Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX7739 .P46 | Just measures in an epistle of peace & love to such professors of truth as are under any dissatisfaction about the present order practis'd in the church of Christ / | 2 |
BX7740 .B65 1693x | The treacherous taken in his treachery, &c. | 1 |
BX7740 .P46 1672 | For the preachers and leaders of the people called Quakers ... the Lord, whose ambassador I am, both sent me hither at this time; and His message to you is this : that your long prayers, as well as your long preachinge, are an abomination unto Him / | 2 |
BX7740 .P56 2015 | Matrimony in the true church : the seventeenth-century Quaker marriage approbation discipline / | 1 |
BX7740 .P65 2016 | Matrimony in the true church the seventeenth-century Quaker marriage approbation discipline / | 1 |
BX7740 .S62 | Canons and institutions | 2 |
BX7740 .S65 1679 | A testimony for the truth and against deceit & deceivers with a reproof unto those who are not faithful to the truth which they are convinced of / | 1 |
BX7740 .T6 | To the Parliament of England, who are in place to do justice, and to break the bonds of the oppressed a narrative of the cruel and unjust sufferings of the people of God in the nation of Ireland called Quakers. | 2 |
BX7740 .T78 |
A True and impartial narrative of the eminent hand of God that befell a Quaker and his family at the town of Panton in Lincolnshire, who affirmed he was commanded of God to pronounce Mr. Ralph James preacher of the Gospel a leper. A True and impartial narrative of the eminent hand of God that befell a Quaker and his family at the town of Panton in Lincolnshire, who affirmed he was commanded of God to pronounce Mr. Ralph James preacher of the Gospel a leper .. |
2 |
BX7741.S27 R4 | A reviler rebuked, or, Abraham Bonifield's envy, falseness and folly, in his late book, called The cry of the oppressed, etc., laid open in this answer thereunto | 1 |
BX7741.S67 T3 1679 | A testimony for the truth and against deceit and deceivers with a reproof unto those who are not faithful to the truth which they are convinced of / | 1 |
BX7743.B87 C66 | A short accovnt of the vniust proceedings of the Court of Kingstone upon Thames in a tryal between Richard Mayo, priest and E. Burrough, the 31 of the fifth moneth, 1658. | 2 |
BX7743.F4 T4 | A Testimony against John Fenwick, concerning his proceeding about New-Cesaria or New-Jersey in the province of America. | 1 |
BX7743 .H3 | The case of James Haviland, of the Isle of Purbeck, in the county of Dorset, presented to the view of every impartial reader; but more particularly to the inhabitants of the isle and county aforesaid. | 1 |
BX7743 (INTERNET) | George Keith's vindication from the forgeries and abuses of T. Hick & W. Kiffin with the rest of his confederate brethren of the Barbican-Meeting held London the 28th of the 6th month, 1674 | 1 |
BX7743.J35 R62 | Rusticus ad clericum, or, The plow-man rebuking the priest in answer to Verus Patroclus : wherein the falsehoods, forgeries, lies, perversions and self-contradictions of William Jamison are detected / | 2 |
BX7743.K3 | A word to the wise of all perswasions. Upon G. Keith's publick abuses of the people called Quakers, at Turners-Hall. | 1 |
BX7743.K3 A12 no.5 | Edmund Elys his vindication of himself, from the calumnies thrown on him by G. Keith in a pamphlet, entituled, G.K's second narrative, p. 27 and 36. | 1 |
BX7743 .K4 |
George Keith's vindication from the forgeries and abuses of T. Hick & W. Kiffin with the rest of his confederate brethren of the Barbican-Meeting held London the 28th of the 6th month, 1674 The Christianity of the people called Quakers asserted, George Keith's vindication from the forgeries and abuses of T. Hick & W. Kiffin with the rest of his confederate brethren of the Barbican-Meeting held London the 28th of the 6th month, 1674. |
3 |
BX7743.K4 (INTERNET) |
A narrative of the proceedings of George Keith at Coopers-Hall in the city of Bristol, the 14th day of August 1700, in detecting the errors of Benjamin Cool, and his brethren the Quakers at Bristol which were read before a great auditory of ministers and other citizens and inhabitants : and divers other memorable passages between him and the Quakers at Bristol, particularly a dialogue at Coopers-Hall between a Quaker cobler and G. Keith, and another dialogue between some Quakers and G. Keith at B. Cool's house in Bristol : together with some of the chiefest Quotations out of the books of B. Cool and W. Penn, read at the same place, the same day / The plea of the innocent against the false judgment of the guilty being a vindication of George Keith and his friends, who are joyned with him in this present testimony, from the false judgment, calumnies, false informations and defamations of Samuell Jenings, John Simcock, Thomas Lloyd, and others joyned with them, being in number twenty eight : directed by way of epistle to faithful friends of truth in Pennsilvania, East and West-Jersey, and else-where, as occasion requireth. |
2 |