Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX8763 .N5 Pentecostalism. 1
BX8763 .O54 2023 Oneness Pentecostalism : race, gender, and culture /
Oneness Pentecostalism : Race, Gender, and Culture /
BX8763 .S96 The Holiness-Pentecostal movement in the United States. 1
BX8764 .P46 2019 Pentecostal theology and ecumenical theology : interpretations and intersections / 1
BX8764 .W6 Culture and personality aspects of the Pentecostal Holiness religion / 1
BX8764.2 Pentecostals and Roman Catholics on becoming a Christian : spirit-baptism, faith, conversion, experience, and discipleship in Ecumenical perspective / 1
BX8764.2 .B88 2016 African Pentecostals in Catholic Europe : the politics of presence in the twenty-first century / 2
BX8764.2 L447 1994 Pneumatological ecclesiology in the Roman Catholic-Pentecostal dialogue : a Catholic reading of the third quinquennium (1985-1989) / 1
BX8765.5.A4 B59 1993 Restoring the faith : the Assemblies of God, pentecostalism, and American culture / 1
BX8765.5.A4 .N64 2007 Race and the Assemblies of God Church : the journey from Azusa Street to the "Miracle of Memphis" / 1
BX8765.5.A4 P66 2010 The Assemblies of God : godly love and the revitalization of American Pentecostalism / 2
BX8765.5.A45 A8 2007 People in glass houses : an insider's story of a life in and out of Hillsong / 1
BX8765.5.A45 N63 1993 Theory of social involvement : a case study in the anthropology of religion, state, and society / 2
BX8765.5.Z5 M55 1989 Don't call me brother : a ringmaster's escape from the Pentecostal church / 2
BX8765.5.Z5 Y66 2014 Renewing Christian theology : systematics for a global Christianity / 1
BX8765.5.Z56 M39 2006 African gifts of the spirit : Pentecostalism & the rise of a Zimbabwean transnational religious movement / 1
BX8765.6.A4 C55 2009eb Pentecostal churches in transition : analysing the developing ecclesiology of the Assemblies of God in Australia / 1
BX8765.6.Z7 H55 2017eb The Hillsong movement examined you call me out upon the waters / 1
BX8768.6.A45 Evangelical gypsies in Spain : the Bible as our promised land / 1