Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7795.B46 A3 1843 Extracts from the memorandum of Jane Bettle. 1
BX7795.B56 A25 2016eb Elise Boulding : writings on feminism, the family and Quakerism / 1
BX7795.B56 A25 2017eb Elise Boulding : a pioneer in peace research, peacemaking, feminism, future studies and the family : from a Quaker perspective / 1
BX7795.B56 E45 2017eb Elise Boulding autobiographical writings and selections from unpublished journals and letters / 1
BX7795.B56 M67 2005 Elise Boulding : a life in the cause of peace / 1
BX7795.B57 F46 1996 George Bishop : seventeenth-century soldier turned Quaker / 1
BX7795.B6 A3 1756 An account of the life, travels, and Christian experiences in the work of the ministry of Samuel Bownas.
An account of the life, travels, and Christian experiences in the work of the ministry of Samuel Bownas
BX7795.B8 H68 A testimony concerning the life, death, trials, travels and labours of Edward Burroughs that worthy prophet of the Lord who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, and the word of God, in the city of London, the 14th of the 12th month, 1662 / 2
BX7795.B8 (INTERNET) A testimony concerning the life, death, trials, travels and labours of Edward Burroughs that worthy prophet of the Lord who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, and the word of God, in the city of London, the 14th of the 12th month, 1662 / 1
BX7795.C18 B33 1987 Let this life speak : the legacy of Henry Joel Cadbury / 1
BX7795 .C37 A journal of the life of that faithful servant and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Will. Caton 1
BX7795.C37 M456 The Memory of that faithful servant of Christ, William Carter late of Cumberland (deceased) revived in the testimonies of certain faithful Friends given concerning him, his faithful ministry and blessed end. 2
BX7795.C47 A3 Two Quaker sisters / 1
BX7795.C5 J608 A journal or historical account of the life, travels, and Christian experiences, of that antient, faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Thomas Chalkley who departed this life in the Island of Tortola, the fourth day of the ninth month, 1741. 1
BX7795.C55 A3 1779  
BX7795 .C62 A Testimony concerning our dear & well-beloved friend and brother in the truth, William Coale who departed this life the 30th of the 8th moneth, in the year 1678. 1
BX7795.C73 A4 1895 Life and letters of Elizabeth L. Comstock / 1
BX7795.C755 A3 1991 Goatwalking / 1
BX7795.D5 B37 John H. Dillingham, 1839-1910 : teacher, minister in the Society of Friends, editor / 1
BX7795.D7 S65 Some testimonies of the life, death and sufferings of Amariah Drewet of Cirencester in Gloucestershire, lately deceased and to the way of life wherein he walked, whose living words upon his dying bed are worthy to be had in remembrance. 2