Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7234 .G54 Certaine reasons, proouing the separation, commonly called Brownists, to be schismatiques. 1
BX7234 .H655 1646 Certain queres modestly (though plainly) propounded to such as affect the congregational-way and specially to Master Samuel Eaton and Mr. Timothy Taylor. With an epistle also directed to them concerning their late book intituled A defence of sundry positions, &c. / 1
BX7234 (INTERNET) Anterōtēmata Thomæ Draks Ten counter-demaunds propounded to those of the separation, (or English Donatists) to be directly, and distinctly answered.
Some false principles and errors discovered and refuted in a short answer to a catechism book, which is said to contain the principles of religion, put forth by a namelesse authour, but is supposed to be the work of one Samuel Eaton ... but upon true examination he is found to be teaching the traditions of men for the commandments of Christ ... /
BX7234 .J86 1602 A Christian letter, containing a graue and godly admonition to such as make separation from the church assemblies in England and elsewhere. 1
BX7234 .T39 1642 A tale in a tub, or, A tub lecture as it was delivered by Mi-Heele Mendsoale, an inspired Brownist and a most upright translator in a meeting house neere Bedlam, the one and twentieth of December last, 1641 / 2
BX7235 .A4 1680 A confession of faith, owned and consented unto by the elders and messengers of the churches assembled at Boston in New-England, May 12, 1680 1
BX7235 .A52 Ancient truth revived, or, A True state of the antient, suffering Church of Christ, commonly (but falsly) called Brownists, living in London, and other places of this nation wherein I. Is shewed (in the preface) the state of the gospel-church, from the time of Christ's ascension, to the end of the world, gathered out of the book of Revelations, II. The confession of our faith, grounded on the doctrine of the apostles and prophets, III. By vvhom the gospel vvas first preached in this island, IV. Our practice in the worship of God, according to the practice of the primitive church, with an explanation of every ordinance, and vvho have right to administer the same, V. The first day of the week proved to be the gospel-sabbath.
Ancient truth revived, or, A True state of the antient, suffering Church of Christ, commonly (but falsly) called Brownists, living in London, and other places of this nation wherein I. Is shewed (in the preface) the state of the gospel-church, from the time of Christ's ascension, to the end of the world, gathered out of the book of Revelations, II. The confession of our faith, grounded on the doctrine of the apostles and prophets, III. By vvhom the gospel vvas first preached in this island, IV. Our practice in the worship of God, according to the practice of the primitive church, with an explanation of every ordinance, and vvho have right to administer the same, V. The first day of the week proved to be the gospel-sabbath.
BX7235 .B87 Some false principles and errors discovered and refuted in a short answer to a catechism book, which is said to contain the principles of religion, put forth by a namelesse authour, but is supposed to be the work of one Samuel Eaton ... but upon true examination he is found to be teaching the traditions of men for the commandments of Christ ... / 2
BX7235 .C39 1651 The inconsistencie of the independent way, with Scripture and it self. Manifested in a threefold discourse, I. Vindicia vindiciarum, with M. Cotton. II. A review of M. Hookers Survey of church-discipline. The first part. III. A diatribe with the same M. Hooker concerning baptism of infants of non-confederate parents, cap. 2. Of his third part. / 1
BX7235 .C6 Milk for babes drawn out of the breasts of both Testaments. Chiefly, for the spirituall nourishment of Boston babes in either England, but may be of like use for any children. 1
BX7235.C67 S64 Spirituall milk for Boston babes in either England. Drawn out of the breasts of both Testaments, for their soules nourishment: but may be of like use for any children. / 1
BX7235 .C68 1668 Spiritual milk for babes, drawn out of the breasts of both testaments, for their souls nourishment: but may be of like use for any children. / 1
BX7235 .F57 The first pinciples [sic] of the doctrine of Christ together with stronger meat for them that are skil'd in the word of righteousness, or, the doctrine of living unto God, wherein the body of divinity is briefly and methodically handled by way of question and answer / 2
BX7235 .F57 1657 The watering of the olive plant in Christs garden. Or A short catechism for the first entrance of our Chelmesford children: Enlarged by a three-fold appendix / 1
BX7235 .G66 Eirenomachia, the agreement and distance of brethren, or, A brief survey of the judgement of Mr. J.G. and the church of God walking with him touching these important heads of doctrine, 1. election and reprobation, 2. the death of Christ, 3. the grace of God ... 4. the liberty or power of the will ... 5. the perseverance of the saints, truly and plainly declaring the particulars as well agreed upon, as dissented in between them and their Christian brethren of opposite judgement.
Eirenomachia, the agreement and distance of brethren, or, A brief survey of the judgement of Mr. J.G. and the church of God walking with him touching these important heads of doctrine, 1. election and reprobation, 2. the death of Christ, 3. the grace of God ... 4. the liberty or power of the will ... 5. the perseverance of the saints, truly and plainly declaring the particulars as well agreed upon, as dissented in between them and their Christian brethren of opposite judgement ..
BX7235 . G68 The principles of Christian religion explained to the capacity of the meanest 1
BX7235 .G68 The principles of Christian religion explained to the capacity of the meanest /
The principles of Christian religion explained to the capacity of the meanest
The principles of Christian religion explained to the capacity of the meanest with practical applications to each head, whereby the great and necessary duty of family-catechising may with much ease be performed /
The principles of Christian religion explained to the capacity of the meanest with practical applications to each head whereby the great and necessary duty of family-catechising may with much ease be performed /
BX7235 .G68 1676 Principlau neu bennau y grefydd Ghristianogol a agorir fel y gallo y gwannaf eu deall / 1
BX7235 .G69 1679 Gwyddorion y grefydd Gristianogol, wedi eu hegluro i'r gwannaf eu deall a'u cymmhwyso tuag at yr ymarweddiad. 1
BX7235 .H45 1611 A declaration [of] faith of Englis[h] people remaining at Amsterdam in Holland. 1