Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7732.F69 S65 Something in answer to Lodowick Muggleton's book, which he calls The Quaker's neck broken wherein, in judging others he hath judged himself ... also something in answer to Thomas Fuller in his Church-history, to that which he writes to Barron Brooke wherein he rayles against the Quakers : and something in answer to Samuel Clarke, who calls himself a pastor in his book called A looking-glass for saints and sinners /
Something in answer to a letter (which I have seen) of John Leverat, governour of Boston, to William Coddington, governour of Rhode-Island, dated 1677 wherein he mentions my name and also wherein John Leverat justifies Roger Williams's book of lyes.
BX7732.F69 T47 A testimony for all the masters of ships and seamen to read over ... 2
BX7732.F69 T62 To all the nations under the whole heavens and to all those that have ministred to the letter and yet are ignorant ... from those people who are despitefully called Quakers, who tremble at the word of God in their hearts ... / 1
BX7732.F69 W37 A warning from the Lord to all such as hang down the head for a day and pretend to keep a fast unto God when they smite with the fist of wickedness and suffers the innocent to lie oppressed occasioned by a late declaration, stiled A declaration of His Highness the Lord Protector inviting the people of England and Wales to a day of solemn fasting and humiliation / 2
BX7732 .F82 A special warrant given forth from the spirit of God (who is Lord over all lords and King over all kings) against the spirit of envy and persecution ... also some descriptions set down how this insufferable enemy (the spirit of persecution) may be known ... / 2
BX7732 .G45 Gemitus de carcere Nantes, or, Prison-sighs and supports being a few broken scraps and crumbs of comfort lately fallen from the great kings table, the Holy Scriptures, into the prisoners basket : who being satisfied, let fall (through the grate) a few leavings for the hungry souls abroad, till God send more plenty. 2
BX7732 .G52 Election and reprobation scripturally and experimentally witnessed unto &c. wherein the love of God in Christ is freely and clearly held forth to all mankind ... / 1
BX7732 .G54 An epistle to friends being a tender salutation to the faithful in God everywhere : also a letter to Charles, King of England &c. / by Anne Gilman. 2
BX7732 .G66 A cry of the just against oppression 2
BX7732.G69 J63 John James, I hearing that thou doest make a noise up and down in the countrey amongst the ignorant ... here is a few queries for thee to answer in writing, and plainess of words.
John James, I hearing that thou doest make a noise up and down in the countrey amongst the ignorant ... here is a few queries for thee to answer in writing, and plainess of words ..
BX7732 .G73 Visitation of love to the inhabitants of London or any other place where it may come. 2
BX7732 .G73 2020 Theology from listening : finding the core of liberal Quaker theological thought / 1
BX7732 .H37 The lying prophet discovered and reproved in an answer to several particulars in a book called The Quakers downfal, said to be written by Lawrence Claxton ... : with several of his damnable doctrines ... : also twelve particulars which he and his companion Lodowick Muggleton uttered ... / 2
BX7732 .H39 The skirmisher confounded being a collection of several passages taken forth of some books of John Cheyney's, who stiles himself the author of the skirmish upon Quakerism : in which is the baseness, wickedness, contradictions, lyes, hypocrisie, unbelief, confusion and blasphemy of that skirmishing priest discovered, and he laid open to the view of every one who shall read with a single eye /
The skirmisher confounded being a collection of several passages taken forth of some books of John Cheyney's, who stiles himself the author of the skirmish upon Quakerism : in which is the baseness, wickedness,
BX7732 .H4 Here is great news for England. And good news for England. 1
BX7732.H53 1674 A rebuke to Tho. Rudyard's Folly and impertinencies 1
BX7732 .H76 1766 A caution to such as observe days and times : to which is added, an address to magistrates, parents, masters of families, & c / 1
BX7732 .H85 1656 The inheritance of Jacob discovered, after his return out of AEgypt and the leading of the Lord to the land of promise, declared, and some information of the way thither, or a word of exhortation to all professors in England, Scotland and Ireland, and to all the world where this shall come, wherein the common salvation is declared, in which the saints believed, and deceit discovered and made manifest : published in love to all the honest hearted in the nations, in love and bowels of compassion to your souls : also a few words of exhortation to the rulers of England, and Ireland / 1
BX7732 (INTERNET) The word of the Lord to Sion the New Jerusalem the bride the Lambs wife, the excellency of all the glory that is amongst the people : though she be now in deep sufferings, in fulness of time God will clear the innocency of her children, and all the nations of the earth shall call her the blessed of the Lord, yea, the holy city in whom the Lord dwells, to manifest his glory upon the earth amongst the children of men for ever.
A declaration to all the world of our faith, and what we believe and this is written that all people upon earth may know by whome, and how we are saved, and hopes for eternal life, & what we believe concerning God, Christ, & the Spirit, and of the things that are eternal : appertaining to all mankind to know & believe.
The word of the Lord to his church and holy assembly regenerated and born again of the righteous seed, which the Lord hath blessed : to whom this is sent to be carefully and distinctly read, in the fear of the Lord, when they are met together, in the light of the convenant of the most high God.
This for dear friends in London and them that are aboard the ship in order to transportation, or else where all abroad
Something by way of testimony concerning Clement Lake of Crediton in Devonshire with something he wrote in his life time by way of answer unto John Flavell, independent preacher of Dartmouth.
To all the faithful brethern born of the immortal seed of the Father of Life and sent forth in the great commission and power of the King of Eternal Glory, to gather his elect from the winds of the earth, forth of all nations and kindreds where they are scattered : this to you is the Word of God.
A second relation from Hertford containing the unjust proceedings of some called justice there at the general quarter sessions, upon the tryal of one and twenty innocent persons called Quakers for a pretended breach of the late act, with an account of the most material passages between the prisoners and the court, the 3d, 4th, and 5th dayes of the 8th moneth, 1664 : whereby it appears that meeting to worship God in spirit and truth is the great crime for which they are under so grievous a sentence, and that whatever is pretended by those that love the title of justice, yet in very deed they hate justice it self, as by their proceedings appears /
An epistle to all the called and chosen of God
A manifestation of the love of God unto all such as are convinced of truth and do not obey it.
To all the faithfull in Christ Jesus
The standing truth in which may be seen how every ones house is ordered and how their families are provided and what peace they have in their dwellings and whether they be Christians or infidels ... also a narrative of the some unjust and cruel dealings by William Pocklington of North Collington ... against William Smith of Besthorp ... /
The holy truth and its professors defended in an answer to a letter writ by Lawrence Potts, priest of Staplestown near Catherlough, unto Robert Lacky, a parishioner and formerly hearer of the said priest, occassioned by his forsaking his ministry and embracing the blessed truth herein vindicated /
Wickham wakened, or, The Quakers madrigall in rime dogrell
The everlasting Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the blessed effects thereof testified to by experience : with a few words to England, my native country /
Some of the principles of the Quakers (scornfully so called by men) vindicated and proved sound and true and according to the Scriptures in oposition to the false charges and lying reports given forth against the truth in two printed books put forth by one Philip Taverner, a supposed minister of the Gospel in Middlesex near Vxbridge ... /
Three general epistles for the whole body of Friends
The word of the Lord to all children born again of the immortal seed as the salutation of the bowels of the unlimitted love of the father, flowing forth to you in the forcible power of his own life /
Two general epistles to the flock of God, where-ever they are dispersed on the face of the earth ... to bear testimony for the Lord God against the deceit and deceivableness which the worships of the world have lain in, in the dark night of apostasy : also, pure consolation and comfort proclaimed from the spirit of life to the faithful followers of the Lamb ... with an admonition unto all who are not wholly redeemed out of the earth /
The word of the Lord, to his beloved citty New-Ierusalem come from God, cloathed with the excellency of the glory of his love, and is the bride the Lambs wife, with the flowings of the tender compassionate bowels of the Lord Jesus to all the mourners in Sion, and the afflicted, desolate people, who waite for his comming as for the morning, and hath not satisfaction in any thing but in the enjoyment of his sweet and comfortable presence.
An epistle of love and good advice to my old friends & fellow-sufferers in the late times, the old royalists and their posterity and to all others that have any sincere desires towards God.
The discovery of the great enmity of the serpent against the seed of the woman, which witnesseth against him where he rules, both in rulers, priests, and people whose hearts are now made manifest in this great day of the Lords power, wherein he is sending his sons and daughters in the power of his spirit to run to and fro to declare his word ... /
A trumpet of the Lord sounded out of Sion which gives a certaine sound in the eares of all nations and is a true noyse of a fearfull earthquake at hand which shall shake the whole fabrick of the earth ... with a salutation to the seed who are gathered into the fold and with the children of the king ... /
BX7732 .L34 Something by way of testimony concerning Clement Lake of Crediton in Devonshire with something he wrote in his life time by way of answer unto John Flavell, independent preacher of Dartmouth. 2