Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX7734.A2 T56 |
The Quakers quibbles in three parts : first set forth in an expostulatory epistle to Will. Pfnn [i.e. Penn] concerning the late meeting held to Barbycan between the Baptists and the Quakers, also the pretended prophet Lod. Muggleton and the Quakers compared : the second part, in reply to a quibbling answer to G. Whiteheads, entituled The Quakers plainness ... : the third part, being a continuation of their quibbles ... / The second part of the Quakers quibbles, set forth in reply to a quibbling pretended answer of G. Whiteheads, intituled The Quakers plainness &c. : Wherein many more of their quibbles and equivocations are manifested. : Also the companion betwixt the pretended prophet Muggleton and the Quakers justified to be true, rational, and necessary : whereunto is added an advertisement to Mr. W. Penn, George Whitehead, and the Quakers. : Touching their Jesuitical shifts, evasions, and unparallel'd confidence; : their grand mystery of directing the intention : with their pope-like power to sanctify and unsanctify words / |
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BX7734.A2 T65 1679 | The foot out of the snare, or, A restoration of the inhabitants of Zion into their place, after their bewildered and lost estate by the operation of a violent power, and authority, wrought in the author by the Prince of Darkness, under an appearance of the the brightest light. Being a brief declaration of his entrance into that sect, called (by the name of) Quakers. With a short discourse relating what judgment he was learned in, by the ministryu of those people ... with the manner of his separation from them. / | 2 |
BX7734.A2 U53 1660 | Hell broke loose, or, An history of the Quakers both old and new setting forth many of their opinions and practices : published to antidote Christians against formality in religion and apostasie / | 2 |
BX7734.A2 V45 |
The foundation of God standeth sure, or, A defence of those fundamental and so generally believed doctrines of the Trinity of persons in the unity of the divine essence, of the satisfaction of Christ, the second person of the real and glorious Trinity, of the justification of the ungodly by the imputed righteousness of Christ, against the cavils of W.P.J. a Quaker in his pamphlet entituled The sandy foundation shaken &c. : wherein his and the Quakers hideous blasphemies, Socinian and damnably-heretical opinions are discovered and refuted ... / The foundation of God standeth sure, or, A defence of those fundamental and so generally believed doctrines of the Trinity of persons in the unity of the divine essence, of the satisfaction of Christ, the second person of the real and glorious Trinity, of the justification of the ungodly by the imputed righteousness of Christ, against the cavils of W.P.J. a Quaker in his pamphlet entituled The sandy foundation shaken &c. : wherein his and the Quakers hideous blasphemies, Socinian and damnably-heretical opinions are discovered and refuted ... / The foundation of God standeth sure, or, A defence of those fundamental and so generally believed doctrines of the trinity of persons in the unity of the divine essence, of the satisfaction of Christ the second person of the real and glorious Trinity, the justification of the ungodly by the imputed righteousness of Christ : against the cavils of W.P. J. a Quaker in his pamphlet entituled The sandy foundation shaken &c. : wherein his and the Quakers hideous blasphemies, Socinian, and damnably-heretical opinions are discovered and refuted, W.P.'s ignorance, weakness, falshoods, absurd arguings, and folly is made manifest unto all ... / |
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BX7734.A2 V69 | The voyce of the light unto the people called Quakers, in relation to tythes. | 1 |
BX7734.A2 W3 | Some observations on William Curtis with three queries to T.C. and the other Quakers in communion with him. | 2 |
BX7734.A2 W32 |
Quakery slain irrecoverably by the principal Quakers themselves, with a spiritual sword of their own forgery, whose names are here under-written their spreading spiritual murder cries up to heaven for justice, which appears clearly in this treatise ... / To all those called Quakers, even in the whole world: who are even all of them, herein infallibly proved to be condemned Pharisees, and odious hypocrites, and also that they all cannot possibly be any other but such wicked deluding people, even so long as they remain in their religion of Quakery ... written in love as a caveat, given to the persons of all Quakers ... as a further forewarning given to all tender-hearted, seeking, unsetled Christians. / |
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BX7734.A2 W44 |
The perfect pharisee under monkish holinesse opposing the fundamentall principles of the doctrine of the gospel, and scripture-practices of gospel-worship manifesting himselfe in the generation of men called Quakers, or, A preservative against the grosse blasphemies and horrid delusions of those, who under pretence of perfection and an immediate call from God, make it their business to revile and disturb the ministers of the gospel published for the establishing of the people of God in the faith once delivered to the saints, and in a speciall manner directed to beleevers, in Newcastle and Gateside. The son of perdition revealed by the brightness and light of the Son of God in his saints, and the preachers of his light within and their doctrines & principles (concerning the mysteries of God & the weighty things of salvation) vindicated and cleared ... / A further discovery of that generation of men called Qvakers by way of reply to an answer of James Nayler to The perfect Pharisee : wherein is more fully layd open their blasphemies, notorious equivocations, lyings, wrestings of the Scripture, raylings and other detestable principles and practices ... / The perfect pharisee under monkish holinesse opposing the fundamentall principles of the doctrine of the gospel, and scripture-practices of gospel-worship manifesting himselfe in the generation of men called Quakers, or, A preservative against the grosse blasphemies and horrid delusions of those, who under pretence of perfection and an immediate call from God, make it their business to revile and disturb the ministers of the gospel published for the establishing of the people of God in the faith once delivered to the saints, and in a speciall manner directed to beleevers, in Newcastle and Gateside. |
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BX7734.A2 W45 |
George Fox digg'd out of his burrowes, or, An offer of disputation on fourteen proposals made this last summer 1672 (so cal'd) unto G. Fox, then present on Rhode-Island in New England by R.W. : as also how (G. Fox slily departing) the disputation went on being managed three dayes at Newport on Rhode Island, and one day at Providence between John Stubs, John Burnet, and William Edmondson on the one part, and R.W. on the other : in which many quotations out of G. Fox and Edward Burrowes book ... are alleadged : with an appendix of some scores of G.F. his simple lame answers to his opposites in that book quoted and replyed to / George Fox digg'd out of his burrowes, or, An offer of disputation on fourteen proposals made this last summer 1672 (so cal'd) unto G. Fox, then present on Rhode-Island in New England by R.W. : as also how (G. Fox slily departing) the disputation went on being managed three dayes at Newport on Rhode Island, and one day at Providence between John Stubs, John Burnet, and William Edmondson on the one part, and R.W. on the other : in which many quotations out of G. Fox and Edward Burrowes book ... are alleadged : with an appendix of some scores of G.F. his simple lame answers to his opposites in that book quoted and replyed to / |
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BX7734.A2 W47 | A brief and modest reply to Mr. Penn's tedious, scurrilous and unchristian defence against the Bishop of Cork | 2 |
BX7734.A2 W53 | Antichrist's strongest hold overturned, or, The foundation of the religion of the people called Quakers bared and razed in a debate had with some of them in the castle at Lancaster and in an additional account of the light within ..., here also is shewed the occasion of their rise and growth, together with the right way of discovering their secret delusions ..., hereunto is annexed an appendix wherein their evil language is discovered ... / | 2 |
BX7734.A2 W54 |
An antidote against the venome of The snake in the grass, or, The book so stiled and the Christian people called Quakers vindicated from its most gross abuses and calumnies in certain reflections detecting the nameless author's malice, outrage, and persecution against the said people : unto which is annex'd a brief examination of the author's second book stil'd Satan dis-rob'd : also, some notice taken of his discourse for The divine institution of water-baptism. The spirit of delusion reproved, or, The Quakers cause fairly heard and justly condemned being an answer to William Penn, George Fox, George Whitehead, George Keith, Edward Burroughs, and several other the most leading men amongst them : wherein their horrid perversion and false and dangerous interpretations of above 50 distinct texts of Holy Scriptures are plainly evinced / An antidote against the venome of The snake in the grass, or, The book so stiled and the Christian people called Quakers vindicated from its most gross abuses and calumnies in certain reflections detecting the nameless author's malice, outrage, and persecution against the said people : unto which is annex'd a brief examination of the author's second book stil'd Satan dis-rob'd : also, some notice taken of his discourse for The divine institution of water-baptism. The gadding tribe reproved by the light of the Scriptures. Wherin the true Protestants are encouraged to hold fast their Christian profession, maugre the Beast (i.e.) the pope; or the image of the Beast (i.e.) the Quakers, and their followers: to whom is given a mouth to speak great things. / |
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BX7734.A2 W56 |
The spirit of Quakerism and the danger of their divine revelation in a faithful narrative of their malicious persecution of Henry Winder and his wife as murtherers at the publick assize at Carlisle / A penitent old disciple vindicated from the impudent clamours of Thomas Camm, in a book by him entituled, An old apostate expos'd. Wherein, for their necessary conviction, the virulent lying, forgery, deep hypocrisie, and self-contradiction of some Quakers, is further laid open / The quaking prophets two wayes proved false prophets, upon their own grounds laid down in an aiery [sic] whimsical answer to three queries ... vvith a discovery of their jugling the people out of their understanding ... also how Christ lighteneth every man that cometh into the world ... With a brief answer to three queries, sent by the Quakers to the author. / |
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BX7734.A2 W8 | Trepidantium malleus intrepidanter malleatus, or, The west-country wise-akers crack-brain'd reprimand (to a late book called Mr. Keith no Presbyterian, nor Quaker, but George the apostate) hammered about his own numscul being a joco-satyrical return to a late tale of a tub emitted by a reverend non-con at prsent residing not far from Bedlam / | 2 |
BX7734.A2 W9 1692 | The Athenian Society unvaild: or, Their ignorance and envious abusing of the Quakers detected and reprehended | 1 |
BX7734.A2 Y68 | William Penn and the Quakers either imposters or apostates, which they please proved from their avowed principles and contrary practices / | 1 |
BX7734.A2 Y68 1697 | William Penn and the Quakers either impostors, or apostates which they please: proved from their avowed principles, and contrary practices. By Trepidantium Malleus. | 2 |
BX7734 .A27 |
An abstract by way of index of some very unsound and some other very antichristian passages collected out of G. Whitehead's and W. Penns books, plainly contradicting their late creeds one signed by W. Penn at Dublin in Ireland on which the B. of Cork hath made some seasonable remarks, another signed by G.W., called A few positions of the sincere belief and Christian doctrine of the people called Quakers, both printed in this present year 1698. An abstract by way of index of some very unsound and some other very antichristian passages collected out of G. Whitehead's and W. Penns books, plainly contradicting their late creeds one signed by W. Penn at Dublin in Ireland on which the B. of Cork hath made some seasonable remarks, another signed by G.W., called A few positions of the sincere belief and Christian. |
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BX7734 .B96 | The scornfull Quakers answered and their railing reply refuted | 1 |
BX7734 .C74 |
A backslider reproved and his folly made manifest and his confusions and contradictions discovered in a short reply to a book lately published by Robert Cobbet called A word to the upright, who being turned from the light now makes it his work to war against it and them that walk in it; but his weapons are broken and in his own snare is he taken / A faithful warning & exhortation to Friends to beware of seducing spirits and to keep on the armour of light in simplicity and sincerity as their best armour in all their tryals |
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