Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7230 .L68 A vindication of the divine authority of ruling elders in the churches of Christ asserted [by] the ministers & elders met together in a provincial assembly November [-]4, 1649, and printed in London, 1650 ... : whereunto is added an answer to the question, Whether are [sic] not the brethren, [and?] not the elders of the church only be judge concerning the qualifications, and fitness, of those who are admitted into their communion, by the Reverend Mr. Increase Mather in his book entituled, The order of the Gospel, printed in the year 1700 ... ; reprinted for publick good. 1
BX7230 .M23 The principles of the Protestant religion maintained, and churches of New-England, in the profession and exercise thereof defended against all the calumnies of one George Keith, a Quaker, in a book lately published at Pensilvania, to undermine them both / 2
BX7230 .M257 1983 Doctrine / 1
BX7230 .M26 The order of the gospel professed and practised by the churches of Christ in New-England, justified, by the Scripture, and by the writings of many learned men, both ancient and modern divines; in answer to several questions relating to church discipline / 1
BX7230 .M37 The order of the Gospel professed and practised by the churches of Christ in New-England, justified by the Scripture, and by writings of many learned men, both ancient and modern divines : in answer to several questions relating to church discipline /
A defence of the answer and arguments of the synod met at Boston in the year 1662 concerning the subject of Baptism and consociation of churches against the reply made thereto, by the Reverend Mr. John Davenport, pastor of the church at New-Haven, in his treatise entituled Another essay for investigation of the truth &c. : together with an answer to the apologetical preface set before that essay, by some of the elders who were members of the Synod above-mentioned.
A defence of the answer and arguments of the synod met at Boston in the year 1662 concerning the subject of Baptism and consociation of churches against the reply made thereto, by the Reverend Mr. John Davenport, pastor of the church at New-Haven, in his treatise entituled Another essay for investigation of the truth &c. : together with an answer to the apologetical preface set before that essay, by some of the elders who were members of the Synod above-mentioned.
BX7230 .M38 1643 Church-government and church-covenant discussed in an answer of the elders of the severall churches in New England to two and thirty questions sent over to them by divers ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein. Together with An apologie of the said elders in New-England for church-covenant, sent over in answer to Master Bernard in the yeare 1639, as also in An answer to nine positions about church-government and now published for the satisfaction of all who desire resolution in those points.
Church-government and church-covenant discvssed, in an answer of the elders of the severall churches in New-England to two and thirty questions, sent over to them by divers ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein. : Together with An apologie of the said elders in New-England for church-covenant, sent over in answer to Master Bernard in the yeare 1639. : As also in an answer to nine positions about church-government. /
BX7230 .M38 1659 The Messiah magnified by the mouthes of babes in America, or Gaius and Gameliel an helpfull father, and his hopefull son, commodiously discoursing concerning three most considerable points namely, [brace] 1. The great want that is of Christ. 2. The great worth that is in Christ. 3. The good way that is chalkt out by Christ. In twelve edifying questions, and the answers thereunto; with the attestation of the auditors. Commended to all Godly fathers among his guidless friends in his native countrey and tending to the futherance of their spiritual good and growth in their family government. / 1
BX7230 .R37 A most grave and modest confutation of the errors of the sect commonly called Brownists, or, Seperatists agreed upon long since by the joynt consent of sundry, godly and learned ministers of this kingdome, then standing out and suffering in the cause of inconformity, and now published in a time of need for the good of Gods church and the better settling of mens unstable mindes in the truth against the subtile insinuations and plausible pretences of that pernicious evill /
A most grave and modest confutation of the errors of the sect commonly called Brownists, or, Seperatists agreed upon long since by the joynt consent of sundry, godly and learned ministers of this kingdome, then standing out and suffering in the cause of inconformity, and now published in a time of need for the good of Gods church and the better settling of mens unstable mindes in the truth against the subtile insinuations and plausible pretences of that pernicious evill /
BX7232 .C42 Christ's ascension to fill all things being a sermon preach'd at Horsly-Down, at the solemn ordination and setting apart of elders and deacons, by the Church of Christ, there assembled on that occasion Wednesday, September 21, 1698 / 2
BX7232 .T73 An apology for Congregational divines against the charge of ... : under which head are published amicable letters between the author and a conformist / 2
BX7233.A1 C6 A course of sermons on early piety By the eight ministers who carry on the Thursday-lecture in Boston / 1
BX7233.A1 S34 Salvation in New England : selections from the sermons of the first preachers / 1
BX7233.A1 S68 1979 Souldiery spiritualized : seven sermons preached before the artillery companies of New England, 1674-1774 : facsimile reproductions / 1
BX7233 .A87 A treatise of rejoycing in the Lord Jesus in all cases and conditions ... together with a Christians hope in heaven, in one sermon, and freedom from condemnation in Christ, in two sermons being the last preached / 2
BX7233.B4 L4 1870 Lecture-room talks : a series of familiar discourses on themes of general Christian experience /
Lecture-room talks a series of familiar discourses on themes of general Christian experience /
BX7233.B4 N6 1859 Notes from Plymouth pulpit : a collection of memorable passages from the discourses of Henry Ward Beecher, with a sketch of Mr. Beecher and the lecture room / 1
BX7233.B4 S4 Sermons 1
BX7233.B4 S45 1869 Sermons : Henry Ward Beecher, Plymouth church, Brooklyn / 1
BX7233.B8 C5 1864 Christ and His salvation : in sermons variously related thereto.
Christ and his salvation...