BX8965 .V8 1863
The position, relations and prospects of the United Synod in reference to the moral issues involved in the present war / |
1 |
BX8968.52 .L825 2015
For a continuing church : the roots of the Presbyterian Church in America / |
1 |
BX8969.2 .B68 1996
Presbyterian women in America : two centuries of a quest for status / |
1 |
BX8969.2 .H67 2000
Authentic congregations / |
1 |
BX8969.2 .K57 1997
What unites Presbyterians : common ground for troubled times / |
1 |
BX8969.2 .M35 1990
The Mainstream Protestant "decline" : the Presbyterian pattern / |
2 |
BX8969.5 -- G567 2014eb
Glory to god : words only (enlarged print edition) |
1 |
BX8969.5 H396 1910
Abwandlungsprodukte der Nitrosochloride semicyklischer Kohlenwasserstoffe. |
1 |
BX8969.5 M355 2017
Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers, Spanish Edition |
1 |
BX8969.5 .M87 2007
Music and the numinous / |
2 |
BX8969.5 P74 1985
Holy baptism ; and, Services for the renewal of baptism : the worship of God / |
1 |
BX8969.6 J646 2017
The Presbyterian Deacon, Korean Edition An Essential Guide. |
1 |
BX8982 .F57 1995
The Scottish high church tradition in America : an essay in Scotch-Irish ethnoreligious history / |
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BX8997.P4 C4 1876
Centenary memorial of the planting and growth of Presbyterianism in western Pennsylvania and parts adjacent : containing the historical discourses delivered at a convention of the synods of Pittsburgh, Erie, Cleveland, and Columbus, held in Pittsburgh, December 7-9, 1875 : with appendices and illustrations. |
1 |
BX8999.A83 A4 1997
They sought a land : a settlement in the Arkansas River Valley, 1840-1870 / |
1 |
BX8999.U54 U54 1863i
The position, relations and prospects of the United Synod in reference to the moral issues involved in the present war / |
1 |
Boundless dominion : providence, politics, and the early Canadian presbyterian worldview / |
1 |
BX9001 .B86 1994
The burning bush and a few acres of snow : the Presbyterian contribution to Canadian life and culture / |
1 |
BX9001 .B872 1994eb
The burning bush and a few acres of snow : the Presbyterian contribution to Canadian life and culture / |
1 |
BX9001 .H39 2012
The Covenanters in Canada : reformed Presbyterianism from 1820 to 2012 / |
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