Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX7733.F69 D4 1664 | Dear Friends, Keep your meetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that never fell, in which you may see over all the meetings that are gathered by all the sons of Adam ... | 1 |
BX7733.F69 E93 |
An exhortation to all people to pureness, cleanness, and holiness, and faithfulness to the Lord An exhortation to all that profess themselves Christians and say the scripture is their rule for their life doctrine and practice / |
2 |
BX7733.F69 G46 | A general epistle and a tender greeting sent unto the flock of Christ | 1 |
BX7733.F69 G67 | Gospel family-order being a short discourse concerning the ordering of families, both of whites, blacks, and Indians / | 1 |
BX7733.F69 S42 | The secret works of a cruel people made manifest whose little finger is become heavier than their persecutors the bishops loyns who have set up an image amongst them in New-England ... which may be seen in this short relation of their cruelty, which was presented to the Parliament ... whereunto is annexed a copy of a letter which came from one who hath been a magistrate among them .. | 1 |
BX7733.F69 S65 | Something in answer to such as falsly say the Quakers are no Christians who as yet have not proved themselves such Christians as they were in the Apostles days, in life and practice, which they should have done before they had accused others / | 1 |
BX7733.F69 T45 1664 | This is a controversy betwixt the Quakers and the Papists. Being answers to several papers, and replies to the answers of the Romish spiritual Aegyptian Sea, whose tongue hath of late spoke, and Sea hath the late swelled; but the bounds, which is the power of God, which the apostles was in, keeps it from over-flowing. And also here is some queries for them to answer, and also a challenge for them to come forth to try their Christ and God, which they make of bread and wine, to the people called Quakers, and not to be ashamed of him, for we are not ashamed of Christ before men. For they that love the light will bring their deeds to the light, that it may be manifest whether they be wrought in God yea or no, Joh. 3. Whereunto is added an answer to a paper of Henry Forts, one who is turned against the truth. / | 1 |
BX7733.F69 T57 | Three general epistles to be read in all the congregations of the righteous who are gathered out of the house of Adam ... into the house of Christ who never fell to be read among them / | 1 |
BX7733.F69 T6 | To the called of God who believes in the light of the Lambe to be read in their assemblyes in the pure dread of the Lord. | 2 |
BX7733.F792 |
A declaration and an information from us the people of God called Quakers, 1660 Women Writers Project first electronic edition / This was given to Major General Harrison and the rest, 1660 Women Writers Project first electronic edition / Women's speaking justified, 1667 Women Writers Project first electronic edition / An evident demonstration to Gods elect, 1660 Women Writers Project first electronic edition / |
4 |
BX7733.F8 T47 | A testimony to the true light which is the way of life and righteousness to all thar [sic] obey it, and are subject to its requirings : being a serious admonition to all people to turn to the Lord ... / | 2 |
BX7733.G5 C47 |
A Christian-testimony born by the people of God in scorn called Quakers in London in their patient suffering the taking away and spoiling of their goods for non-payment of tythes to the parish priests. A Christian-testimony born by the people of God in scorn called Quakers in London continued in their patient suffering the taking away of their goods for non-payment of tythes to the parish priests. |
3 |
BX7733 .G52 | Universal love being an epistle given forth by the Spirit of God / | 2 |
BX7733.G66 T78 |
A true relation what sentence was passed upon the servants of the Lord by one who is in commission to do justice, called by the world Sir William Walter, with the consent of the rest of those called justices, that sat upon the bench with him at that time, because we could not swear for conscience sake, but abide in the doctrine of Christ, who saith swear not at all. A true relation what sentence was passed upon the servants of the Lord by one who is in commission to do justice, called by the world Sir William Walter, with the consent of the rest of those called justices, that sat upon the bench with him at that time, because we could not swear for conscience sake, but abide in the doctrine of Christ, who saith swear not at all .. |
2 |
BX7733 .G67 | Christianity vindicated, or, The fundamental truths of the Gospel concerning the person of Christ and redemption through faith in him maintained against the cavils and groundless exceptions of Andrew Robeson and George Keith, Gawen Lawrie and George White-head, who are called by the name Quakers : being a reply to a book published by these men in opposition unto a book intituled A testimony to the true saviour / | 2 |
BX7733.G7 T78 |
A trumpet sounded out of Zion as a warning to all the inhabitants of the earth, but more especially to this nation of England, which hath for a long time provoked the Lord by oppression and cruelty in persecuting his sons and daughters. A trumpet sounded out of Zion as a warning to all the inhabitants of the earth, but more especially to this nation of England, which hath for a long time provoked the Lord by oppression and cruelty in persecuting his sons and daughters .. |
2 |
BX7733 .G73 |
The prisoners vindication with a sober expostulation and reprehension of persecutors / A call out of gross darkness and idolatry into the light to wak [sic], which is the way of life ... with a word of advice and information ... / A voice of comfort sounded forth and sent into the world to all the mourners in Zion who are born of the birth immortal wherein is declared the purpose of the living God concerning the righteous and the wicked / An epistle by the life of truth in the love of God to all the bretheren in England greeting who are called Quakers. A general epistle to the whole flock of God wheresoever scattered upon the face of the earth who are among men called Quakers, whether in prisons or sentenced for transportation or in any other tryals or temptations whatsoever unto you and for your sakes ... / An epistle by the life of truth in the love of God to all the bretheren in England greeting who are called Quakers .. |
10 |
BX7733.G84 T6 | To the children of Friends, and other young people belonging to Falmouth, and elsewhere | 1 |
BX7733.H3 T62 |
To all people that profess the eternal truth of the living God this is a true and real demonstration of the cause why I have denied and do deny the authority of George Fox. To all people that profess the eternal truth of the living God this is a true and real demonstration of the cause why I have denied and do deny the authority of George Fox .. |
2 |
BX7733.H3 W3 | A vvarning to the rulers in Surrey, &c. with a true relation of some of the passages at Kingston sessions, set forth for the prevention of false reports. | 1 |