Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7732 .F53 A second letter to the clergy and people of Norfolk and Suffolk by the author of the first, a member of the Church of England.
The creed-forgers detected in reply to a pamphlet falsely called the Quakers-creed, containing twelve articles /
The weakness of George Keith's reasons for renouncing Quakerism and entering into communion with the Church of England &c
The weakness of George Keith's reasons for renouncing Quakerism and entering into communion with the Church of England &c.
BX7732 .F57 A few lines in true love to such that frequent the meetings of the people called Quakers and love to hear the sound of truth but are not yet come to obey the testimony of it, that they may also hear and learn to read at home : with a second addition as a confirmation of what the Lord requires at your hands. 2
BX7732 .F6 1675 An epistle to all my dear Friends elect and precious in America. 1
BX7732 .F67 A declaration of the bountifull loving-kindness of the Lord manifested to His hand-maid Mary Harris, who stood idle in the market-place till the eleventh hour, yet then received her penny ... as also a few words of encouragement from experience to any who knows the name of the Lord in the least measure, to fear the Lord, and trust in His mercies. 2
BX7732 .F69 The devil was and is the old informer against the righteous
An epistle to friends by G.F.
To those that have been formerly in authority and have broken covenant with God & man /
A word in the behalf of the King that he may see who they are that honour all men, and love the brother-hood, and honour the King.
To all rulers and magistrates to be tender and take heed of persecuting and imprisoning and spoiling the goods of God's people for obeying, serving, and worshipping the Lord God that made them, and the heavens, and the earth, and all things therein /
To the council of officers of the armie and the heads of the nation, and for the inferior officers and souldiers to read.
Concerning ministers made by the will of man
A word of admonition to such as wander from the anointings and teachings, and from the Father and the Son as also concerning the Supper of the Lord ... shewing also how the Jews wandered from the commands of God ... likewise Gods promises to Cain ... lastly, here is the true Christians righteousness, which must exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, or there is no entring God's Kingdom /
A true account of the sensible, thankful, and holy state of God's people and of his speaking to them both in the Old and New Covenant /
A measuring rule concerning liberty and persecution and who have been the persecutors and who have been the sufferers from the beginning : also the stock and line from whence the persecutor has had his rise and descent, and of what stock they are that cumber Gods earth.
The royal law of God revived wherein you may see that all nations of men may keep in it a royal society ... /
Gospel-liberty and the royal-law of love from Jesus Christ who has all power in heaven and earth given unto him, set above Axtaxerxes and Nebuchadnezer's laws and commands, and above the Medes and Persians and Darius his decrees : also several Scriptures opened ... /
To the Great Turk and his King at Argiers together with a postscript of George Pattison's taking the Turks and setting them on their own shoar.
The state of the birth temporal & spiritual and the duty and state of a child, youth, young-men, aged-men, and fathers in the truth : also, shewing that children are the heritage of the Lord, and that he hath a glory in them /
Several papers given forth for the spreading of truth and detection of deceit wherein the plain, honest, and sober conversation of the saints in fear and trembling is justified against the idle bablings of formal professors, the wicked fashons and heathenish customs of these nations, under the pretence of civillity /
The pearle found in England this is for the poor distressed, scattered ones in forraigne nations, from the royall seed of God, and heirs of salvation called Quakers, who are the Church of the living God, built up together of living stones in England, a visitation and uniting to the pearl of God which is hid in all the world that every one may turn into himself, and there feel it, and finde it /
For all the bishops and priests in Christendom to measure themselves by the scriptures of truth and see if they be not reproved by them and the Spirit from whence they came, and to all that call themselves papists, bishops, ministers and teachers of the Gospel, and professors in Christendom (so called) that say, they have not the same power and spirit the apostles had ... /
The breathings of true love from the immortal seed in the prisoner for the Lord, unto his people.
A message of tender love unto such professors as have retained any true sincerity, simplicity and zeal for God in their professions ... /
An exhortation to families who have desires to serve the Lord God in their several places that they may all learn in the light of Christ Jesus, the wisdome and power of God, who is the true teacher.
The testimony of God to those rulers, teachers, and people of this present age ... wherein Gods controversie with them is plainly demonstrated /
The eternal substantial truths of Gods kingdom set above and preferred before the traditions of men and rudiments of the world which the kingdom of God stands not in in answer to a book intituled Charitable admonition, or, Good advice to the people called Quakers, wherein is made manifest the ignorance and blindness of the author, notwithstanding he takes upon himself to instruct the Quakers ... /
A paper concerning such as are made ministers by the will of man
This is to the clergy who are the men that goes about to settle religion (as they say) according to the Church of England, whether they may be bishops or presbyters, or what name soever they may go under.
An epistle to all planters and such who are transporting themselves into foreign plantations in America &c.
A distinction between the phanatick spirit and the spirit of God and the fruits of each spirit as followeth.
A few queries to the teachers of the Episcopal Society (so called)
Two epistles sent in manuscript to friends of truth and now printed for their further service /
Several papers given forth the heads of which are contained in the following table /
A distinction between the phanatick spirit and the spirit of God and the fruits of each spirit as followeth ..
A word in the behalf of the King that he may see who they are that honour all men, and love the brother-hood, and honour the King ..
The pearle found in England. This is for the poor distressed, scattered ones in forraigne nations. From the royall seed of God, and heirs of salvation, called Quakers, who are the Church of the living God, built up together of living stones in England : a visitation and uniting to the pearl of God which is hid in all the world, that every one may turn into himself, and there feel it, and find it. /
BX7732 .F69 1660 To all that would know the way to the kingdome whether they be in forms, without forms, or got above all forms : a direction to turn your minds within, where the voice of God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly worship as afar off, and to wait upon him for the true wisdome : that you may know truth from errour, the word from the letter, the power from the form, and the true prophets from the false : given forth by those whom the world in scorn calls Quakers /
To all that would know the way to the kingdome whether they be in forms, without forms, or got above all forms : a direction to turn your minds within, where the voice of God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly worship as afar off, and to wait upon him for the true wisdome : that you may know truth from errour, the word from the letter, the power from the form, and the true prophets from the false : given forth by those whom the world in scorn calls Quakers /
BX7732.F69 A44 All friends everywhere this is the word of the Lord unto you all. 2
BX7732.F69 A57 An answer to a paper which came from the papists lately out of Holland who goeth about to vindicate the Pope, Jesuits, and papists ... / 2
BX7732.F69 C66 Concerning Christ the spiritual and holy head over his holy church and his church's stedfastness, and confidence, and unity, and oneness in him / 2
BX7732.F69 D45 A demonstration to the Christians in name without the nature of it how they hinder the conversion of the Jews ..
A demonstration to the Christians in name without the nature of it how they hinder the conversion of the Jews.
BX7732.F69 E52 An encouragement for all to trust in the Lord who hath the breath of all mankind, and their souls, in His hand and how that not a sparrow shall fall to the ground without the will of the Father ... / 2
BX7732.F69 F48 A fevv vvords to all such (whether papists or Protestants) as observe dayes contrary to Christ and his apostles and several weighty things concerning the cross of Christ and the headship of the Church, wherein the Pope is proved to be a false and a counterfeit head, and a robber of the honour due to Christ the true head of the true Church ; also The Quakers challenge to the papists, and The Quakers testimony concerning magistracy /
A few queries for Thomas Moor the elder, Thomas Moor the younger, John Horn, or for any of them or any other, to answer
A few plain vvords by vvay of querie and information to the teachers and people of the nation
BX7732.F69 G46 A general epistle to Freinds [sic]
A general epistle to Friends and all people to read over and consider in the fear of God ... /
BX7732.F69 H96 The hypocrites fast and feast not God's holy day hat-honour to men, man's institution not God's : presented to the view and consideration of papistical and Protestant time servers and day-observers, vvill-worshippers and persecutors, and satisfaction of the moderate inquirer / 2
BX7732.F69 I36 Iconoclastes, or, A hammer to break down all invented images, image-makers and image-worshippers shewing how contrary they are both to the law and gospel. 1
BX7732.F69 P36 A paper sent forth into the world from them that are scornfully called Quakers declaring the grounds and reasons why they deny the teachers of the world (who profess themselves to be ministers) and dissent from them. 2
BX7732.F69 P47 The pearle found in England this is for the poor distressed, scattered ones in forraigne nations, from the royall seed of God and heires of salvation called Quakers, who are the church of the living God, built up of living stones in England, a visitation and uniting to the pearl of God which is hid in all the world that every one may turn into himselfe and there feel it and find it / 2
BX7732.F69 P74 The priests fruits made manifest and the vanity of the world discovered, who are given up to their hearts lust, to run out of one fashion into another : also a few words to the city of London / 1
BX7732.F69 P76 The Protestant Christian-Quaker a sufferer by reliques of popery under all powers for thirty years last past who have persecuted for religion yet call the Holy Scriptures their rule, that justifieth no such practice / 1
BX7732.F69 S27 Scriptiunculæ quædam Anglico-Latinæ, magistratibus de insula Maltensi et imperatori domus de Austria etiam et omnibus ejus principibus, Galliæ regi, et omnibus potestatibus sub ejus ditione, Hispanorum regi, et denique Romane pontifici, exhibitæ = Some papers given forth in English & Latine to the magistrates of the Isle of Milita, and to the emperour of the House of Austria, and to all the princes under him, to the King of France and to all the powers that be under him, to the King of Spain, and lastly, to the Pope /
Scriptiunculæ quædam Anglico-Latinæ, magistratibus de insula Maltensi et imperatori domus de Austria etiam et omnibus ejus principibus, Galliæ regi, et omnibus potestatibus sub ejus ditione, Hispanorum regi, et denique Romane pontifici, exhibitæ = Some papers given forth in English & Latine to the magistrates of the Isle of Milita, and to the emperour of the House of Austria, and to all the princes under him, to the King of France and to all the powers that be under him, to the King of Spain, and lastly, to the Pope /