesias evanglicas religiosæ pacis, breviter proponuntur & deciduntur, ad exploranda super iis pi#
A demonstration of the necessity of settling some Gospel-government amongst the churches of Christ in this nation held forth in an answer to a querie whereby Mr. Saltmarch did once endeavour to hinder the settlement of all church-government in the nation : written in the year 1646, and now published for the present use of these times, wherein it may be seasonable to be taken into consideration for the preventing of further confusion and disorder amongst the professors of the Gospell /
BX7 .D87 Epistolica dissertatio quam Iohannes Duræus, euangelicæ concordiæ procurandæ ergodioctes misit authoribus Calvinismi (ut vocatur) irreconciliabilis D.D. Iohanni Hulsemanno ... , nec non D. Petro Rhebindero ... ut illos de reatu, schismatis continuandi inter protestantes, evitando, fraternè moneret.
A summarie account of Mr. Iohn Dury's former and latter negotiation for the procuring of the true gospell peace with Christian moderation and charitable unity amongst the Protestant churches and academies.
A summarie platform of the heads of a body of practicall divinity which the ministers of the Protestant churches abroad have sued for, and which is farther enlarged in a treatise intituled, An earnest plea for gospel-communion, &c.
Epistolica dissertatio quam Iohannes Duræus, euangelicæ concordiæ procurandæ ergodioctes misit authoribus Calvinismi (ut vocatur) irreconciliabilis D.D. Iohanni Hulsemanno ... , nec non D. Petro Rhebi.
BX7 .D87 1653 Irenicum in quo casus conscientiæ inter ecclesias evangelicas pacis, breviter proponuntur & decidunter, ad exploranda super iis piè doctorum judicia, vel ad obtinendum super corum decisione corundum consensum. 2
BX7 .E43 Communion of churches or, The divine management of gospel-churches by the ordinance of councils, constituted in order according to the Scriptures. As also, the way of bringing all Christian parishes to be particular Reforming Congregationall churches: humbly proposed, as a way which hath so much light from the Scriptures of truth, as that it may lawfully be submitted unto by all; and may, by the blessing of the Lord, be a means of uniting those two holy and eminent parties, the Presbyterians and the Congregationals. As also to prepare for the hoped-for resurrection of the churches; and to propose a way to bring all Christian nations unto an unity of the faith and order of the gospel / 1
BX7 .E54 Communion of churches, or, The divine management of gospel-churches by the ordinance of councils constituted in order according to the Scriptures as also the way of bringing all Christian parishes to be particular Reforming Congregationall Churches, humbly proposed as ... a means of uniting those two holy and eminent parties the Presbyterians and the Congregationals ... / 2
BX7 .F73 Free thoughts occasioned by the heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational. 2
BX7 .H42 Heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational
A vindication of the late reverend and learned John Owen D.D by a friendly scrutiny into the merits, and manner of Mr. Rich. Baxters opposition to twelve arguments concerning worship by the lyturgy, said to be Dr. Owens /
A vindication of the late reverend and learned John Owen D.D. by a friendly scrutiny into the merits, and manner of Mr. Rich. Baxters opposition to twelve arguments concerning worship by the lyturgy, said to be Dr. Owens /
BX7 .I78 The vnerring and vnerrable church, or, An answer to a sermon preached by Mr. Andrew Sall formerly a Iesuit, and now a minister of the Protestant church / 2
BX7 (INTERNET) The way of true peace and unity in the true church of Christ in all humility and bowels of love presented to them /
The country's concurrence with the London united ministers in their late heads of agreement shewing the nature and advantages of a general union among Protestants : in two discourses ... /
Catholick communion doubly defended by Dr. Owens, vindicator, and Richard Baxter and the state of that communion opened, and the questions discussed, whether there be any displeasure at sin, or repentance for it in Heaven : with a parallel of the case of using a faulty translation of Scripture, and a faulty lyturgy.
Heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational
Catholick communion defended against both extreams, and unnecessary division confuted in five parts ... /
BX7 .L42 The reuniting of Christianity, or, The manner how to rejoin all Christians under one sole confession of faith 2
BX7 .L68 An essay to ecclesiastical reconciliation humbly offered to the consideration of all peaceable and good Christians / 2
BX7 .L68 1686 An essay to ecclesiastical reconciliation humbly offered to the consideration of all peaceable and good Christians / 1
BX7 .M34 A peaceable method for the re-uniting Protestants and Catholicks in matters of faith principally in the subject of the Holy Eucharist : proceeding upon principles agreed-on and waving points in dispute : upon occasion of the late conceit concerning the perpetuity of faith touching that great mystery / 2
BX7 .P39 Pax redux, or, The Christian reconciler in three parts : being a project for re-uniting all Christians into one sole communion / 2
BX7 .W37 Divine rules for Christian unity opened and urged a sermon / 2
BX7 .W54 An epistle for true love, unity, and order in the Church of Christ, against the spirit of discord, disorder and confusion &c recommended to friends in truth, chiefly for the sake of the weak and unstable minded ... /
An epistle for true love, unity, and order in the Church of Christ against the spirit of discord, disorder and confusion &c. : recommended to friends in truth chiefly for the sake of the weak and unstable minded for information and encouragement in our Christian unity and society, held in the spirit of Christ both in faith and practice /
An epistle for true love, unity, and order in the Church of Christ, against the spirit of discord, disorder and confusion &c. recommended to friends in truth, chiefly for the sake of the weak and unstable minded ... /
BX8 .C35 Catholicity : a study in the conflict of Christian traditions in the West, being a report presented to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury / 1
BX8 .D59 Lectures on the reunion of the churches. 1