Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7617 .P35 A touchstone or tryall of faith by the originall from whence it springs and the root out of which it grows : held out by way of expositions of the 12 and 13 verses of the first chapter of Iohn's gospel and of the six former verses of the third chapter which treat expressly about this point ... : to which is added The spirituall practice of Christians in primitive times. 2
BX7617 .P4 Fiction found out. To my esteemed friends, call'd Quakers, on occasion of two copies of verses printed, and subscribed W.P. 1
BX7617.P4 P7 The proposed comprehension soberly, and not unseasonably, considered. 1
BX7617.P4 S36 The sandy foundation shaken, or, Those so generally believed and applauded doctrines ... refuted from the authority of Scripture testimonies, and right reason / 1
BX7617.P4 T6 To the churches of Jesus throughout the world. Gathered and setled in His eternal light, power, and lpirit [sic], to be one holy flock, family, and houshould to the Lord, who hath redeemed them from among all the kindreds of the earth. 1
BX7617.P4 T7 The truth of God, as held by the people, called Quakers, further cleared from mistakes. Being a short vindication of them, from the abuses and mis-representations often put upon them by envious apostates, and mercenary adversaries / 1
BX7617 .P405 1670 The great case of liberty of conscience once more briefly debated & defended, by the authority of reason, Scripture, and antiquity which may serve the place of a general reply to such late discourses, as have oppos'd a tolleration. 1
BX7617 .P43 1680 The way of life & death made manifest, and set before men. Whereby the many paths of death are impleaded, and the one path of life, propounded, and pleaded for. In some positions concerning the apostacy from the Christian spirit and life. With some principles guiding out of it. As also an answer to some objections, whereby the simplicity in some may be entangled. Held forth in tender good will both to papists & protestants, who have generally erred from the faith for these many generations, since the days of the apostles; and with that which they have erred from, are they comprehended. / 1
BX7617.P46 E64 An epistle of farewell to the people of God called Quakers where ever scattered or gathered in England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany, or in any other parts of Europe. 2
BX7617.P46 E64 1700 An epistle of farewell to the people of God called Quakers, where ever scattered or gathered in England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany, or in any other parts of Europe. 1
BX7617.P5 A1 1771 Select works of William Penn To which is prefixed A journal of his life. 1
BX7617.P5 A33 1694 An account of W. Penn's travails in Holland and Germany, anno MDCLXXVII, for the service of the Gospel by way of journal containing also divers letters and epistles writ to several great and eminent persons whilst there. 2
BX7617.P5 A4 1694 An account of W. Penn's travails in Holland and Germany. Anno MDCLXXVII For the service of the gospel of Christ, by way of journal. Containing also divers letters and epistles writ to several great and eminent persons whilst there. 1
BX7617.P5 A5 1681 An address to Protestants upon the present conjuncture. 1
BX7617.P5 A6 1695 An account of W. Penn's travails in Holland and Germany, anno MDCLXXII for the service of the Gospel of Christ by way of journal containing also divers letters and epistles writ to several great and eminent persons whilst there. 2
BX7617.P5 B7 1870 The rise and progress of the people called Quakers / 1
BX7617.P5 B74 A brief answer to a false and foolish libel called The Quakers opinions for their sakes that writ it and read it / 2
BX7617.P5 C57 The Christian-Quaker and his divine testimony stated and vindicated from Scripture, reason, and authority 2
BX7617.P5 E64 1682 An epistle containing a salutation to all faithful friends, a reproof to the unfaithful, and a visitation to the enquiring in a solemn farewell to them all in the land of my nativity. 2
BX7617.P5 E82 1986 Essai d'un Projet pour rendre la paix de l'Europe : solide & durable (1693?) ; facsimilé de l'exemplaire unique dans la Bibliothèque de l'Institut Nobel Norwégien à Oslo / 1