Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7732 .B68 An answer to Doctor Good (so called) his Dialogue against those call'd Quakers wherein he hath forged the Quaker and confuted himself, which dialogue of Tho. Good's is in his book intituled Firmianus and Dubitantius, or certain dialogues concerning atheism, infidelity, popery, and other heresies and schisms, which trouble the peace of the Church &c. / 2
BX7732 .B73 To the mayor, aldermen, majestrates and officers of the military force in the city of London and county of Middlesex for you to receive and in patience to consider. 2
BX7732 .B8 Some of the principles of the Quakers (scornfully so called by men) vindicated and proved sound and true and according to the Scriptures in oposition to the false charges and lying reports given forth against the truth in two printed books put forth by one Philip Taverner, a supposed minister of the Gospel in Middlesex near Vxbridge ... / 2
BX7732 .B84 Several testimonies
One blow more against Anitchrist's ministers, the downfall of whose ministry hastens with an epistle of love and good will to the Quakers in general, being a further discovery of the new start-up kingdom of Antichrist among those called elders and teachers among the Quakers.
A testimony against the 66 judges called Quakers who writ an epistle (as they call it) against John Story and John Wilkinson and those that joyned with them.
A testimony against the 66 judges called Quakers who writ an epistle (as they call it) against John Story and John Wilkinson and those that joyned with them ..
BX7732 .B87 A testimony against a great idolatry committed and a true mourning of the Lords servant upon the many considerations of his heart upon that occasion ... /
A hue and cry after the false prophets and deceivers of our age and a discovery of them by their works and fruits and who they are in this age that follow the same spirit, and act the same things as did the false prophets in former generations.
The holy truth and its professors defended in an answer to a letter writ by Lawrence Potts, priest of Staplestown near Catherlough, unto Robert Lacky, a parishioner and formerly hearer of the said priest, occassioned by his forsaking his ministry and embracing the blessed truth herein vindicated /
BX7732 .B873 A trumpet of the Lord sounded out of Sion which gives a certaine sound in the eares of all nations and is a true noyse of a fearfull earthquake at hand which shall shake the whole fabrick of the earth ... with a salutation to the seed who are gathered into the fold and with the children of the king ... /
A trumpet of the Lord sounded out of Sion which sounds forth the controversie of the Lord of Hosts and gives a certaine sound in the eares of all nations and is a true noyse of a fearfull earthquake at hand which shall shake the whole fabrick of the earth ... or, Fearfull voyces of terrible thunder, uttered forth from the throne to the astonishment of the the heathen in all quarters of the eearth [sic] who are not sealed in the forehaed ... declared and written as a warning to all the inhabitants of the earth ... with a salutation to the seed who are gathered into the fold and with the children of the King ... /
BX7732 .B877 A declaration to all the world of our faith, and what we believe and this is written that all people upon earth may know by whome, and how we are saved, and hopes for eternal life, & what we believe concerning God, Christ, & the Spirit, and of the things that are eternal : appertaining to all mankind to know & believe.
A declaration to all the vvorld of our faith, and what we believe who are called Quakers. And this is written that all people upon earth may know by whom, and how we are saved, and hopes for eternal life; and what we believe concerning God, Christ, and the Spirit, and of the things that are eternal, appertaining to all mankind to know and believe.
BX7732.B877 1659 A declaration to all the world of our faith, and what we believe who are called Quakers. And this is written, that all people upon Earth may know by whom and how we are saved, and hopes for eternal life; and what we believe concerning God, Christ and the spirit, and of the things that are eternal, appertaining to all man-kind to know and believe. Also what ministers and magistrates we own, and what and whom we deny. 1
BX7732.B877 1660 A declaration to all the world of our faith, and what we believe who are called Quakers. And this is written, that all people upon Earth may know by whom, and how we are saved, and hopes for eternal life; and what we believe concerning God, Christ and the spirit, and of the things that are eternal, appertaining to all man-kind to know and believe. Also what ministers and magistrates we own, and what, and whom we deny. 1
BX7732 .B8777 Truth defended, or, Certain accusations answered cast upon us who are called Quakers by the teachers of the world, and the people of this generation with a clear discovery who are the false prophets and when they came in, and how they may bee known, and who they are that deny Christ and that preach another gospel ... / 2
BX7732 .C38 Three general epistles for the whole body of Friends 1 from William Caton, 2 from R. Greenway, 3 from Christopher Bacon. 2
BX7732 .C64 A lamentation taken up for the churchs [sic] of the Anabaptists 1
BX7732 .C644 A touch-stone whereby the Protestant religion as it stands at this day in England may be tried that in the light of Christ people of all sorts may see the degeneration and great apostacy which these last days... have produced ... also it may appear hereby that the ... Quakers are the true Protestants ... / 2
BX7732 .C72 Something spoken in vindication & clearing of the people of God called Quakers that they have not forfeited their liberty in the declaration, nor made ill use of the kings indulgence, by any plots or murders or insurrections, in a pretence of worship and serving of God : the Lord is witness, and you have tried us, and found that we are none of those people the kings proclamation takes hold upon, but ought to have our meetings. 2
BX7732 .C76 An epistle to young people professing the truth
A true information to the nation from the people called Quakers being a brief account of the proceedings of some of the magistrates in and about this city of London against the aforesaid people from the third day of the 5th moneth called July to the last day of the 6th moneth called August, 1664 /
Rebellion rebuked in an answer to a scandalous pamphlet entitled The Quaker converted to Christianity &c. written by one William Haworth ... and William Dimsdale ... /
An epistle to all that profess the light of Jesus Christ within to be their guide
[O thriambos tēs alētheias] Truth's tryumph; or, The day of the Lord broken forth, to the discovery of deceit, deceivableness, though never so secretly acted in the dark, or, something added in reply to Fra. Holcraft his six sheets of paper, wherein his spirit is unmask'd, and his bitterness and unchristian-like expressions laid before him (and others), that if possible he may be sensible of his folly, and repent of all his hard speeches and blasphemies against God, his truth and people /
An epistle of peace and good-will unto all the children of the Lord against this suffering time
Truth's tryumph, or, The day of the Lord broken forth to the discovery of deceit, deceivableness, though never so secretly acted in the dark, or, something added in reply to Fra. Holcraft his six sheets of paper, wherein his spirit is unmask'd, and his bitterness and unchristian-like expressions laid before him (and others), that if possible he may be sensible of his folly, and repent of all his hard speeches and blasphemies against God, his truth and people /
The way to a lasting peace and true reconciliation
Twenty cases of conscience propounded to the bishops or others who are called fathers in God, for them to answer ... as also some of the reasons why many godly people refuse to worship with the multitude /
Twenty cases of conscience propounded to the bishops or others who are called fathers in God for them to answer : that the blind may not be turned out of the way, nor the people perish for lack of knowledge ... : the which also may serve as a glass to shew to the ignorant the spots and deformities in the way of their worship : as also some of the reasons why many godly people refuse to worship with the multitude /
BX7732 .C8 A curb for Pegasus, or, Observations on The observator. Number 10. Dated Munday July 6th. 1696. : In relation to the people called Quakers. 1
BX7732 .D27 2007 An introduction to Quakerism / 1
BX7732 .D32 A single and general voice lifted up like a trumpet, sounding forth the Lords controversie concerning London, with her governors, priests, and citizens that walk in the manners, customs, and way of the heathen, that know not the dreadful God who is Light among them, neither like to retain God ... with somewhat directed to the ear of Thomas Atkin, called alderman of the said city : a reproof to his perverse and ungodly proceedings, message, and two letters ... also a letter from a servant of God in the said prison to Thomas Allen, Mayor of the city ... /
A single and general voice lifted up like a trumpet, sounding forth the Lords controversie concerning London, with her governors, priests, and citizens that walk in the manners, customs, and way of the heathen, that know not the dreadful God who is Light among them, neither like to retain God ... with somewhat directed to the ear of Thomas Atkin, called alderman of the said city : a reproof to his perverse and ungodly proceedings, message, and two letters ... also a letter from a servant of God in the said prison to Thomas Allen, Mayor of the city ... /
BX7732 .D47 The word of the Lord to his church and holy assembly regenerated and born again of the righteous seed, which the Lord hath blessed : to whom this is sent to be carefully and distinctly read, in the fear of the Lord, when they are met together, in the light of the convenant of the most high God.
The word of the Lord to Sion the New Jerusalem the bride the Lambs wife, the excellency of all the glory that is amongst the people : though she be now in deep sufferings, in fulness of time God will clear the innocency of her children, and all the nations of the earth shall call her the blessed of the Lord, yea, the holy city in whom the Lord dwells, to manifest his glory upon the earth amongst the children of men for ever.
The word of the Lord, to his beloved citty New-Ierusalem come from God, cloathed with the excellency of the glory of his love, and is the bride the Lambs wife, with the flowings of the tender compassionate bowels of the Lord Jesus to all the mourners in Sion, and the afflicted, desolate people, who waite for his comming as for the morning, and hath not satisfaction in any thing but in the enjoyment of his sweet and comfortable presence.
The word of the Lord to all children born again of the immortal seed as the salutation of the bowels of the unlimitted love of the father, flowing forth to you in the forcible power of his own life /
BX7732 .D48 The discovery of the great enmity of the serpent against the seed of the woman, which witnesseth against him where he rules, both in rulers, priests, and people whose hearts are now made manifest in this great day of the Lords power, wherein he is sending his sons and daughters in the power of his spirit to run to and fro to declare his word ... /
To all the faithful brethern born of the immortal seed of the Father of Life and sent forth in the great commission and power of the King of Eternal Glory, to gather his elect from the winds of the earth, forth of all nations and kindreds where they are scattered : this to you is the Word of God.
This for dear friends in London and them that are aboard the ship in order to transportation, or else where all abroad