Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7730 .P45 1670 A salutation of love and tender good-will to the commissioners of the peace for the county of Bucks, and such others in that county, and also throughout the nation, as are concerned in the contents hereof. 1
BX7730 .P45 1698 The Quaker a Christian, being an answer to John Plimpton's dis-ingenuous paper, entituled, A Quaker no Christian. 1
BX7730 .P46 A defence of a paper entituled Gospel-truths against the Bishop of Cork's testimony
A treatise of oaths containing several weighty reasons why the people call'd Qvakers refuse to swear : and those confirmed by numerous testimonies out of Gentiles, Jews and Christians, both fathers, doctors and martyrs : presented to the King and great council of England, assembled in Parliament.
Naked truth, or, Truth nakedly manifesting itself in several particulars for the removing of hinderances out of the way of the simple-hearted, that they may come to true knowledge, life, liberty, peace and joy in the Lord, through the vertue and power of his precious truth, revealed and working in them : given forth by way of question and answer : whereunto are added, some experiences, with some Scriptures very sweet, and necessary to be experienced in the Gospel-state : as also, a few words concerning the true Christ, and a few words in the bowels of tender love and good will to my native country /
Naked truth, or, Truth nakedly manifesting itself in several particulars for the removing of hinderances out of the way of the simple-hearted, that they may come to true knowledge, life, liberty, peace and joy in the Lord, through the vertue and power of his precious truth, revealed and working in them : given forth by way of question and answer : whereunto are added, some experiences, with some Scriptures very sweet, and necessary to be experienced in the Gospel-state : as also, a few words concerning the true Christ, and a few words in the bowels of tender love and good will to my native country /
Quakerism a new nick-name for old Christianity being an answer to a book entituled Quakerism no Christianity, subscribed by J. Faldo : in which the rise, doctrine, and practice of the abused Quakers are truly, briefly and fully declared and vindicated from the false charges, wicked insinuations and utmost opposition made by their adversary : with a key opening the true meaning of some of their doctrine, from that construction which their enemies ignorantly or enviously affirm, report and dispute to be theirs /
A call to Christendom in an earnest expostulation with her to prepare for the great and notable day of the Lord, that is at the door /
Christian liberty as it was soberly desired in a letter to certain forreign states upon occasion of their late severity to several of their inhabitants, meerly for their different perswasion and practice in point of faith and worship towards God /
A brief examination and state of liberty spiritual both with respect to persons in their private capacity and in their church society and communion /
Quakerism, a new nick-name for old Christianity being an answer to a book entituled Quakerism no Christianity, subscribed by J. Faldo : in which the rise, doctrine and practice of the abused Quakers are truly, briefly and fully declared and vindicated from the false charges ... made by that adversary with a key opening the true meaning of some of their doctrine ... /
The life of a Christian which is a lamp kindled and lighted from the love of Christ ... briefly displayed in this its peculiar and distinguishing strain of operation ; as also some few catechetical questions concerning the way of salvation by Christ, together with a post-script about religion /
Divine essays, or, Considerations about several things in religion of very deep and weighty concernment both in reference to the state of the present times, as also of the truth itself : with a lamenting and pleading postscript /
The Jew outward being a glasse for the professors of this age : wherein if they read with meekness... such of them as have not overslipt the day of their visitation, may see their own spirits to their own everlasting advantage and comfort by learning subjection to that which hath power in it to destroy this evil spirit in them : containing some exceptions and arguments of the Jews against Christs appearance in that fleshly form of his in their dayes which the present professors may view and compare with their exceptions and arguments against his appearance in spirit in this age, that they may see and consider which of them are the more and the more weighty /
Quakerism a new nick-name for old Christianity being an answer to a book entituled Quakerism no Christianity, subscribed by J. Faldo : in which the rise, doctrine, and practice of the abused Quakers are truly, briefly and fully declared and vindicated from the false charges, wicked insinuations and utmost opposition made by their adversary : with a key opening the true meaning of some of their doctrine, from that construction which their enemies ignorantly or enviously affirm, report and dispute to be theirs /
The Jew outward being a glasse for the professors of this age : wherein if they read with meekness... such of them as have not overslipt the day of their visitation, may see their own spirits to their own everlasting advantage and comfort by learning subjection to that which hath power in it to destroy this evil spirit in them : containing some exceptions and arguments of the Jews against Christs appearance in that fleshly form of his in their dayes which the present professors may view and compare with their exceptions and arguments against his appearance in spirit in this age, that they may see and consider which of them are the more and the more weighty /
BX7730 .P46 1653 The life of a Christian which is a lamp kindled and lighted from the love of Christ, and most naturally discovereth its original, by the purity, integrity and fervency of its motion, in love to its fellow-partners in the same life. Briefly displayed in this its peculiar and distinguishing strain of operation. As also some few catechistical questions concerning the way of salvation by Christ. Together with a post-script about religion. / 1
BX7730 .P46 1682 No cross, no crown a discourse shewing the nature and discipline of the holy cross of Christ, and that the denyal of self and daily bearing of Christ's cross is the alone way to the rest and kingdom of God : to which are added the living and dying testimonies of divers persons of fame and learning in favour of this treatise / 2
BX7730 .P46 1695 A call to Christendom in an earnest expostulation with her to prepare for the great and noble day of the Lord that is at the door / 2
BX7730 .P46 1696 A call to Christendom in an earnest expostulation with her to prepare for the great and notable day of the Lord that is at the door / 2
BX7730 .P46 1697 Some fruits of solitude in reflections and maxims relating to the conduct of human life. 1
BX7730 .P47 The mistery of baptism and the Lord's Supper, and the Spirit of Jesus, the guide unto both and onely and infallible rule leading both into them, and all other ordinances and ornaments of God, and a saints life : which may serve as an answer unto Randal Roper's Answer unto a paper written by me in the sence of the mistery of God, directed to all Baptists everywhere &c. / 2
BX7730 .P48 The Quakers plea answering all objections, and they proved to be no way dangerous, but friends to the King, and may be tollerated in their religion with safety to the kingdom / 2
BX7730 .P56 1682 No cross, no crown a discourse showing the nature and discipline of the holy cross of Christ and that the denyal of self and daily bearing of Christ's cross is the alone way to the rest and kingdom of God : to which are added the living and dying testimonies of divers persons of fame and learning in favour of this treatise / 2
BX7730 .P57 Truth vindicated and the lyars refuge swept away being an answer to a book set forth by Thomas Collier called A looking-glasse for Quakers, and also to some particulars in a book of his called A dialogue &c. : wherein the truth is cleared from those slanders ... : also an answer to his queries in the end of the book ... : together with an epistle to the people called Baptists ... / 2
BX7730 .P6 1876 The original and present state of man, briefly considered; 1
BX7730 .P69 Mr. Powels answer to a late fictitious pamphlet put forth by two leading Quakers, viz. John Vaughton and John Feild in which their account of a discourse between them and him is here rectified : every thing that is material in their said book answered and several notorious lies therein detected to the just shame of the publishers : also good counsel in the conclusion of the whole to such that are the principal leaders of the Quakers ... with an epistolary discourse touching the imputation of sin to Christ.
Mr. Powels answer to a late fictitious pamphlet put forth by two leading Quakers, viz. John Vaughton and John Feild in which their account of a discourse between them and him is here rectified : every thing that is material in their said book answered and several notorious lies therein detected to the just shame of the publishers : also good counsel in the conclusion of the whole to such that are the principal leaders of the Quakers ... with an epistolary discourse touching the imputation of sin to Christ ..
BX7730 .P74 The Principle of truth being a declaration of our faith who are call'd Quakers, whereby all that want peace with God may return into their first estate through the operation of the light and power of God in the great work of regeneration /
The Principles of truth being a declaration of our faith, who are called Quakers, whereby all that wants peace with God may return into their first state, through the operation of the light and power of God in the great work of regeneration /
BX7730 .P86 The Quakers vindicated from the calumnies of those that falsly accuse them as if they denyed magistrates and disowned government, and as if both in principle and practice they were inconsistant with either in which is shewed that the true and sincere Quakers ... are in the spirit and principle in which the justice of magistrates is obeyed ... / 1
BX7730 .P95 1671 The Principles of truth: being a declaration of our faith, who are called Quakers. : Whereby all that wants peace with God may return into their first state, through the operation of the light and power of God in the great work of regeneration. / 1
BX7730 .R3 For G.P. or the author of a little book entituled, Just measures, in an epistle, &c. and to all approvers thereof; with a postscript and a few words to the yearly meeting in London. 1
BX7730 .R43 Abstracts of some letters written by Mr. Robert Rich treating mostly of spiritual matters and here transmitted to posterity and recommended to the sober and serious enquirer for promoting of universal love amongst all sorts of people without respect of persons, parties, or sects : together with a friendly letter of Dr. Jer. Taylor to the said R.R. in answer to one of his / 2
BX7730 .R45 A true prospect for the bishops, priests & deacons and all other within the jurisdiction of the Church of England who are professors of the common prayer, through which they may see how far they are short in faith, principle and practice of divers sound truths therein specified : also the proper right of the Quakers to divers good things therein vindicated and pleaded for ... /
A true prospect for the bishops, priests & deacons and all other within the jurisdiction of the Church of England who are professors of the common prayer, through which they may see how far they are short in faith, principle and practice of divers sound truths therin specified : also the proper right of the Quakers to divers good things therein vindicated and pleaded for ... /
A Scripture-catechism for children collected out of the whole body of the Scriptures for the instructing of youth ... presented to fathers of families and masters of schools to train up their children and schollers in the knowledg of God and the Scriptures /