Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7743.K4 J82 The Judgment given forth by twenty-eight Quakers against George Keith and his Friends with answers to the said judgment declaring those twenty-eight Quakers to be no Christians : as also An appeal (for which several were imprisoned &c.) by the said George Keith &c. to the early meeting Sept. 1692, with a full account of the said yearly meeting signed by seventy Quakers. 2
BX7743.K4 L48 A Letter on George Keith's advertisement of an intended meeting at Turners-Hall, the 29th of April 1697 2
BX7743.K4 M6 1696 Mr. George Keith, at Turners-Hall in Philpot-Lane, London, in 1696. Contradicting Mr. George Keith, at the Tolbooth of Aberdeen, in 1688. In fundamental points of the Christian faith. Demonstrated by quotations out of The exact narrative of the proceedings at Turners-Hall, &c. on the one hand: and quotations out of Immediate revelation not ceased, on the other hand. In a letter to himself. / 1
BX7743.K4 N37 A narrative of the proceedings of George Keith at Coopers-Hall in the city of Bristol, the 14th day of August 1700, in detecting the errors of Benjamin Cool, and his brethren the Quakers at Bristol which were read before a great auditory of ministers and other citizens and inhabitants : and divers other memorable passages between him and the Quakers at Bristol, particularly a dialogue at Coopers-Hall between a Quaker cobler and G. Keith, and another dialogue between some Quakers and G. Keith at B. Cool's house in Bristol : together with some of the chiefest Quotations out of the books of B. Cool and W. Penn, read at the same place, the same day /
A narrative of the proceedings of George Keith at Coopers-Hall in the city of Bristol, the 14th day of August 1700, in detecting the errors of Benjamin Cool, and his brethren the Quakers at Bristol which were read before a great auditory of ministers and other citizens and inhabitants : and divers other memorable passages between him and the Quakers at Bristol, particularly a dialogue at Coopers-Hall between a Quaker cobler and G. Keith, and another dialogue between some Quakers and G. Keith at B. Cool's house in Bristol : together with some of the chiefest Quotations out of the books of B. Cool and W. Penn, read at the same place, the same day /
BX7743.M9 M93 A serious examination of a pretended answer to a paper of judgment past at Yorke with a reply thereto : wherein several of the mistakes and errors in the said answer are manifested and detected and the proceedings of Friends against J.C., E.N., T.D., and JW., and their abettors are vindicated and cleared / 2
BX7743.P4 P4 The peoples antient and just liberties asserted in the tryal of William Penn and William Mead at the sessions held at the Old-Baily in London the first, third, fourth, and fifth of Sept. 70, against the most arbitrary procedure of that court. 2
BX7743.P455 W4 Whereas John Pennyman of late did bring or cause to be brought unto the Exchange, in London, several books and writings, and amongst others the holy Scriptures of Truth ... 1
BX7745 .M666 2021 Goatwalking. 1
BX7746 .F69 Concerning sons and daughters, and prophetesses speaking and prophecying in the law and the gospel and concerning womens learning in silence and also concerning womens not speaking in the church. 1
BX7746 .F69 1661 Concerning sons and daughters, and prophetesses speaking and prophecying, in the law and the gospel and concerning womens learning in silence and also concerning womens not speaking in the church .. 1
BX7747 Quaker brotherhood : interracial activism and the American Friends Service Committee, 1917-1950 / 2
BX7747 .A97 2012 Quaker brotherhood : interracial activism and the American Friends Service Committee, 1917-1950 / 1
BX7747.C82 S984 Syllabus of lectures on the vertebrata / 1
BX7747 .J3 A people among peoples : Quaker benevolence in eighteenth-century America. 1
BX7747 .J65 The Quakers as pioneers in social work (Studien über die Sozialpolitik der Quäker) 1
BX7747 .P57 For more than bread : an autobiographical account of twenty-two years' work with the American Friends Service Committee. 1
BX7747 .W4 1968 Some form of peace : true stories of the American Friends Service Committee at home and abroad / 1
BX7748.A6 O44 A signification from Israels God to Englands rulers and inhabitants, from the highest to the lowest, concerning what hereafter shall ensue 1
BX7748.A6 S36 A vvord from the Lord to the rulers and inhabitants of London, that they may repent for Gods judgements are threatned, and his anger is kindled against all the worshippers of idols, and a word of exhortation to all the tender sober people, to come out of Sodom before her destruction, that into the covenant they may be brought (the Light) there to rest in peace / 1
BX7748.A77 L36 2003 Quaker aesthetics : reflections on a Quaker ethic in American design and consumption / 1