Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7732.Z32 F48 A few words in tenderness to the well-meaning professors, suiting the present season 1
BX7732 Db .E32 One blow at the feet of the imposing formal Quaker's image: or, Rather an epistle of love and good will to them, to shew them their great weakness (if not folly) in saying thee and thou ... / 1
BX7732 Db .P47 A visitation of love and gentle greeting of the Turk and tender tryal of his thoughts for God ... to which is annexed a book entituled, Immanuel the salvation of Israel / 1
BX7733.A1 B7 A vindication of the Christian Quakers, from the malicious insinuations, in a late pamphlet, said to be signed on their behalf by D.S. 1
BX7733.A1 C66 The Concurrence & unanimity of the people called Quakers in owning and asserting the principal doctrines of the Christian religion demonstrated in the sermons or declarations of several of their publick preachers ... / 2
BX7733.A1 F53 Thomas Crisp's envy detected and folly manifested herein and the addition following by R.R. being an answer to his book entituled, The fourth part of Babels, &c. / 2
BX7733.A1 F67 For the King, and both Houses of Parliament, sitting at Westminster, and for every member thereof to read 2
BX7733.A1 F69 Hidden things brought to light, or, The discord of the grand Quakers among themselves discovered in some letters, papers and passages written to and from George Fox, James Nayler, and John Perrott : wherein may be seen the cause and ground of their differences and falling out and what manner of spirit moved and acted each of them. 2
BX7733.A1 L38 A faithful warning with good counsel and advice to the rulers & magistrates in England that they not countenance wicked and merciless men to oppress and spoil the innocent under pretence and colour of a law / 2
BX7733.A1 M36 A manifestation of divine love, or, Some spirituall breathings consisting of two generall epistles, directed in manuscript to the flock of God in the west of England : where they were read to the great refreshment of many, and now out of a sincere desire that Friends in all parts of this nation (and others) may participate of that unfeigned love herein manifested, these things / 2
BX7733.A1 S24 A Salutation or testimony of true and brotherly love as it did arise in our hearts, unto all as are concerned therein 1
BX7733.A1 V5 A vindication of the Quakers from the aspersion cast upon them of being papists, and likewise to shew, that they are not against fighting when there is just cause for it. : As is apparent by the following abstract of their own writings, which are published at this juncture to undeceive the simple, and for the better united of all Protestants against the common enemy. 1
BX7733 .A35 The Holy Scripture owned, and the Athenians injustice detected, 1
BX7733 .A53 A sound out of Sion from the holy mountain which the Lord is establishing above all the mountains declaring the salvation of God which is near to be revealed to the captivated seed that waits for redemption : and the deceit of sinners laid open and witnessed against who make a profession of God, and yet cannot believe that they can be saved from sin while they live / 2
BX7733 .B3 A testimony to the power of God being greater than the power of Satan contrary to all those who hold no perfection here, no freedom from sin on this side of the grave / 2
BX7733.B3 F4 A few seasonable words to pass through Israel, as a warning, that all may take heed they do not betray their testimony, in this day of tryal, and hour of temptation, which is come upon all to try them, and if any be guilty hereof, to repent with speed and do so no more, for a short work will the Lord God make in the earth. 1
BX7733 .B36 A general epistle to the flock of God, but more particularly in Cumberland
An epistle to Friends shewing the great difference between a convinced estate and a converted estate, and between the profession of the truth and the possession thereof, with the comfort and sweetness to the soul it affordeth : with a few words of good counsel and wholesome advice both to parents and children /
BX7733 .B37 William Michel unmasqued, or, The staggering instability of the pretended stable Christian discovered his omissions observed, and weakness unvailed : in his late faint and feeble animadversions by way of reply to a book intituled Truth cleared of calumnies : wherein the integrity of the Quakers doctrine is the second time justified and cleared from the reiterate, clamorous but causeless calumnies of this cavilling cetechist [sic] /
A serious exhortation to the people of England to mind their present visitation it being the day of the Lord's love unto them /
A testimony against Jeffrey Bullock, his antichristian and foolish pamphlet stiled Antichrist's transformation within discovered by the light within wherein his perverse spirit, darkness and whimsical conceits are reprehended by the true light.
A seasonable warning and serious exhortation to, and expostulation with, the inhabitants of Aberdene concerning this present dispensation and day of Gods living visitation towards them.
BX7733.B37 (INTERNET) A seasonable warning and serious exhortation to, and expostulation with, the inhabitants of Aberdene concerning this present dispensation and day of Gods living visitation towards them. 1
BX7733 .B39 For the King and Parliament and his councel and teachers and to every individual person, superiour and inferiour, throughout the English nation that have a hand against the innocent people of God called Quakers, one visitation and warning more from the Lord unto you. 2