Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX7732 .P37 |
A call in the universal spirit of Christ Jesus to all the wicked and impenitent sinners in the world, but more especially to the inhabitants of England, with the city of London, that they all may repent and turn to God, with all their hearts, before his wrath be more kindled, and his future judgements more appear to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their manifold horrible sins and transgressions : this came upon me to write, at the apprehension I had of that sudden fear which many people were surprised with, at the late earthquake, of what would befall them / A discovery of Satan's wiles and his subtile devices in transforming himselfe into the likeness of truth ... also some of the false marks of the false prophets are discovered and the cause of the innocent pleaded against the lyes and slanders lately printed ... / An exhortation to all Friends, who are of late convinced of the way of the everlasting God, and have a true breathing to walk in true obedience unto him. A call in the universal spirit of Christ Jesus to all the wicked and impenitent sinners in the world, but more especially to the inhabitants of England, with the city of London, that they all may repent and turn to God, with all their hearts, before his wrath be more kindled, and his future judgements more appear to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their manifold horrible sins and transgressions : this came upon me to write, at the apprehension I had of that sudden fear which many people were suprised with, at the late earthquake, of what would befall them / |
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BX7732 .P45 | The speech of William Penn to His Majesty upon his delivering the Quakers address. | 2 |
BX7732 .P46 |
Concerning God's seeking out his Israel likewise concerning the principle of lief [i.e. life] whereby he seekth them and the way of their closing with his spirit therein : as also concerning the two covenants under one whereof he pleaseth to exercise and prepare them for the life and inheritance which he hath treasured up for them in the other : with a postscript relating some things necessary for lost man to be acquainted with in his travels from his lost estate / The testimony of Isaac Pennington concerning liberty of conscience and church government. Also Edward Burrough his Vision of the flock needfull to be seriously considered of by you (called Quakers) among whom it is plainly fulfilled and proved a true vision and not a dream of his own making / A brief account of some reasons (amongst many that might be given) why those people called Quakers cannot do some things ... Somewhat spoken to a weighty question concerning the magistrates protection of the innocent wherein is held forth the blessing and peace which nations ought to wait for and embrace in the later dayes ; with some considerations for the serious and wise in heart throughout this nation to ponder ... also a brief account of what the people called Quakers desire in reference to the civil government ... / A question propounded to the rulers, teachers, and people of the nations of England, for them singly to answer in their hearts and consciences in the fear and dread of the Almighty God ... Concerning God's seeking out his Israel likewise concerning the principle of lief [i.e. life] whereby he seekth them and the way of their closing with his spirit therein : as also concerning the two covenants under one whereof he pleaseth to exercise and prepare them for the life and inheritance which he hath treasured up for them in the other : with a postscript relating some things necessary for lost man to be acquainted with in his travels from his lost estate / Jeremy Ives sober request proved in the matter of it to be false, impertinent and impudent |
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BX7732 .P46 1694 | A key opening the way to every common understanding how to discern the difference between the religion professed by the people called Quakers, and the perversions, misrepresentations and calumnies of their several adversaries, both upon their principles and practices : with an exhortation all people to consider their religion and ways and to turn speedily to the Lord / | 2 |
BX7732 .P46 1699 | A key opening the way to every common understanding how to discern the difference between the religion professed by the people called Quakers, and the perversions, misrepresentations and calumnies of their several adversaries, both upon their principles and practices ; with an exhortation to all people to consider their religion and ways, and to turn speedily to the Lord / | 2 |
BX7732 .P47 |
J.P., the follovver of the Lamb, to the sheperd's flock, salutation grace and peace is with you in the spirit of power and life and be infinitely multiplied unto you, amen. A visitation of love and gentle greeting of the Turk and tender tryal of his thoughts for God ... to which is annexed a book entituled, Immanuel the salvation of Israel / |
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BX7732 .P59 | Friendly anecdotes : collected and arranged by Irvin C. Poley [and] Ruth Verlenden Poley / | 1 |
BX7732 .P69 | The spirit of envy, lying, and persecution made manifest for the sake of the simple hearted, that they may not be deceived by it : being an answer to a scandalous paper of John Harwoods, who in words professeth God, but in his works doth deny Him, as may appear by what is herein written / | 2 |
BX7732 .R4 | Truth vindicated. Or, An answer to a letter sent from John Perrot out of Jamaica into England, &c. | 1 |
BX7732 .R43 |
The love of God is to gather the seasons of the earth and their multitudes into peace in opening the Scriptures and the mysteries of the revelations to them and their multitudes that they may come to live in obedience to the Gospel power ; doing the work of God through the son of Peace, which Son of Peace is Christ the Lord. The love of God is to gather the seasons of the earth and their multitudes into peace in opening the Scriptures and the mysteries of the revalations to them and their multitudes that they may come to live in obedience to the Gospel power ; doing the work of God through the son of Peace, which Son of Peace is Christ the Lord. |
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BX7732 .R52 1675 | To the anti-Quaker Misorcus concerning oaths | 1 |
BX7732.R53 L35 | A Lamentation in tender bowels of love over thee, Oh England that thou mayst return to the Lord in humility and seek him, yet while he may be found / | 1 |
BX7732 .R82 |
An answer to a scandalous paper of T. Hicks, term'd A rebuke to T.R. &c with a reassumption our former complaint and charge against T. Hicks / An answer to a scandalous paper of T. Hicks, term'd A rebuke to T.R. &c. with a reassumption our former complaint and charge against T. Hicks / |
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BX7732 .S35 | William Salmon's answer to Jeremiah Ives's request. | 1 |
BX7732 .S46 | A declaration unto all, both priests and people first to the priests that they may read themselves and see their shame, secondly that people may know their bondage and to whom they are in bondage to / | 2 |
BX7732 .S47 | A Serious warning and caution unto George Keith and to many others as also a relation of some expressions from George Keith, concerning his reasons which he then gave, for opposing and exposing the Quakers, when at his place at Turner's-hall : the intention of the publication of which, and more that is in this paper contain'd, is proposed for a publick and general good of all. | 1 |
BX7732 .S48 | Several living testimonies | 2 |
BX7732 .S527 | A paper shewing who are the true spouse of Christ and who are not | 2 |
BX7732 .S5274 | Sound things asserted first in the Kings own words, secondly from late experience, thirdly from Scipture truth, fourthly according to reason and equity : and certain things opened ... by way of inquiry thereupon ... being intended for the good of the King ... and all persons under him ... / | 2 |
BX7732 .S547 | The standing truth in which may be seen how every ones house is ordered and how their families are provided and what peace they have in their dwellings and whether they be Christians or infidels ... also a narrative of the some unjust and cruel dealings by William Pocklington of North Collington ... against William Smith of Besthorp ... / | 2 |