Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX7732 .T37 | The Testimony of the Hartford Quakers for the man Christ Jesus vindicated from the malicious slanders, perversions, confusions, impertinencies and idle quibling of William Haworth an independent-preacher ... : with a brief and serious reply by Mary Stout to what concerns her in Christianity re-established, which ... John Crook and William Bayly have discovered ... unto which the substance of this tract will serve for an appendix. | 2 |
BX7732 .T39 | Gods controversie with England declared, or, A warning-word by way of reproof to the inhabitants thereof ... | 2 |
BX7732 .T39 1670 | To the King. | 1 |
BX7732 .T47 |
A Testimony of tender advice and counsel given forth from our half-years meeting in Dublin, the 9th of the 9th month, 1688, to all that are convinced of the blessed truth and make profession thereof throughout this nation of Ireland. A Testimony from the people of God called Quakers against many lying and slanderous books and a ballad lately published in envy and malice to render the said people odious, and accusing them of things they are clear of. A Testimony against John Pennyman's lyes, slanders, and false accusation of blasphemy &c A Testimony to the Lord's power and blessed appearance in and amongst children wherein is expressed the great love of God to them .. A Testimony to the Lord's power and blessed appearance in and amongst children wherein is expressed the great love of God to them. A Testimony against John Pennyman's lyes, slanders, and false accusation of blasphemy &c. |
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BX7732 .T73 |
A snake in the grass, caught and crusht, or, A third and last epistle to a now furious deacon in the Church of England, the Reverend Mr. George Keith with some remarks on my former epistles to him, especially that against plunging in baptism / A second friendly epistle to Mr. George Keith and the reformed Quakers who are now convinced that water baptism is an ordinance of Christ ... / A reprimand for the author of a libel entituled George Keith an apostate ... written by a church-man |
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BX7732 .T96 | An anti-christian conspiracy detected, and Satan's champion defeated being a reply to an envious & scurrilous libel without any name to it, called, Work for a cooper : being also a vindication of my book, entituled, The antiquity of the Quakers ... / | 2 |
BX7732 .U55 |
The Unfortunate Quaker an account of the strange and wonderful manner how one Mrs. Cockbid, one of those people called Quakers, the wife of an eminent glover, at the Hand and Glove in Low-Holborn was found miserably scorch'd and parch'd to death. The Unfortunate Quaker an account of the strange and wonderful manner how one Mrs. Cockbid, one of those people called Quakers, the wife of an eminent glover, at the Hand and Glove in Low-Holborn was found miserably scorch'd and parch'd to death .. |
2 |
BX7732 .U57 | Unto the youth of our friends (called Quakers) in the city of Bristol, and elsewhere, and others who may be concerned herein. To be read and practised in the fear of God, in which it was given forth. | 1 |
BX7732 .V65 | A tender invitation unto all those that want peace with God, by reason of the burden of sin that keeps them from acceptance with the Lord Jesus, and from an assurance of salvation, though it be very desirable to them. | 1 |
BX7732 .W3 | Mr. Keith no Presbyterian nor Quaker but George the apostate deduced from proofs both clinched and riveted in a second letter to himself / | 2 |
BX7732 .W37 | To all rulers and magistrates in England, and all men in authority from the highest to the lowest a few sober words tendred to your serious consideration, which you are desired to read with moderation. | 2 |
BX7732 .W447 | An appendix, being some sober and short animadversions upon certain passages in Tho. Hick's Dialogue and Continuation of the dialogue by which his unchristian spirit is further detected to the world : also a collection of those doctrines and principles which have been chiefly controverted between us ... by ... Thomas Hicks and others of the Baptist perswasion ... / | 2 |
BX7732 .W54 |
This to be delivered to the counsellors that are sitting in counsel as a warning from the Lord unto them before the terrible day come (that warning shall be no more) ... / A general epistle to be read amongst friends in all their meetings A lamentation unto this nation and also a warning to all people of this present age and generation with the voice of thunder sounded forth from the throne of the Lord God : and this is more particularly a warning unto the inhabitants of England and is to go abroad thorow all parts of this nation. The Quaker vindication against Francis Bugg's calumnies in his scandalous pamphlet stiled, Something in answer to the allegations of the Quakers A charitable essay, in order to allay the outrage of a contentious apostate inverting his error (from true Christian faith and charity) upon him, in his book, falsly stiled, New Rome unmask'd, &c. |
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BX7732 .W56 |
A general testimony to the everlasting truth of God partly intended for the iuh[a]bitants [sic] of Nether-Broughton in the county of Leicester : wherein there is some short relation of the manner of my convincement, and also, some few of the sufferings which were inflicted upon me by some of the said inhabitants for my faithful testimony, which I bare for God and his blessed truth : with copies of two letters sent to the spiritual or ecclesiastical court (so called) in Leicester or ele-where [sic], where they are found persecuting the innocent for their consciences to God : and the court's answer, whereby their cruelty may be seen, and also how willing they are to keep men in prison, and how unwilling or unable they are to give a reason of their faith concerning their practice, church and worship : with a postscript to them and the priests / A general testimony to the everlasting truth of God partly intended for the iuh[a]bitants [sic] of Nether-Broughton in the county of Leicester : wherein there is some short relation of the manner of my convincement, and also, some few of the sufferings which were inflicted upon me by some of the said inhabitants for my faithful testimony, which I bare for God and his blessed truth : with copies of two letters sent to the spiritual or ecclesiastical court (so called) in Leicester or ele-where [sic], where they are found persecuting the innocent for their consciences to God : and the court's answer, whereby their cruelty may be seen, and also how willing they are to keep men in prison, and how unwilling or unable they are to give a reason of their faith concerning their practice, church and worship : with a postscript to them and the priests / |
2 |
BX7732 .W64 | A warning and testimony from the Lord who lives and abides forever that all that have known the Lord get into the name of the Lord therein only to have their confidence ... / | 2 |
BX7732 .W66 |
A brief relation of the state of man before transgression shewing how man transgressed and lost his unity with God and what the state of man is in the transgression and restored into unity with God again : also, the state of the true Christians, with the state of the apostates discovered ... : with a word to the gathered people in Melcombe, who are in a society with George Thorne, falsly called a minister : together with some queries propounded unto him with desire of an answer : as also coppies of two several letters written unto him / A brief relation of the state of man before transgression shewing how man transgressed and lost his unity with God and what the state of man is in the transgression and restored into unity with God again : also, the state of the true Christians, with the state of the apostates discovered ... : with a word to the gathered people in Melcombe, who are in a society with George Thorne, falsly called a minister : together with some queries propounded unto him with desire of an answer : as also coppies of two several letters written unto him / An allarm to the inhabitants of the earth that they all may be awakned [sic] and shake off their poluted garments, and meet the Lord with speedy repentance ... and here is a warning to all rulers, magistrates, and men in authority, that they all do that which is just and right ... also a salutation to the children of Light, who are turned to the Lord especially to them in Dorcet shire / |
3 |
BX7732 .W96 | The antiquity of the Quakers proved out of the Scriptures of truth published in love to the papists, Protestants, Presbyterians, Independents, & Anabaptists : with a salutation of pure love to all the tender hearted Welsh-men but more especially to Flint-shire, Denbigh-shire, Carenarvon-shire, and Anglesea / | 2 |
BX7732 .Y42 | Poetical tales, founded on facts / | 1 |
BX7732.Z32 F48 | A few words in tenderness to the well-meaning professors, suiting the present season | 1 |
BX7732 Db .E32 | One blow at the feet of the imposing formal Quaker's image: or, Rather an epistle of love and good will to them, to shew them their great weakness (if not folly) in saying thee and thou ... / | 1 |