Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX830 1962 .V35 2011 | Vatican II : expériences canadiennes / | 1 |
BX830 1962 .V37 | Vatican II revisited : by those who were there / | 2 |
BX830 1962 .V3725 2008 | Vatican II : renewal within tradition / | 1 |
BX830 1962 .V3725 2008eb | Vatican II : renewal within tradition / | 2 |
BX830 1962 .W413 | Vatican II. / | 1 |
BX830 1962 .W445 2018 | Investigating Vatican II : its theologians, Ecumenical turn, and biblical commitment / | 1 |
BX830 1962 .W47 2007 | Vatican II : a sociological analysis of religious change / | 1 |
BX830 1962 .W5 | The Rhine flows into the Tiber : the unknown Council / | 1 |
BX830 1962 .Y9 | A new Pentecost : Vatican Council II: session 1 / | 1 |
BX830 1962 .Z913 | Commentary on the documents of Vatican II. / | 1 |
BX830 ebook |
El Vaticano II como software de la Iglesia actual En torno al Vaticano II : claves históricas, doctrinales y pastorales / Vaticano II : contexto, historia, doctrina / El espíritu sopla desde el Sur : las reformas de Francisco / |
4 |
BX830.1414.A5 F49 | Forschungen und quellen zur geschichte des Konstanzer Konzils / | 1 |
BX830.1414 .K4 | Die "Capita agendorum." : Kritischer beitrag zur geschichte der reformverhandlungen in Konstanz / | 1 |
BX830.1414 .R53 1882 | Chronik des Constanzer Concils 1414 bis 1418 / | 1 |
BX830.1962 A48D43 | Dictionary of the Council / | 1 |
BX830.1962 O27 2013 | Observing Vatican II : the confidential reports of the Archbishop of Canterbury's representative, Bernard Pawley, 1961-1964 / | 1 |
BX830.1962 ebook | Diccionario teológico del Concilio Vaticano II / | 1 |
BX830.787 .W34 | Diplomatic studies in Latin and Greek documents from the Carolingian Age / | 1 |
BX831 1967 .M8 | Synod '67 : a new sound in Rome / | 1 |
BX832 1899 ebook | El Concilio Plenario de América Latina Roma 1899. | 1 |