Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7230 .A64 1664 Animadversions upon the Antisynodalia americana, a treatise printed in old England; in the name of the dissenting brethren in the synod held at Boston in New England 1662. Tending to clear the elders and churches of New England from those evils and declinings charged upon many of them in the two prefaces before the said book. Together with an answer unto the reasons alledged for the opinion of the dissenters, and a reply to such answers as are given to the arguments of the synod. / 1
BX7230 .B34 1642 An answer to two treatises of Mr. Iohn Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam the former called, A necessitie of separation from the Church of England, proved by the Nonconformists principles : the other, A stay against straying : wherein in opposition to M. Iohn Robinson, he undertakes to prove the unlawfulnesse of hearing the ministers of the Church of England ... / 1
BX7230 .B37 1589 A true description out of the VVorde of God of the visible church 1
BX7230 .B4 True religion delineated or, Experimental religion, as distinguished from formality on the one hand, and enthusiasm on the other, set in a Scriptural and rational light. In two discourses. In which some of the principal errors both of the Arminians and Antinomians are confuted, the foundation and superstructure of their different schemes demolished, and the truth as it is in Jesus, explained and proved. The whole adapted to the weakest Capacities, and designed for the establishment, comfort and quickening of the people of God, in these evil times / 1
BX7230 .B76 A true and short declaration both of the gathering and ioyning together of certaine persons, and also of the lamentable breach and division which fell amongst them. 1
BX7230 .C3 1641 Syons prerogatyve royal. Or, A treatise tending to prove that every particular congregation hath from Christ absolute & entyre power to exercise in & of her selfe every ordinance of God. And is an independent body, not standing under any other ecclesiasticall authoritie out of it selfe. / 1
BX7230 .C47 1605 Certaine demandes with their grounds, drawne out of holy writ, and propounded in foro conscientiæ by some religious gentl. vnto the reverend fathers, Richard archbishop of Canterbury, Richard bishop of London, William bishop of Lincolne, Garvase bishop of Worcester, William bishop of Exeter, & Thomas bishop of Peterbourough wherevnto the said gentl. require that it would please their lordships to make a true, plaine, direct, honest and resolute aunswere. 1
BX7230 .C748 John Cotton on the churches of New England / 1
BX7230 .C75 1644 The keyes of the kingdom of heaven and power thereof, according to the word of God. / 1
BX7230 .C76 The way of congregational churches cleared: in two treatises In the former, from the historical aspersions of Mr. Robert Baylie, in his book, called A disswasive from the errors of the time. In the lattter, from some contradictions of Vindicæ Clavium: and from, some mis-constructions of learned Mr. Rutherford in his book intituled, The due right of presbyteries / 1
BX7230 .D42 A Declaration of the Congregational ministers in and about London against Antinomian errours and ignorant and scandalous persons intruding themselves into the ministry 2
BX7230 .D42 1699 A Declaration of the congregational ministers, in and about London, against antinomian errours, and ignorant and scandalous persons intruding themselves into the ministry 2
BX7230 .D43 A Declaration by severall Congregationall societies in and about the city of London in way of vindication of themselves touching 1. liberty, 2. magistracy, 3. propriety, 4. polygamie : wherein their judgement concerning the particulars mentioned are tendred to consideration to prevent mis-understanding. 2
BX7230 .D8 1680 Conformité de la conduite de ceux qu'on appelle communement Independans avec celle des anciens chretiens. 1
BX7230 .E38 The defence of sundry positions and Scriptures for the Congregational-way justified, or, An answer to an epistle written by Mr. Richard Hollingworth unto S.E. and T.T wherein he (in many particulars) chargeth them with injurious dealing against God, and against himselfe in that booke of theirs called A defence of sundry positions &c. : containing a vindication from such charges and aspersions so laid upon them : as also a briefe answer to his large (if not unreasonable) demands to have scripturall or rationall answ. given to his 112 queries /
The defence of sundry positions and Scriptures for the Congregational-way justified, or, An answer to an epistle written by Mr. Richard Hollingworth unto S.E. and T.T. wherein he (in many particulars) chargeth them with injurious dealing against God, and against himselfe in that booke of theirs called A defence of sundry positions &c. : containing a vindication from such charges and aspersions so laid upon them : as also briefe answer to his large (if not unreasonable) demands to have scripturall or rationall answ. given to his 112 queries /
BX7230 .E4 The treatise on religious affections / 1
BX7230 .E4 1746 A treatise concerning religious affections, in three parts Part I. Concerning the nature of the affections, and their importance in religion. Part II. Shewing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious, or that they are not. Part III. Shewing what are distinguishing signs of truly gracious and holy affections / 1
BX7230 .H85 The Humble remonstrance and petition of certain churches vvalking in the fellowship of the faith and in the order of the Gospel with the Churches of Christ in America who joyn in this remonstrance and petition with many other godly persons (including some of our brethren now in Scotland) : having also the full content and concurrence of many others elsewhere.
The Humble remonstrance and petition of certain churches vvalking in the fellowship of the faith and in the order of the Gospel with the Churches of Christ in America who joyn in this remonstrance and petition with many other godly persons (including some of our brethren now in Scotland) : having also the full content and concurrence of many others elsewhere ..
BX7230 (INTERNET) A discoverie of Brownisme, or, A brief declaration of some of the errors and abhominations daily practiced and increased among the English company of the seperation remayning for the present at Amsterdam in Holland
A true description out of the VVorde of God of the visible church
A Christian reprofe against contention Wherin is declared and manifested a just defence of the Church against such slanderes and reproches which Sabine Staresmore hath layd vpon vs in his two bookes, the first being 16 questions, called a louing tender : the second is his preface and postscript befor and behind Mr. Answorths last sermon, and making a pretence by that to sett it out as a loue token, hee breetheth out his malice against vs : and lastly her is an answer to a letter written by Mr. Robinson, and sent to vs with the consent of his Church, which now Mr. Staresmore hath published to the world /
A whip for the back of a backsliding Brovvnist
The anatomy of the separatists, alias, Brownists the factious brethren in these times, wherein this seditious sect is fairely dissected, and perspicuously discovered to the view of world : with the strange hub-bub, and formerly unheard of hurly-burly, which those phanatick and fantastick schismatiks made on Sunday ... the 8 of May ... at the sermon of the Right Rev. Father in God, Henry, Bishop of Chichester.
A coppy of a letter of Mr. Cotton of Boston, in New England, sent in answer of certaine objections made against their discipline and orders there, directed to a friend vvith the questions propounded to such as are admitted to the church-fellowship and the covenant it selfe.
A iust and necessarie apologie of certain Christians, no lesse contumeliously then commonly called Brownists or Barrowists
A tale in a tub, or, A tub lecture as it was delivered by my-heele Mendsoale and inspired Brownist and a most upright translator : in a meeting house neere Bedlam the one and twentieth of December, last 1641 /
A defence of the answer and arguments of the synod met at Boston in the year 1662 concerning the subject of Baptism and consociation of churches against the reply made thereto, by the Reverend Mr. John Davenport, pastor of the church at New-Haven, in his treatise entituled Another essay for investigation of the truth &c. : together with an answer to the apologetical preface set before that essay /
A plaine confutation of a treatise of Brovvnisme
Of religious communion private, & publique with the silenceing of the clamours raysed by Mr Thomas Helvvisse agaynst our reteyning the baptism receaved in Engl : & administering of Bapt : vnto infants. As also a survey of the confession of fayth published in certayn conclusions by the remaynders of Mr Smithes company ... /
The confession of faith of certayn English people living in exile, in the Low countreyes : Together with a brief note of the speciall heads of those things wherin we differ fro[m] the Church of Engla[n]d.
Covnterpoyson considerations touching the poynts in difference between the godly ministers and people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation : argvments that the best assemblies of the present church of England are true visible churches : that the preachers in the best assemblies of Engl. are true ministers of Christ : Mr. Bernards book intituled The Separatists Schisme : Mr Crashawes questions propounded in his sermon preached at the crosse /
A treatise of the lavvfulnes of hearing of the ministers in the church of England
An inquirie and ansvver of Thomas VVhite his discoverie of Brovvnisme
BX7230 .J6 [A note] of some things called into question and controverted in the exiled English church at Amsterdam 1