Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX890 .H6 1995 Seeing the future clearly : questions on future contingents / 1
BX890 .H87 The complete works of the Most Rev. John Hughes, D.D., Archibishop of New York Comprising his sermons, letters, lectures, speeches, etc. / 1
BX890 (INTERNET) Sancti Cæcilii Cypriani Opera
Scala perfectionis
Of true religion, hæresie, schism, toleration, and what best means may be us'd against the growth of popery
Symbolon theologikon, or, A collection of polemicall discourses wherein the Church of England, in its worst as well as more flourishing condition, is defended in many material points, against the attempts of the papists on one hand, and the fanaticks on the other : together with some additional pieces addressed to the promotion of practical religion and daily devotion /
Sancti Cæcilii Cypriani Opera recognita & illustrata a Joanne Fello, Oxoniensi episcopo. Accedunt Annales Cyprianici, sive, Tredecim annorum, quibus S. Cyprianus inter Christianos versatus est, brevis historia chronologicè delineata a Joanne Pearsonio, Cestriensi episcopo
Trueth triumphant, or, The late conversion of a learned doctor of Sorbon, D. Francis Cupif, Doctor of Diuinite; from poperie, to the profession of the true religion With the degradation of the fore-named doctor, for the cause fore-sayd, by the Facultie of Divinitie at Paris, in Iulie last, 1637. And the sayd D. Francis his answere to the decree thereof, most learnedlie and succinctlie set downe. /
BX890 .J53 1519a Concordia novi ac veteris Testamenti / 1
BX890 .J617 1964 The complete works of Saint John of the Cross : doctor of the Church / 1
BX890 .J62 1929 Obras / 1
BX890 .J62 1943 Obras de San Juan de la Cruz : edición y notas del p. Silverio de Santa Teresa / 1
BX890 .J6214 2003 Œuvres complètes : selon l'edición crítica espagnole / 1
BX890 .J623 1966 The collected works / 1
BX890 .J624 1872 Obras espirituales que encaminan a una alma a la mas perfecta unión con Dios en transformación de amor / 1
BX890.J64 H4 1927 Ioannis Saresberiensis Historiae pontificalis quae supersunt / 1
BX890 .L253 Penseé / 1
BX890 .L29 The Christian imagination : studies in religious thought. / 1
BX890 .L44 Lexique saint Bonaventure / 1
BX890 .L6 1963 Obras completas. : Ed. manual / 1
BX890 .L6 1991 Obras / 1
BX890 .M24 A legacy of lectures and verses / 1
BX890 .M266 Œuvres, précédées d'une / 1
BX890 .M28 Ransoming the time / 1
BX890 .M4 Opere minori / 1