Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7733 .B39 1659 The blood of righteous Abel crying from the ground being a lamentation for and a warning too [sic] all that have a hand against the innocent people of God, especially intended for the rulers and priests in Hamshire ... / 2
BX7733.B39 W37 A warning from the spirit of truth, unto all persecutors, and enemies of the dear children of God, who follow the Lamb, and are the meek of the earth and a plain information and direction for the ignorant, who know not the way of God, nor the voice of his true prophet, who is the light and life of men ... / 2
BX7733.B4 S6 Spiritual discoveries to the overthrow of popery root and branch. Shewing that I. The steeplehouse is no church ... / 1
BX7733 .B52 1659 Herein is held forth the gift and good-will of God to the world and how it is tendered. 2
BX7733.B52 (INTERNET) A warning from the Lord God of life and power unto thee o city of London, and to the suburbs round about thee : to call thee and them to repentance & amendment of life, without which you cannot see God : be ye separated from your priests, and from your idolatrous worship, and touch not the unclean thing, that the Lord may receive you ... and something also to the scattered seed of God, which hath been held in bondage under Pharaoh the Task-master : who am hated by the unwise, and foolish in heart, and am reproachfully call'd a Quaker / 1
BX7733.B52 W37 A warning from the Lord God of life and power unto thee o city of London, and to the suburbs round about thee : to call thee and them to repentance & amendment of life, without which you cannot see God : be ye separated from your priests, and from your idolatrous worship, and touch not the unclean thing, that the Lord may receive you ... and something also to the scattered seed of God, which hath been held in bondage under Pharaoh the Task-master : who am hated by the unwise, and foolish in heart, and am reproachfully call'd a Quaker /
A warning from the Lord God of life and power unto thee o city of London, and to the suburbs round about thee : to call thee and them to repentance & amendment of life, without which you cannot see God : be ye separated from your priests, and from your idolatrous worship, and touch not the unclean thing, that the Lord may receive you ... and something also to the scattered seed of God, which hath been held in bondage under Pharaoh the Task-master : who am hated by the unwise, and foolish in heart, and am reproachfully call'd a Quaker /
BX7733.B52 W6 Wo to thee city of Oxford ... 1
BX7733 .B56 Faithful warning once more to the inhabitants of England calling them to repentance and amendment of life, before the day of their visitation comes to an end /
An epistle of love and tender advice, to friends and brethren in America, or elsewhere to live in the truth, that they may shew forth the virtue and effects of it in a holy life /
An epistle of tender love to friends in Ireland
BX7733.B57 B87 The burden of Babylon and the triumph of Sion 2
BX7733.B6 E6 An epistle to Friends. 1
BX7733.B6 F4 A few words to those who look for another dispensation than what is known by the faithful Christians in this day, putting off and slighting the present manifestation of God unto them, and so by their unfaithfulness to the Lord God, in not walking answerable to himfor [sic] his loving-kindness in his present manifestation unto them, put the day of the Lord far off from them, &c. 1
BX7733.B6 S2 A salutation of love from a prisoner for the testimony of Christ Jesus to his loving and kind neighbours. 1
BX7733 .B64 A justification of the righteous judgement of God on Nathaniel Smith who was a shoo-maker, who being ashamed of his own trade stiles himself in his book student in physick, whose lying mouth God hath set a stop to : as also a witness against Elizabeth Atkinson who is one in the same spirit with the said Nathaniel Smith, this being a testimony for that living truth in which Gods righteousness and salvation is received and injoyed ... /
A testimony in that which separates between the pretious [sic] and the vile and is for the friends and brethren who love the Lord Lesus [sic] Christ in sincerity and truth.
BX7733 .B65 1692 An expedient for peace, or Some Christian and reasonable proposals, once more renewed and offered again to Friends of Reading, conducing to an amicable composure of differences among them: with a healing epistle to them from Friends of Bristol, on both sides, tenderly advising them to meet all together again in their ancient publick meeting house. As also a seasonable expostulation and a persuasive to a reconciliation, with some remarkable testimonies added to promote the same and several objections against it answered, which may tend to a general service. 1
BX7733 .B65 1694 Hidden things revealed and brought to light: or, Plain and honest dealing with Will. Lamboll & John Buy, of Reading in the county of Berks, in some material queries proposed to them to be answered, &c. With the rest of those that were instrumental (in too large a degree) of the former or first separation wrought among Friends here in this town, and who are found still as instrumental for the upholding and continuance of the same, by their not returning with other Friends to the ancient publick meeting-house, the doors thereof having been opened ever since the 10th of the 9th month, 1693. which is now about 9 months since, for all Friends to meet together therein, as a peaceable Christian society ought to do, in the true love, fear and worship of almighty God, that so there might be no longer two divided publick meetings held and kept up in this town, both to the great reproach of truth, and stumbling of many of the tender inquiries after it. 1
BX7733 .B674 1667 To all justices of peace, or other magistrates to whom this may come. 1
BX7733 .B69 A looking-glass discovering to all people what image they bear by which the true Jew is known from the false, and the Christian in nature from him that is so in name only ... : with directions for such as live in error, how they may leave their error ... : with a few words to informers who make it their work to inform against their neighbours for meeting together peaceably in the fear of the Lord ... /
A looking-glass discovering to all people what image they bear by which the true Jew is known from the false, and the Christian in nature from him that is so in name only ... : with directions for such as live in error, how they may leave their error, how they may leave their error ... : with a few words to informers who make it their work to inform against their neighbours for meeting together peaceably in the fear of the Lord ... /
BX7733.B7 H6 We the servants and faithfull witnesses of the most high God ... 1
BX7733.B7 O55 A seasonable warning, and wholesome advice for merchants, owners and masters of ships, and that are occupied in the great waters, where the Lord, the Mighty Jehovah maketh his path.
Oh ye magistrates in and about this city of London.
BX7733.B75 F65 1694 Folly and envy detected: in some brief observations on a late scandalous pamphlet, subscribed by D.S. intituled, An answer to several passages, citations and charges, in a book published by Fran. Bugg, styled, New Rome arraigned, &c. / 1