Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX7733.H4 B3 | The backslider bewailed, the careless warned: and the faithful encouraged. With true desires, and living breathings for the preservation of the whole Israel of God. / | 1 |
BX7733 .H44 | A salutation from the breathings of the life to the faithful in the kingdome and patience of Jesus Christ | 2 |
BX7733 .H6 | To the camp of the Lord in England | 2 |
BX7733.H6 S6 | Some observations upon a sermon bearing the name of Mr. Astley's; preached in opposition to a testimony, and sign unto them, of their spiritual nakedness; wherein he is found to wrest and pervert the scriptures : to be ignorant of the truth, as it is in Jesus; and consequently no minister of Christ, &c. / | 1 |
BX7733 .H63 | A general epistle to the dispersed and persecuted flock of Christ Jesus in the dominion of England and all parts and regions where this shall come who have believed in Christ the Light of the World and now suffers for his names sake / | 1 |
BX7733 .H68 |
A general epistle to all who have believed in the light of the Lord Iesus and are called of God to follow the lamb through the great tribulation Truth lifting up its head above slander in an answer to Thomas Jackson, late priest of Stoke in Sussex, his lying paper which he left in the north of England / |
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BX7733 .H82 |
A short answer to a book called The fanatick history published with the approbation of divers orthodox divines (so called) and dedicated to the king by Richard Blome (against the Quakers) : which being examined and tried, is found to be a packet of old lies, many of which was seven years since presented to the Little Parliament, and since to other parliaments and protectors, which by us was answered and confuted in the year 1653 many other lies and false reports is gathered up since by them, which herein is answered and disproved : and herein also is a short relation of the twelve changes of governments which have bin in this nation in those eight years, under all of which we have suffered and been persecuted for that truth, which we yet stand witnesses for, against all its opposers / Something that lately passed in discourse between the King and R.H The real cause of the nations bondage and slavery here demonstrated and the way of their freedome from their sore and hard bondage asserted presented unto the Parliament ... / My dearly beloved Friends and brethren whom the Lord hath reached unto and visited with his heavenly power, by which you have been gathered to himself to eat of the finest of the wheat A short answer to a book called The fanatick history published with the approbation of divers orthodox divines (so called) and dedicated to the king by Richard Blome (against the Quakers) : which being examined and tried, is found to be a packet of old lies, many of which was seven years since presented to the Little Parliament, and since to other parliaments and protectors, which by us was answered and confuted in the year 1653 many other lies and false reports is gathered up since by them, which herein is answered and disproved : and herein also is a short relation of the twelve changes of governments which have bin in this nation in those eight years, under all of which we have suffered and been persecuted for that truth, which we yet stand witnesses for, against all its opposers / Something that lately passed in discourse between the King and R.H. |
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A letter of examination to all who have assumed the place of shepherds, herdsmen, and overseers of the flocks of people of all sorts in Christendom : to see if your accounts be ready and what order the flocks be in : with a few lines of good news to the several flocks. A tender salutation of perfect love unto the elect of God the royal seed, the saints of the most high, who have believed the testimony of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and walks in the light that hath enlightened every man that comes into the world. A epistle to the flock of Christ being a heavenly portion distributed from th[e] love of God. The counterfeit convert, a scandal to Christianity and his unjustly opposing Quakerism to Christianity justly reprehended : and the true Christ, and Holy Scripures [sic] confessed by the Quakers : in opposition to two scandalous books falsly styled I. Quakerism withering, and Christianity reviving, II. Animadversions on G. Whitehead's book, Innocency triumphant. The he-goats horn broken, or, Innocency elevated against insolency & impudent falshood in answer to two books against the people of God called Quakers : the one intituled, A fuller discovery, which is stuffed with such a multitude of lyes, slanders, and perverting the truth, as the like hath not been extant : the authors of which are John Horn, Thomas Moore Senior, and Thomas Moore Junior : and the other book is falsely called truth's triumph by John Horn : which are answered for the information of the people, and the clearing of the servants of God, and the way of truth to the simple hearted from the lyes, delusions and fallacies that have proceeded from the spirit of Antichrist and blasphemy, in these men aforesaid, who profess themselves ministers of Christ but are proved ministers of Satan and unrighteousness / A short answer to a book called The fanatick history published with the approbation of divers orthodox divines (so called) and dedicated to the king by Richard Blome (against the Quakers) : which being examined and tried, is found to be a packet of old lies, many of which was seven years since presented to the Little Parliament, and since to other parliaments and protectors, which by us was answered and confuted in the year 1653 many other lies and false reports is gathered up since by them, which herein is answered and disproved : and herein also is a short relation of the twelve changes of governments which have bin in this nation in those eight years, under all of which we have suffered and been persecuted for that truth, which we yet stand witnesses for, against all its opposers / A general epistle to all who have believed in the light of the Lord Iesus and are called of God to follow the lamb through the great tribulation A just enquiry into the libeller's abuse of the people called Quakers in his scandalous pamphlet, falsly stiled, Some of the Quakers principles, doctrines, laws and orders, &c. The prisoners vindication with a sober expostulation and reprehension of persecutors / A general epistle to the flock of God, but more particularly in Cumberland A general epistle to the dispersed and persecuted flock of Christ Jesus in the dominion of England and all parts and regions where this shall come who have believed in Christ the Light of the World and now suffers for his names sake / To the camp of the Lord in England Truth lifting up its head above slander in an answer to Thomas Jackson, late priest of Stoke in Sussex, his lying paper which he left in the north of England / A just censure of Francis Bugg's address to the Parliament against the Quakers Herein is held forth the gift and good-will of God to the world and how it is tendered. The discovery of mans return to his first estate by the operation of the power of God in the great work of regeneration with a word to all saints who set their faces towards Sion to seek the Lord their God ... : a word to the back-slider who hath tasted of the good word of God ... : with a discovery of mystery-Babylon and her merchants .... / |
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BX7733.J3 R45 | Remarks upon A letter from a gentleman in the country to his friend in London and upon a relation of some Norfolk clergy of a conference between them and some Quakers ... / | 2 |
BX7733 .J32 |
The strong man armed cast out and his goods spoiled, or, The poor man sitting at Jesus's feet clothed and in his right mind being a true convert's testimony of the power of the Lord in turning the soul from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God ... / The friendly enquirer's doubts and objections answered concerning the light within, the word of God, the church of Christ, gospel ministers, ordinances in general and in particular, water baptism, and the Lord's supper : together with a brief testimony against oaths and swearing / A testimony of truth with an exhortation of love unto such as are convinced by Gods light ... which is able to save their souls ... that so the adversary of their souls everlasting welfare may never prevail against any ... and they fall short of the race and of the purchased possession prepared for all them that in faithfulness perservere until the end / |
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BX7733 .J32 1698a | The friendly enquirer's doubts and objections answered: Concerning [bracket] The light within. The word of God. The church of Christ. Gospel ministers. Ordinances in general and in particular. Water baptism, and the Lord's supper. Together with a brief testimony against oaths and tithes. / | 1 |
BX7733 .J35 | Sermons, phonographically reported. | 1 |
BX7733 .J36 | An epistle from Thomas Janney to Friends of Cheshire, and by them desired to be made publick. | 2 |
BX7733.K4 M7 1700 | Mr. Keith's sermon, preach'd on May the 12th, 1700. At Dr. Bedford's church, being Saint George Butolphs-Lane, by Billings-Gate. On Luke the 1st and verse 6th. | 1 |
BX7733.L19 S8 1685 | A stop to the false characterizers hue-and-cry and a reproof to their unfruitful works of darkness. Wherein the folly of B.C. and L.K. is greatly manifested and their malice & envy detected. | 1 |
BX7733 .L39 | The inward and spiritual Christian distinguished from the outward nominal and notional and a generation of men in these dais parallel'd with the scribes and pharisees of thos daies that profess, say, and do not, that persecute others for religion, but will not stand to it themselves : with an exhortation to people to come to the Spirit of God and truth in their hearts that in it they may worship the living God that made them. | 2 |
BX7733.L39 1668 | Eine Antwort auf ein Buch in lateinischer Sprache ausgegeben; genant der Unflaht der Quäcker abgemahlet nach ihren Aufkommen (Fortgang) und greulichen Leeren. Ausgegeben durch Johan. Joachim Zentgraff. Gutgeheissen von Johan Conradus Danhauer &c. | 1 |
BX7733 .L46 | A treatise of election and reprobation in vindication of the universal grace and love of God to mankind | 2 |
BX7733 .L6 | The twelve pagan principles, or opinions, for which Thomas Hicks hath published the Quaker to be no Christian | 2 |
BX7733.L6 C57 | The Christian a Quaker, the Quaker a Christian demonstrated in a letter to a most worthy person in this city giving answer to the little book lately published, and now reprinted, entituled A dialogue between a Christian and a Quaker : whereunto is added a postscript to the reader. | 2 |