Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX7730 .J3 | Christian queries to quaking-Christians containing thirteen queries modestly propounded to those who are commonly known by the name of Quakers / | 1 |
BX7730 .J6 |
A visitation of love, and gentle greeting of the Turk and tender tryal of his thoughts for God, and proof of the hearts of his court, and the spirits of the people round about him, in his own dominion, and the inhabitants of the earth that are borderers upon his skirts, in their declared religious wayes : and is a warning to all men that are in the corrupted wayes of sin and iniquity, to repent and turn to the living God ... : to which is annexed a book, intituled, Immanuel, the salvation of Israel / A visitation of love, and gentle greeting of the Turk and tender tryal of his thoughts for God, and proof of the hearts of his court, and the spirits of the people round about him, in his own dominion, and the inhabitants of the earth that are borderers upon his skirts, in their declared religious wayes : and is a warning to all men that are in the corrupted wayes of sin and iniquity, to repent and turn to the living God ... : to which is annexed a book, intituled, Immanuel, the salvation of Israel / |
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BX7730 .K33 1692 | The Christian faith of the people of God, called in scorn, Quakers in Rhode-Island (who are in unity with all faithfull brethren of the same profession in all parts of the world) vindicated from the calumnies of Christian Lodowick, that formerly was of that profession, but is lately fallen there-from. As also from the base forgeries, and wicked slanders of Cotton Mather, called a minister, at Boston, who hath greatly commended the said Christian Lodowick, and approved his false charges against us, and hath added thereunto many gross, impudent and vile calumnies against us and our brethren, in his late address, so called, to some in New-England, the which in due time may receive a more full answer, to discover his ignorance, prejudice and perversion against our friends in general, and G.K. in particular, whom he hath most unworthily abused. : To which is added, some testimonies of our antient friends to the true Christ of God; collected out of their printed books, for the further convincing of our opposers, that it is (and hath been) our constant and firm belief to expect salvation by the man Christ Jesus that was outwardly crucified without the gates of Jerusalem. | 1 |
BX7730.K4 I66 |
Immediate revelation, or, Jesus Christ the eternall Son of God revealed in man and revealing the knowledge of God and the things of his kingdom immediately : or, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit of promise, the spirit of prophecy poured forth and inspiring man and induing him with power from on high ... not ceased, but remaining a standing and perpetual ordinance in the Church of Christ and being of indispensible necessity as to the whole body in general ... / Immediate revelation, or, Jesus Christ the eternall Son of God revealed in man and revealing the knowledge of God and the things of his kingdom immediately : or, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit of promise, the spirit of prophecy poured forth and inspiring man and induing him with power from on high ... not ceased, but remaining a standing and perpetual ordinance in the Church of Christ and being of indispensible necessity as to the whole body in general ... / |
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BX7730 .K44 |
A serious dialogue betwixt a church-man and a Quaker A salutation of dear and tender love to the seed of God arising in Aberdeen in two epistles : directed unto friends of truth in that place whom the Lord hath called ... to bear their testimony for his glorious truth (against an evil, adulterous, and persecuting generation) ... / Help in time of need from the God of help to the people of the (so called) Church of Scotland, especially the once more zealous and professing, who have so shamefully degenerated and declined from that which their fathers the primitive Protestants attained unto ... / The true Christ owned as he is, true God and perfect man containing an answer to a late pamphlet having this title The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus &c. writ by a nameless author : which pamphlet containeth many gross lies and wilful perversions beside some other great mistakes occasioned by the author his ignorance and blindness / The way to the city of God described, or, A plain declaration how any man may, within the day of visitation given him of God, pass out of the unrighteous into the righteous state as also how he may go forward in the way of holiness and righteousness, and so be fitted for the kingdom of God, and the beholding and enjoying thereof : wherein divers things, which occur to them, that enter into this way with respect to their inward trials, temptations, and difficulties are pointed at, and directions intimated, how to carry themselves therein ... / A general epistle to Friends by way of caution to take heed to the light, that they may be preserved from that lazy, idle spirit that veils the life. The way to the city of God described, or, A plaine declaration how any man may, within the day of visitation given him of God, pass out of the unrighteous into the righteous state as also how he may go forward in the way of holyness and righteousness, and so be fitted for the kingdom of God, and the beholding and enjoying thereof : wherein divers things, which occur to them, that enter into this way with respect to their inward trials, temptations, and difficultys, are pointed at, and directions intimated, how to carry themselvs therein ... / The way to the city of God described, or, A plain declaration how any man may, within the day of visitation given him of God, pass out of the unrighteous into the righteous state as also how he may go forward in the way of holiness and righteousness, and so be fitted for the kingdom of God, and the beholding and enjoying thereof : wherein divers things, which occur to them, that enter into this way with respect to their inward trials, temptations, and difficulties are pointed at, and directions intimated, how to carry themselves therein ... / |
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BX7730 .K44 1687 | The benefit, advantage and glory of silent meetings both as it was found at the beginning, or first breaking forth of this clear manifestation of truth, and continues so to be found by all the faithful and upright in heart at this day / | 2 |
BX7730 .K45 1694 | The Christian faith and profession of the people commonly called Quakers, concerning the divinity or deity of the Son of God asserted. | 1 |
BX7730 .L | News of a trumpet sounding in the wilderness Or, The Quakers antient testimony revived, examined and compared with itself, and also with their new doctrine. Whereby the ignorant may learn wisdom, and the wise advance in their understandings / | 1 |
BX7730 .L44 | The innocent vindicated from the falshoods & slanders of certain certificates sent from America on behalf of Samuell Jenings, and made publick by J.P. in Old England | 2 |
BX7730 .M37 |
The way of life revealed and the way of death discovered wherein is declared man's happy estate before the fall, his miserable estate in the fall, and the way of restauration out of the fall into the image of God again ... : also the by-pathes, crooked wayes, wiles, snares, and temptations of the enemy of man's soul discover'd ... the utter end and final destruction of all false professions prophesied ... : also a call in the tender bowels of the love of God shed abroad in this day, age, and generation to all the scatterrd sheep upon the barren mountains of profession to return to the true shepherd Christ Jesus ... / The way of life revealed and the way of death discovered wherein is declared man's happy estate before the fall, his miserable estate in the fall, and the way of restauration out of the fall into the image of God again ... : also the by-pathes, crooked wayes, wiles, snares, and temptations of the enemy of man's soul discover'd ... the utter end and final destruction of all false professions prophesied ... : also a call in the tender bowels of the love of God shed abroad in this day, age, and generation to all the scatterrd sheep upon the barren mountains of profession to return to the true shepherd Christ Jesus ... / |
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BX7730 .N38 |
The power and glory of the Lord shining out of the north, or, The day of the Lord dawning wherein the true light is holden forth to all who desire to walk in the day : with a warning to the people of England of all sorts not to oppose Christ in his kingdom : shewing also the way how al flesh comes to know the Lord and fear him by his terrible shaking the earthly part in man, witnessed by the holy men of God in Scripture : with a word to the serpents seed, or ministers of Antichrist, or man of sin wherever he is found / An account from the children of light (to them that askes) in several particulars why we have been kept from joyning to or worshipping in those formes at law and formes of worships that have been imposed upon us against our consciences in these late years for denying whereof we have so deeply suffered with our lives, liberties, and estates : also what we owne as to those things and can be obedient to for conscience sake, according to truth and the practise of the church of Christ and the Scriptures. An account from the children of light (to them that askes) in several particulars why we have been kept from joyning to, or worshipping in those formes at law, and formes of worships, that have been imposed upon us against our consciences, in these late years, for denying whereof, we have so deeply suffered, with our lives, liberties, and estates. : Also what we owne as to those things, and can be obedient to for conscience sake, according to truth, and the practise of the church of Christ, and the Scriptures. The power and glory of the Lord shining out of the north, or, The day of the Lord dawning wherein the true light is holden forth to all who desire to walk in the day : with a warning to the people of England of all sorts not to oppose Christ in his kingdom : shewing also the way how al flesh comes to know the Lord and fear him by his terrible shaking the earthly part in man, witnessed by the holy men of God in Scripture : with a word to the serpents seed, or ministers of Antichrist, or man of sin wherever he is found / |
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BX7730 .N39 | Love to the lost and a hand held forth to the helpless to lead out of the dark wherein is plainly held out divers particular things as they are learned of Christ ... set forth chiefly for the directing the simple into the living way of truth ... / | 2 |
BX7730 .N39 1656 | An answer to a book called The Quakers cathechism [sic] put out by Richard Baxter wherein the slanderer is searched, his questions answered, and his deceit discovered whereby the people have been deceived, and the popery proved in his own bosom which he would cast upon the Quakers ... / | 2 |
BX7730 .N6 1659a | The heart of New-England rent at the blasphemies of the present generation Or A brief tractate, concerning the doctrine of the Quakers, demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to religion, the churches, and the state; with consideration of the remedy against it. Occasional satisfaction to objections, and confirmation of the contrary truth / | 1 |
BX7730 .N64 1659 | The heart of N-England rent at the blasphemies of the present generation. Or A brief tractate, concerning the doctrine of the Quakers, demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to religion, the churches, and the state, with consideration of the remedy against it. : Occasional satisfaction to objections, and confirmation of the contrary trueth. / | 1 |
BX7730 .P308 | Henry Bernhard Koster, William Davis, Thomas Rutter and Thomas Bowyer Four boasting disputers of this world briefly rebuked. | 1 |
BX7730 .P37 | The way of God, and them that walk in it, vindicated against deceit and lyes and the refuge thereof being an answer to a malicious pamphlet entituled A caveat against the cheat of the Quakers chaff, written by Daniel Burges ... : wherein his cheats in religion and chaffie perswasions to diswade people from the way of truth, whose hearts are inclined thereunto, are succinctly manifested ... / | 2 |
BX7730 .P37 1670 | Eine warnung an alle menschen [microform] | 1 |
BX7730 .P4 | A brief account of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers in which their fundamental principle, doctrines, worship, ministry and discipline are plainly declared, to prevent the mistakes and perversions that ignorance and prejudice may make to abuse the credulous. With a summary relation of the former dispensations of God in the world, by way of introduction / | 1 |
BX7730 .P45 |
Reason against railing, and truth against fiction being an answer to those two late pamphlets intituled A dialogue between a Christian and a Quaker, and the Continuation of the dialogue &c. by one Thomas Hicks, an Anabaptist teacher : in which his dis-ingenuity is represented ... and Thomas Hicks proved no Christian ... / Urim and thummim, or, The apostolical doctrines of light and perfection maintained against the opposite plea of Samuel Grevill (a pretended minister of the Gospel) in his ungospel-like discourse against a book entituled A testimony of the light within, anciently writ by Alexander Parker / The invalidity of John Faldo's vindication of his book, called Quakerism no Christianity being a rejoynder in defence of the answer, intituled, Quakerism a new nick-name for old Christianity : wherein many weighty Gospel-truths are handled, and the disingenuous carriage of our adversary is observed, for the better information of all moderate inquirers : in II parts / Reason against railing, and truth against fiction being an answer to those two late pamphlets intituled A dialogue between a Christian and a Quaker, and the Continuation of the dialogue &c. by one Thomas Hicks, an Anabaptist teacher : The invalidity of John Faldo's vindication of his book, called Quakerism no Christianity being a rejoynder in defence of the answer, intituled, Quakerism a new nick-name for old Christianity : wherein many weighty Gospel-truths are handled, and the disingenuous carriage of |
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