Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX7733 .C72 |
A short, but a strict account taken of Babylons merchants vvho are now forcing the sale of their old, rusty, cankered ware upon the people of these nations : and a stretching them out by their line (which as they say) is the Scriptures in the New Testament, as they call themselves Christian ministers : also a comparing them with those that spake them forth as their examples that all people may see with whom they run paralel [sic] / A short, but a strict account taken of Babylons merchants vvho are now forcing the sale of their old, rusty, cankered ware upon the people of these nations : and a stretching them out by their line (which as they say) is the Scriptures in the New Testament, ad they call themselves Christian ministers : also a comparing them with those that spake them forth as their examples that all people may see with whom they run paralel [sic] / |
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BX7733.C72 L35 |
A lamentation over thee O London with thy rulers and people who hast slighted the day of thy visitation and resisted the spirit of the Lord and despised His counsel. A lamentation over thee O London with thy rulers and people who hast slighted the day of thy visitation and resisted the spirit of the Lord and despised His counsel .. |
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BX7733.C72 T48 1682 | A testimony concerning the vvorks of the living God. Shewing how the mysteries of his workings hath worked many wayes in and amongst mankind. Or, The knowledge of God revealed, which shews the way from the bondage of darkness into the liberty of the Sons of God. | 1 |
BX7733.C72 T61 | To all you Protestant persecutors, whether magistrates, priests or people, this is for you to reade | 2 |
BX7733 .C74 |
Several sermons, or, Declarations of Mr. Stephen Crisp, late of Colchester in Essex, deceased exactly taken in characters or shorthand as they were deliver'd by him in the publick meeting houses of the people called Quakers, in Gracechurch-Street and Devonshire-House, London / The third and last volume of the sermons of Mr. Stephen Crisp late of Colchester Essex, deceased containing XII declarations upon several divine subjects : exactly taken in short-hand as they were deliver'd by him at the publick meeting-houses of the people called Quakers ... and now faithfully transcribed and published : with some of his prayers after sermon. The second volume of the sermons or declarations of Mr. Stephen Crisp late of Colchester in Essex, deceased exactly taken in characters or short hand as they were delivered by him at the publick meeting-houses of the people called Quakers ... and now faithfully transcribed and published : with some of his prayers after sermon. The counterfeit discover'd. Innocency vindicated: in answer to a pamphlet entituled A few words to Nath. Coleman's epistle, &c. ... Published for clearing the truth, not out of love to, or desire of contention. |
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BX7733 C74 | A word of reproof to the teachers of the world vvhich may be of use for the tryal of t[h]eir wayes ... : with an invitation and warning to them and all people to turn from iniquity ... / | 2 |
BX7733 .C74 1693 | Several sermons, or, Declarations of Mr. Stephen Crisp, late of Colchester in Essex, deceased exactly taken in characters, or shorthand, as they were delivered by him at the publick meeting-houses of the people called Quakers, in Grace-Church-Street and Devonshire-House, London / | 2 |
BX7733.C74 C57 | Christ all in all. Opened in a sermon / | 1 |
BX7733.C75 C6 1695 | The counterfeit uncover'd. | 1 |
BX7733 .C76 |
An epistle for unity to prevent the wiles of the enemy to be read in all the churches of Christ / Compassion to all the sorrowful, afflicted, visited, tempted, suffering seed whether inwardly or outwardly in the city of London or elsewhere in England. |
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BX7733 C76 | Glad-tydings proclaimed to the upright in heart who walk in the light of life and judgment pronounced against Bablyon and her merchants whose reward must be according to her deserts. | 2 |
BX7733 .D2 |
A certaine warning from a naked heart before the Lord to the earthly, wise, great, and honourable men, and inhabitants of the earth, and to all among them, without respect of persons, that knowe not the rocke of ages ... : with a quick loud thundring alarum, sounded in the holy mountain, of the Lords house of holinesse that the inhabitants and great men of the earth might be awakened ... : given forth from the hand of a friend to the whole creation ... / A certaine warning from a naked heart before the Lord, to the earthly, wise, great, and honourable men, and inhabitants of the earth, and to all among them, without respect of persons, that know not the rocke of ages, the light, the higher power, the sure foundation, the truth, the way, the life, which is the grace that brings salvation that appeares to all men, as saith the Scripture, Titus 2.11. : With a quick loud thundring alarum, sounded in the holy mountaine, of the Lords house of holinesse that the inhabitants and great men of the earth might be awakened, and tremble, and cease from idolitry, and prepare to meet the mighty God, the everlasting light and life of men, who sheweth to man what is his secret thoughts, Amos 4.12,13. : Given forth from the hand of a freind [sic] to the whole creation, and of precious soules (of the sons and daughters of men without respect of persons) that lyeth under the bondage of corruption, a freind [sic] and servant to him that's arising to smite the earth with the rod of his mouth. / A certaine warning from a naked heart before the Lord to the earthly, wise, great, and honourable men, and inhabitants of the earth, and to all among them, without respect of persons, that knowe not the rocke of ages ... : with a quick loud thundring alarum, sounded in the holy mountain, of the Lords house of holinesse that the inhabitants and great men of the earth might be awakened ... : given forth from the hand of a friend to the whole creation ... / / |
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BX7733.D4 G46 | A general epistle given forth from the spirit of the Lord to be read in his fear in the assemblies of the church of the first-born, gathered in these northern-countries, and in all countries and islands where ever the people of the Lord are scattered over the face of the earth / | 2 |
BX7733.D4 (INTERNET) | A general epistle given forth from the spirit of the Lord to be read in his fear in the assemblies of the church of the first-born, gathered in these northern-countries, and in all countries and islands where ever the people of the Lord are scattered over the face of the earth / | 1 |
BX7733.D4 T6 | To all the faithful and suffering members in all holes, prisons and gaoles, for the word of God, and testimony of Jesus Christ, with the rest of the faithfull, wherever scattered upon the face of the earth. | 2 |
BX7733.D4 W67 | The word of the Lord to all the inhabitants in England from the highest to the lowest, that they may know his determination, and so be entreated to break off from their sin, in true obedience unto him, that they may escape in the day of his dreadful appearance when no flesh shall stand before him / | 2 |
BX7733 .D42 |
A Declaration from the harmless & innocent people of God called Quakers against all sedition, plotters & fighters in the world, for the removing of the ground of jealousie and suspition from both magistrates and people in the kingdome concerning wars and fightings. A Declaration from the harmles & innocent people of God called Quakers against all plotters and fighters in the world, for the removing of the ground of jealousie and suspition from both magistrates and people in the kingdoms concerning wars and fightings .. |
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BX7733 .D44 | A Declaration from the people of God called Quakers against all seditious conventicles, and dangerous practises of any who under colour or pretence of tender conscience, have, or may contrive insurrections, the said people being cleer from all such things, in the sight of God, angels and men. | 1 |
BX7733 .D48 |
The discovery of mans return to his first estate by the operation of the power of God in the great work of regeneration with a word to all saints who set their faces towards Sion ... : a word to the back-slider who hath tasted of the good word of God ... : with a discovery of mystery-Babylon and her merchants .... / The discovery of mans return to his first estate by the operation of the power of God in the great work of regeneration with a word to all saints who set their faces towards Sion to seek the Lord their God ... : a word to the back-slider who hath tasted of the good word of God ... : with a discovery of mystery-Babylon and her merchants .... / To the faithfull in Christ who have stood in his council, the light, to be led in the foot-steps of the flock of the companions, and to all that professe the light of Christ to be their guide. |
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BX7733 .D48 1656 | The discovery of mans return to his first estate, by the operation of the power of God in the great work of regeneration with a word to all saints, who set their faces towards Sion ... : a word to the back-slider, who hath tasted of the good Word of God ... : with a discovery of mystery-Babylon, and her merchants .... / | 2 |