Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX8698 .A37 1999 The acts of the witnesses : the autobiography of Lodowick Muggleton and other early Muggletonian writings / 1
BX8698 .A37 1999eb BX8698 The Acts of the Witnesses : the Autobiography of Lodowick Muggleton and Other Early Muggletonian Writings. 1
BX8698 .B55 The blasphemer tried and cast: or, a more full narrative of the tryal of Lodowick Muggleton, on Wednesday the 17th of this instant January, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayly. : With a relation of the charges delivered to the jewry, and the sentence passed upon him for his most impious and horrid blasphemies. : Which was to stand three days in the pillory in three of the most eminent places in the city, and to have his books burnt before his face by the common hangman .. 1
BX8698 .H54 1983 The world of the Muggletonians / 1
BX8698 .L36 2016 Last witnesses : the Muggletonian History, 1652--1979 / 1
BX8698 .M83 A discourse between John Reeve and Richard Leader, merchant 2
BX8698 .R43 A remonstrance from the eternall God declaring severall spirituall transactions unto the Parliament, and Common-wealth of England, unto His Excellency, the Lord Generall Cromwell, the Councell of State, the Councell of Warre, and to all that love the second appearing of the Lord Jesus, the onely wise God and everlasting Father, blessed for ever /
A divine looking-glass, or, The third and last testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ whose personal residence is seated on his throne of eternal glory in another world : being the commission of the spirit, agreeing with, and explaining of the two former commissions of the law and Gospel, differing only in point of worship : set forth for the tryal of all sorts of supposed spiritual lights in the world, until the ever-lasting true Jesus, the onely high and mighty God, pesonally appear in the air with his saints and angels /
Joyful news from heaven, or, The last intelligence from our glorified Jesus above the stars wherein is infallibly recorded how the soul dieth in the body : also is discovered I. What is that which sleeps in the dust, II. The nature of its rest, III. The manner of its waking, IV. The mystery of the dispute between Christ and the woman of Samaria, as touching the true point of worship, clearly opened : wherein you have drawn up a divine charge against the teachers of the Baptists, with all other teachers publick and private, for counterfeiting the commission of the man Jesus, being therein convicted of spiritual high treason against Christ the great commissioner of heaven and earth : with a true relation of the kingdom of darkness, prepared for the cursed seed of Cain, world without end /
A transcendent spiritual treatise upon several heavenly doctrines from the Holy Spirit of the man Jesus, the only true God, sent unto all his elect as a token of his eternal love unto them, by the hand of his own prophet, beimg [sic] his last messenger, and witness, and forerunner of the visible appearing of the distinct personal God in power and great glory, in the clouds of Heaven, with his ten thousands of personal saints, to separate between the elect world, and the reprobate world, to all eternity : containing those several heads set down in the next page following /
A divine looking-glass, or, The third and last testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ whose personal residence is seated on his throne of eternal glory in another world : being the commission of the spirit, agreeing with, and explaining of the two former commissions of the law and Gospel, differing only in point of worship : set forth for the tryal of all sorts of supposed spiritual lights in the world, until the ever-lasting true Jesus, the onely high and mighty God, pesonally appear in the air with his saints and angels /
Joyful news from heaven, or, The last intelligence from our glorified Jesus above the stars wherein is infallibly recorded how the soul dieth in the body : also is discovered I. What is that which sleeps in the dust, II. The nature of its rest, III. The manner of its waking, IV. The mystery of the dispute between Christ and the woman of Samaria, as touching the true point of worship, clearly opened : wherein you have drawn up a divine charge against the teachers of the Baptists, with all other teachers publick and private, for counterfeiting the commission of the man Jesus, being therein convicted of spiritual high treason against Christ the great commissioner of heaven and earth : with a true relation of the kingdom of darkness, prepared for the cursed seed of Cain, world without end /
A transcendent spiritual treatise upon several heavenly doctrines from the Holy Spirit of the man Jesus, the only true God, sent unto all his elect as a token of his eternal love unto them, by the hand of his own prophet, beimg [sic] his last messenger, and witness, and forerunner of the visible appearing of the distinct personal God in power and great glory, in the clouds of Heaven, with his ten thousands of personal saints, to separate between the elect world, and the reprobate world, to all eternity : containing those several heads set down in the next page following /
BX8698 .R43 1653 Transcendent spirituall treatise upon several heavenly doctrines from the Holy Spirit of the man Jesus, the only true God, sent unto all his elect as a token of his eternall love unto them, by the hand of his owne prophet, being his last messenger, and witness, and forerunner of the visible appearing of the distinct personall God in power and great glory, in the clouds of heaven, with his ten thousands of personall saints, to seperate between the elect world, and the reprobate world, to all eternity containing those severall heads set downe in the next page following / by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton, the two last witnesses and true prophets of the man Jesus ... If any of the elect desire to speak with us concerning any thing written in this treatise, they may heare of us in Great Trinity Lane, at a chandlers shop against one Mr. Millis, a brown baker, neer the lower end of Bowlane. 1
BX8698 .R68 A general epistle from the Holy Spirit unto all prophets, ministers, or speakers in the world ... 2
BX8698 .S22 A prospective-glass for saints and sinners whereby may appear and be seen, 1. The authors life expressed in the first epistle, 2. That there is no true peace of mind in those that account themselves believers so long as they lead a corrupt life, 3. What great enemies the riches of this world, and poverty are to truth, 4. What that truth and true knowledge is, which giveth satisfaction to the mind of man in this life : and several other things necessary to salvation /
A prospective-glass for saints and sinners whereby may appear and be seen, 1. The authors life expressed in the first epistle, 2. That there is no true peace of mind in those that account themselves believers so long as they lead a corrupt life, 3. What great enemies the riches of this world, and poverty are to truth, 4. What that truth and true knowledge is, which giveth satisfaction to the mind of man in this life : and several other things necessary to salvation /
BX8698 .W54 A true representation of the absurd and mischievous principles of the sect, commonly known by the name of Muggletonians 2
BX8699.M8 S55 2016 Meiji chishikijin to shite no Uchimura Kanzō : sono hihan seishin to fuhen shugi no tenkai / 1
BX8699.N35 U65 1995 Bridging the gaps : contextualization among Korean Nazarene churches in America / 1
BX8699.N36 W5 1939 Pastor and people / 1
BX8701 .N534 The Children's new-church magazine. 1
BX8701 .N65 The New-Church review a quarterly journal of the Christian thought and life set forth from the Scriptures by Emanuel Swedenborg. 1
BX8701 .N7 New Jerusalem magazine. 1
BX8701 .N8 The New philosophy. 1
BX8701 .Nce9 The New-Jerusalem missionary 1
BX8711 .A2 1907 [Theological Works] 1