Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX8643.C68 B76 1996eb The refiner's fire the making of Mormon cosmology, 1644-1844 / 1
BX8643.C68 P38 1992 Science, religion, and Mormon cosmology / 1
BX8643.C68 P4 For time or eternity? / 1
BX8643.C84 M38 1994 The angel and the beehive : the Mormon struggle with assimilation / 1
BX8643.D4 B76 2012 In heaven as it is on earth : Joseph Smith and the early Mormon conquest of death / 1
BX8643.E46 Mormonism and the emotions : an analysis of LDS scriptural texts / 1
BX8643.E46 P76 2014 Mormonism and the emotions : an analysis of LDS scriptural texts / 1
BX8643.E54 G58 2012eb The prophecy of Enoch as restoration blueprint / 3
BX8643.E85 All Abraham's children : changing Mormon conceptions of race and lineage / 2
BX8643.E85 M38 2003 All Abraham's children : changing Mormon conceptions of race and lineage / 1
BX8643.E94 S74 2000 Evolution and Mormonism : a quest for understanding / 1
BX8643.E94 S74 2001 Evolution and Mormonism : a quest for understanding / 1
BX8643.G63 B43 1991 The Mormon concept of God : a philosophical analysis / 1
BX8643.G63 R63 1998 The Mormon doctrine of deity : the Roberts-Van der Donckt discussion, to which is added a discourse, Jesus Christ, the revelation of God : also a collection of authoritative Mormon utterances on the being and nature of God / 1
BX8643.G74 B76 2018 Disenchanted lives : apostasy and ex-Mormonism among the Latter-day Saints / 1
BX8643.G74 S73 2014 Standing apart : Mormon historical consciousness and the concept of apostasy / 1
BX8643.G74 S73 2014eb Standing apart : Mormon historical consciousness and the concept of apostasy / 1
BX8643.H65 P39 2005 Conservative Christian identity & same-sex orientation : the case of gay Mormons / 1
BX8643.H65 P43 1991 Peculiar people : Mormons and same-sex orientation / 1
BX8643.H65 P53 1997 A place in the kingdom : spiritual insights from Latter-Day Saints about same-sex attraction / 1